This section will demonstrate from simple examples to complex ones how past fund data can be collected, cleaned, aggregated and analyzed using the Open Source Data Science Stack to yield insights. The basis for this is the Pandas Python library used for working with data sets that combines elements of Excel spreadsheet, the R language and SQL to offer an accessible framework that across our typical workload is more convenient or powerful than each of these tools on its own. Most importantly, it runs order of magnitude faster than an Excel worksheet would - which is the current format of presenting and analyzing Catalyst data for most users. Although Excel can be "forced" to perform statistical analysis and even machine learning as shown in John Foreman's excellent book Data Smart, it cannot do so without hogging resources and crashing if the datasets get too large.
Zipped CSV File of Aggregated Community Reviews Raw Data Fund-8
Zipped CSV File of Aggregated Community Reviews Raw Data Fund-9
Zipped CSV File of Aggregated Community Reviews Raw Data Fund-10
Zipped CSV File of Valid Proposal Assessor Reviews Raw Data Fund-11
Pandas is a an essential Python package (see OSDS) that we use a lot. It was designed for data manipulation and analysis by Wes McKinney in 2008, and has become an essential tool for data scientists and analysts due to its ability to handle diverse types of data and its rich in-built functionality. McKinney, who at the time worked in quantitative finance at quant hedge fund AQR Capital Management, developed Pandas to address the need for a more efficient and state of the art tool for data analysis in Python. His motivation was to enable more streamlined data manipulation, allowing users to spend less time on data preparation and more on deriving insights. He also wrote the excellent book Python for Data Analysis that was one of the first stepping stones for our own quant finance journey over the last decade. The 2nd edition is not great for integrating the newest ML and plotting packages but gives an outstanding start with Pandas from its very creator. For analyzing our initial demo datasets from Catalyst funds 8 to 10, where proposers submitted close to 1000 proposals each and several hundred community reviewers scored them and wrote scoring ratione, Pandas offers several key features:
Data Structures Pandas provides two primary data structures – Series (1-dimensional) and DataFrame (2-dimensional). These structures are optimized for performance and ease of use, enabling seamless handling of both numerical and textual data.
Data Cleaning and Preparation With Pandas, you can easily clean and prepare data by handling missing values, transforming data types, and performing operations like merging, reshaping, and filtering data.
Text and Numerical Analysis Pandas supports a variety of operations for both text and numerical data. It allows the user to leverage functions for text processing, such as string manipulation and applying regular expressions, alongside numerical operations like aggregation, descriptive statistics, and more.
GroupBy Functionality One of the most powerful features of Pandas is the groupby functionality. This allows splitting the data into groups based on some criteria, apply a function to each group independently, and then combine the results. For example, in analyzing Project Catalyst aggregate VCA/CA data, we can group proposals by proposers, reviewers, or other criteria, and then calculate average scores, count the length of comments by category, or perform other aggregations.
Integration with Other Libraries Pandas integrates well with other Python libraries such as NumPy for numerical operations, Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization, and Scikit-learn for machine learning, enhancing its utility for comprehensive data analysis. See section OSDS for the complete stack and how it builds nicely on Pandas.
Here is a simplified example of how to use Pandas to analyze Catalyst data to introduce the syntax:
# Import Pandas library
import pandas as pd
# Load data into a DataFrame
data = pd.read_csv('fundX.csv')
# Group by proposer and calculate the mean score for each proposer (assumes prior data cleaning or giving instructions to read_csv above)
mean_scores = data.groupby('proposer')['score'].mean()
# Group by reviewer and count the number of assessments each reviewer made
assessment_counts = data.groupby('reviewer')['assessments'].count()
# Display the results
As shown above, the Groupby object is a very useful data preparation step to avoid resource-consuming iteration and work database-like with our spreadsheet data. The first parameter to .groupby() can accept several different arguments:
- A column or list of columns
- A dict or pandas Series
- A NumPy array or pandas Index, or an array-like iterable of these
We can take advantage of the latter to group by for example bins of average scores etc.
A more detailed breakdown of how groupby works:
Split: The data is divided into groups based on some criteria. This criteria can be one or more columns in your DataFrame. When we call groupby on a DataFrame, we specify which column(s) we want to group by. This divides the DataFrame into multiple groups based on unique values in the specified column(s).
Apply: A function is applied to each group independently. This function can be a built-in aggregation function (such as sum, mean, count, etc.), a custom function, or even a combination of multiple functions. We apply various functions to each group. Common functions include aggregation: calculating a single value for each group, such as mean, sum, count, etc. Transformation: returning an object that's the same size as the group, typically used for normalization or other element-wise operations. Filtration: Returning subsets of the original object based on some group-wise criteria.
Combine: The results of the function applications are combined into a new DataFrame or Series. The results of the applied functions are combined into a new DataFrame or Series, which can be used for further analysis or visualization.
Similarity to SQL The groupby functionality in Pandas is conceptually similar to the GROUP BY clause in SQL. In SQL, GROUP BY is used to group rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows, like calculating the sum or average of each group. For example, in SQL, to calculate the average score per proposer:
SELECT proposer, AVG(score)
FROM data
GROUP BY proposer;
Similar to Pandas, SQL's GROUP BY clause splits the data into groups based on the specified column(s) and then applies aggregation functions to each group.
One of the major advantages of working with the Pandas DataFrame for this project is the ability to plot directly from the native dataset using Seaborn, Plotly, Matplotlib etc. Any changes, improvements or additional data happening in the DataFrame will immediately update our plots if we work with an interactive IPython notebook or an IDE like Spyder. If you want to take a deeper dive into the many possibilities of this, we can recommend RealPython as an entry to intermediate level free resource but there are countless MOOCs and ebooks on the subject thanks to Python's large scientific data community.
We start by importing Pandas, and loading the 3 available VCA files from the Funds data. The imports attempt to streamline the column names across different fund formats and category names, and try to cope with different language formats that may throw errors such as Vietnamese reviewer commentary etc.
Case Study: Working with fund data.
Catalyst funds VCA sheet F8, F9, F10.
# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
# Display working directory to extract data there
import os
# Read data into DataFrames for each fund and encode for non-English language reviews
fund8 = pd.read_csv('fund8.csv', encoding='cp1252')
fund9 = pd.read_csv('fund9.csv', encoding='cp1252')
fund10 = pd.read_csv('fund10.csv', encoding='cp1252')
# Display the column names to assess compatibility across funds
Next, we create one "Master" DataFrame across all funds, add a new column that reflect which fund each assessment is from, and also count the length of each Impact assessment. We do some further sanity checks like ensuring scores are numbers and comments are strings, and then go to calculate Groupby information and plot as desired. For this simple example, the predictive power is not so important. But it is still very interesting to note that reducing incentives for excellent and good assessments in Fund-10 have not reduced the amount of text that reviewers write. However, the risk of being filtered out for bad reviews has clearly motivated reviewers to write longer reviews if they want to give a "bad" review in Fund-9. In Fund=10, this effect disappeared. The interactive IPython notebook allows inline plotting. This may not be reflected in the markdown Github so there is a separate image of the output below even though as mentioned the predictive power of this exercise is not meant to be significant.
Case Study: Working with fund data.
Catalyst funds VCA sheet F8, F9, F10.
# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Read data into DataFrames for each fund and encode for non-English language reviews
fund8 = pd.read_csv('fund8.csv', encoding='cp1252')
fund9 = pd.read_csv('fund9.csv', encoding='cp1252')
fund10 = pd.read_csv('fund10.csv', encoding='cp1252')
# We streamline the data by using consistent labels across funds
fund8 = fund8.filter(['id','Assessor', 'Impact / Alignment Note', 'Impact / Alignment Rating'], axis=1)
fund9 = fund9.filter(['id','Assessor', 'Impact / Alignment Note', 'Impact / Alignment Rating'], axis=1)
fund10 = fund10.filter(['id','Reviewer', 'Impact Note', 'Impact Rating'], axis=1)
fund8.rename(columns={'Assessor':'Reviewer', 'Impact / Alignment Note':'Impact Note', 'Impact / Alignment Rating':'Impact Rating'}, inplace=True)
fund9.rename(columns={'Assessor':'Reviewer', 'Impact / Alignment Note':'Impact Note', 'Impact / Alignment Rating':'Impact Rating'}, inplace=True)
fund8['Fund'] = 'Fund8'
fund9['Fund'] = 'Fund9'
fund10['Fund'] = 'Fund10'
# Display the column names again to check if it worked as expected
# Concatenate the DataFrames
funds_agg = pd.concat([fund8, fund9, fund10])
# Ensure 'Impact Note' is a string and 'Impact Rating' is numeric
funds_agg['Impact Note'] = funds_agg['Impact Note'].astype(str)
funds_agg['Impact Rating'] = pd.to_numeric(funds_agg['Impact Rating'], errors='coerce')
# Create a new column for the length of 'Impact Note'
funds_agg['lenComment'] = funds_agg['Impact Note'].apply(len)
# Check the aggregated DataFrame
# Group by 'Fund' and calculate mean for 'Impact Rating' and 'Impact Note Length'
grouped_data = funds_agg.groupby('Fund')[['Impact Rating', 'lenComment']].mean()
# Display the results
# Configure IPython to display plots inline
%matplotlib inline
# Import plotting packages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Set the aesthetic style of the plots
# Create a pivot table with funds ordered
# Assuming 'Impact Rating' as columns, 'Fund' as index, and the values are the means of 'Impact Note Length'
pivot_table = funds_agg.pivot_table(values='lenComment', index='Fund', columns='Impact Rating', aggfunc=np.mean)
# Explicitly order the index for the funds
pivot_table = pivot_table.reindex(['Fund8', 'Fund9', 'Fund10'])
# Plotting the heatmap
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) # Adjust size as needed
heatmap = sns.heatmap(pivot_table, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".1f", linewidths=.5)
# Customizing the plot with labels and a title
plt.title('Heatmap of Average Impact Note Length by Impact Rating and Fund')
plt.xlabel('Impact Rating')
# Show the plot
And the values of the Groupby table are like this:
Fund | Rating | len Comment |
Fund8 | 4.06018 | 811.357448 |
Fund9 | 4.25205 | 1035.888232 |
Fund10 | 4.00382 | 859.273920 |
- Add Feasibility Rank & Note, 3rd category (Auditability or Value for Money Rank & Note) to make our result more meaningful.
- Improve the heatmap by removing values from chart and adding granularity to the color formatting. Averaging the score across scores resulting in a floating number helps.
As you would expect in a decentralized ecosystem, data sources and data gathering efforts are not just to be found in one place. Lido Nation API and Explorer are a great community-funded independent resource, among others.