- a11y color-contrast improvements (21a2746)
- remove unnecesary sui-studio dependency (f0153b8)
- wrong color name token (f7b1110)
- improve sui-studio accessibility lighthouse metrics (374d9b0)
- add option to save the coverage summary in a txt file (f809f88)
- bump deps update for security (5a59764)
- Add jest compatibility with test path on studio-dev (7f98fa7)
- Delete unnecesary conditional with isJestTest (e0f232b)
- Disable Test component if detect jest folder (04ba88f)
- Add jest command and template to sui-studio generate script (f392aa8)
- add more support to typescript (c75a1f2)
- add support to typescript (486ff09)
- bump ts versions (a5a0be2)
- restore original versions (60e1b77)
- restore package version (e022570)
- Use MAGIC_STRING to support sui-bundler with TS (75d6882)
- Use relative paths for monorepos (dcac529)
- add tests to npmignore (566fea3)
- packages/sui-studio: disable filesystem cache in dev mode (200c5f6)
- packages/sui-studio: upgrade Chai to fix vulnerability (d3363aa)
- packages/sui-studio: update gir-url-parse version (d4c9ef4)
- packages/sui-studio: update studio postinstall (7f78df7)
- packages/sui-studio: update studio generate install to avoid installing peer deps (815dba9)
- packages/sui-studio: Fix typo (9fc7585)
- packages/sui-studio: Add script to migrate component files to new structure (4dd2d57)
- packages/sui-studio: Fix typo and change return value to make it more verbose (c6d3584)
- packages/sui-studio: Remove unneeded break statement (38c759c)
- packages/sui-studio: Recover correct h1 h2 styles for API Tab (5048951), closes #1537
- packages/sui-studio: Remove h1 from SUI Studios (d80cd14), closes #1524
- packages/sui-studio: add studio name if necessary (bf47407)
- packages/sui-studio: add studio name title (0f0ec72)
- packages/sui-studio: remove box shadow (0808a94)
- packages/sui-studio: fix styles (3f28e2b)
- packages/sui-studio: update bottom padding in NavBar menu to 80px and reduce the sidebar heigh (3971e52), closes #1501
- packages/sui-studio: hide menu clicking on an overlay in mobile (b4f2631), closes #1503
- packages/sui-studio: replace #000 for a variable -black (cfef364)
- packages/sui-studio: Add a fill to the buttons icon (c553b73), closes #1500
- packages/sui-studio: adjust icon size (e726305), closes #1500
- packages/sui-studio: change display from flex to block (8495fe7), closes #1500
- packages/sui-studio: Remove THEMES redundant tab (87fbeae)
- packages/sui-studio: remove themes tabs (64474db)
- packages/sui-studio: Remove title of the Themes tabs (2c39a4a)
- packages/sui-studio: delete excess code (8f7f5ff)
- packages/sui-studio: Update node-fetch to latest v2 version (c2fa9e5)
- packages/sui-studio: exclude all node_modules src files (d1c4ae0)
- packages/sui-studio: add support for subcomponents context mapping (8d4e005)
- packages/sui-studio: Remove sui-mono dependency (c61d0d9)
- packages/sui-studio: Use latest git-url-parse (48211d9)
- packages/sui-studio: Update template (d9907e2)
- packages/sui-studio: Change name to be sure it is published (2b79954)
- packages/sui-studio: Remove not needed code (80dbb62)
- packages/sui-studio: Use for now prepare script on generating components (fcf42ba)
- packages/sui-test-e2e: Disable video if not needed (d2ee56c)
- packages/sui-studio: add .js extension to Component import on test code (5ac9d65)
- packages/sui-studio: Add more info about time used for copying files (33b93aa)
- packages/sui-studio: Use correct label (4c6d35c)
- packages/sui-studio: Use correct timeEnd (6ca93e5)
- packages/sui-studio: Rollback installing on demand dependency (2f11c94)
- packages/sui-studio: Rollback change for now (4f05bb6)
- packages/sui-studio: Use correct cwd on executing binary (a263c80)
- packages/sui-studio: Improve execution times and fix npx usage (786d3fd)
- packages/sui-studio: Install huge dependency only on-demand (4c6a2c8)
- packages/sui-studio: Upgrade dependencies across packages (6a6ee12)
- packages/sui-studio: recorder import, first i put 3rd party (765d9bc)
- packages/sui-studio: update studio text program help (0d87fa4)
- packages/sui-studio: define micromatch dep (20dbbb4)
- packages/sui-studio: filter test files by component path (bbdfd9b)
- packages/sui-studio: use glob pattern matching instead simple categories or components matchin (f8131a4)
- packages/sui-studio: Use new commander version (7e536a6)
- packages/sui-studio: Add support to headless on sui-studio test (8f51ca3)
- packages/sui-studio: Support more files besides the index (6d44722)
- packages/sui-studio: Ugrade fs-extra dependency and use same in all packages (9e13d32)
- packages/sui-studio: Upgrade dependencies (ce29ee0)
- packages/sui-studio: update fast-glob (8a4bac3)
- packages/sui-studio: fix studio import components (754f790)
- packages/sui-studio: import only selected test files (f1b34bf)
- packages/sui-studio: use pattern to avoid multiple patterns (srcPattern + pattern) (6ad0a36)
- packages/sui-studio: Use latest bundler and test dependencies (73b078d)
- packages/sui-studio: studio component test runner by category (98bbb37)
- packages/sui-bundler: Remove deprecation notices and add extensions for files (e151093)
- packages/sui-studio: Avoid showing duplicated themes (cf9349c)
- packages/sui-studio: Generate props definitions for components at build time (dfcb144)
- packages/sui-studio: Improve API generation info problems for studio on build time (ccf6114)
- packages/sui-studio: Log timing for some ops (72d1540)
- packages/sui-studio: Release new major version of sui-studio based on Webpack@5 (4b41c74)
- packages/sui-studio: Unify version of fast-glob (0479b54)
- packages/sui-studio: Use @s-ui/sass-loader instead old sass-loader (94d5bef)
- packages/sui-studio: fix lint error (f8d80dd)
- packages/sui-studio: Stop using not needed loader (9a7dc75)
- packages/sui-studio: Use colors from @s-ui/helpers instead dependency (da1cf07)
- packages/sui-studio: Use correct conditional (3adaf68)
- packages/sui-studio: Add check when no files are found and config is object by default (557a11b)
- packages/sui-studio: Create new copyfiles command and avoid using copyfiles package (88cc759)
- packages/sui-studio: fix prepare script to copy styles (5e9c0fd)
- packages/sui-studio: fix typo (b7e79f1)
- packages/sui-studio: Dont use return outside a function (0a51c9b)
- packages/sui-studio: Add new flag to create components using new compiler (8770599)
- packages/sui-studio: add categories env variable (9280ff2)
- packages/sui-studio: Upgrade dependencies (dd05b59)
- packages/sui-studio: Better error output (03ce37f)
- packages/sui-studio: Simplify @babel/cli version to use the same as others packages (629e759)
- packages/sui-studio: prettier spacing error (2b483c2)
- packages/sui-studio: add classname test agreement to the test template (d74ac7c)
- packages/sui-studio: skip test template (6a727bc)
- packages/sui-studio: Generate components demo with correct tab size (eaa7026)
- packages/sui-studio: force release (636ae02)
- packages/sui-studio: Add Babel package on index.html for dev mode (3ceb285)
- packages/sui-studio: add dev mode raw default style loading (2d87f1b)
- packages/sui-studio: Upgrade dependencies (1097bdc)
- packages/sui-studio: studio default style loading (ffaa2cd)
- packages/sui-studio: Reuse sui-test version if available (663e81f)
- packages/sui-studio: Update babel and fast-glob packages versions (0aab820)
- packages/sui-studio: Add coverage param for studio binary (dd9548c)
- packages/sui-studio: Prepare sui-studio for new sui-test (962293b)
- packages/sui-studio: Allow non existent repository field (6bf2b7f)
- packages/sui-studio: build relative demo components on only changes (617649e)
- packages/sui-studio: fix linting errors (099849e)
- packages/sui-studio: Make search case insensitive (0e87d0c)
- packages/sui-studio: Add package.json to demo with private field (e317067)
- packages/sui-studio: adapt only changes flag to studio 10 new structure (d61411d)
- packages/sui-studio: Use correct npmignore when generating components (adfd939)
- packages/sui-studio: Remove deprecated dependency but keep compatibility (71c65e6)
- packages/sui-studio: Use correct paths for themes on npm start (e70ea31)
- packages/sui-studio: studio demo should use src code instead lib (d1db917)
- packages/sui-studio: Avoid importing non existent styles (0576c0e)
- packages/sui-studio: Fix mocha version to 7 and remove deprecated option (6f78805)
- packages/sui-studio: mobile navbar behavior (fd3a671)
- packages/sui-studio: Remove and add some deps (39f08f3)
- packages/sui-studio: Use babel standalone from bundle and be more resilient (c70a44f)
- packages/sui-studio: Use client dependencies instead bundle (5611b08)
- packages/sui-studio: Use CodeMirror from window instead bundle (ea5bc7b)
- packages/sui-studio: Use copyfiles instead cpy for smaller deps size (cc1a637)
- packages/sui-studio: Use old babel/standalone (68994c9)
- packages/sui-studio: upgrade deps (191b742)
- packages/sui-studio: update testing-library/user-event version (e7e8cdd)
- packages/sui-studio: ignore leaks also for studio dev (c466cc8)
- packages/sui-studio: unnecesary spacings (0e6ebb4)
- packages/sui-studio: use latest babel-cli (cb84e11)
- sui-studio: studio workspace area scolling behavior workaround. (709cae7)
- packages/sui-studio: update package version number (2120171)
- packages/sui-studio: update user-events to 13.1.1 version (64daab4)
- packages/sui-studio: use better version to be in sync with React (866f0da)
- sui-studio: studio workspace area scolling behavior workaround. (b1b4417)
- packages/sui-studio: deploy (e10c6c1)
- packages/sui-studio: remove old tests imports (df9323f)
- packages/sui-studio: upgrade beta version (adb061d)
- META: use npm install directly (2e3e96c)
- packages/sui-studio: remove commands not used anymore provided by @s-ui/mono directly (13ab7b9)
- packages/sui-studio: Commands link, run, run-all, init, release and commit removed.
- packages/sui-studio: beta 5 version (8610c01)
- packages/sui-studio: beta 7 (d4c335b)
- packages/sui-studio: fix import test for studio dev (fe26bca)
- packages/sui-studio: fix reg exp for imported paths and clean demo dirs (9b34610)
- packages/sui-studio: get commits list from github api (32b7b7b)
- sui-studio: fix prop types warning for Style (7b1af48)
- packages/sui-studio: flat demo folder and support for generate (9b15900)
- packages/sui-studio: check and clean new paths before migrating (4068021)
- packages/sui-studio: import only new test files (2824901)
- packages/sui-studio: replace relative paths for absolute ones (272b635)
- packages/sui-studio: create new bin for migrations (7d125ff)
- packages/sui-studio: remove events (496f827)
- packages/sui-studio: replace old paths in demo migration script (2c309e9)
- packages/sui-studio: setupEnvironment with multiple contexts (37877cc)
- packages/sui-studio: ignore window global leaks (d4d9402)
- packages/sui-studio: move demo folder inside components (4a432e5)
- packages/sui-studio: upgrade react version (2a6705d)
- packages/sui-studio: upgrade react-dom (d71ce1f)
- sui-studio: add ref to mocha setup environment (557d14b)
- sui-studio: studio contextify component without loosing its reference (44f39b8)
- packages/sui-studio: fix sui studio dev error when test folder has been migrated (274ed62)
- packages/sui-studio: remove postinstall (332e2e8)
- packages/sui-studio: make test folder really optional (124ae63)
- packages/sui-studio: add test folder to npmignore file on generate new component (10cccdc)
- packages/sui-studio: add new command to migrate test folder structure (e5b7e6e)
- packages/sui-studio: use new folder structure when generating components (1bce422)
- packages/sui-studio: use new test folder structure for tests (4d3d7cc)
- sui-studio: add recaptcha globals to workbench (2f0c5d9)
- sui-studio: add @testing-library/react-hooks dependency (99bbd03)
- sui-studio: prevent recaptcha global leak (09483f7)
- sui-studio: add optional context to the setup environment (a62ca3e)
- sui-studio: add test timeout option (910ea54)
- sui-studio: fix sui test timeout condition (0c5d295)
- sui-studio: fix test timeout default value (0bc31b5)
- sui-studio: add core to global variables (37d7fd6)
- sui-studio: add core to global variables (1bb73b7)
- sui-studio: add internal global variables so mocha test doesn't fail (9ea6e38)
- sui-studio: upgrade dependencies (b1e47b3)
- sui-studio: Use latest and same commander version and avoid installing different versions (ab7d575)
- sui-studio: avoid bundling all styles on dev and fix scss linking (de6f2c4)
- sui-studio: fix dev mode when globals.js file is not available (7be0f82)
- sui-studio: bin scripts copyGlobals MOD (cded11a)
- sui-studio: dev mode and start mode with same background (144589d)
- sui-studio: lint (a51ce87)
- sui-studio: mode dev (d22c41b)
- sui-studio: add globals.js conf (7ce376e)
- sui-studio: fix styles not showing on start mode (2b5e202)
- sui-studio: import correctly styles with ESModules and simplify file (3bc7771)
- sui-studio-create: use latest version of husky (6a5fbfb)
- sui-studio: add missing import React from react for Raw component (15fdc2f)
- sui-studio: fix themes on dev mode (4f164f1)
- sui-studio: ignore test folder to publish (68a0daa)
- sui-studio: add again babel-cli to sui-studio (7fe7019)
- sui-studio: better support for extracting displayName (451ff04)
- sui-studio: fix missing variable (fbd8d6c)
- sui-studio: use latest sui-bundler (67b1ee6)
- sui-studio: use new react/jsx (1882a94)
- sui-studio: avoid importing React and use peerDependencies instead of dependencies (1ac6982)
- sui-studio: use native prepare script instead build (6eaabc9)
- sui-studio: some api doc tabs not working fine (4333233)
- sui-studio: theme not charged when changing between components despite of presenting it selecte (918d2c9)
- sui-studio: separate enormeus chunk in smaller ones to improve build and avoid crash (6ab2cb1)
- sui-studio: use better chunk naming to avoid twice js (53a8ace)
- sui-studio: improve chunk names to understand better what we're bundling (0b0c371)
- sui-studio: add more verbose errors on studio regarding tests (8583f45)
- sui-studio: use new sui-test major (2172b61)
- sui-studio: more resilient way to get Component.displayName (ebdf2a7)
- sui-studio: add reusable way to add context to components (0fd6113)
- sui-studio: reuse context method (90eedb2)
- sui-studio: simplify patcher mocha (50ce50b)
- sui-studio: simplify runtime mocha (f577692)
- sui-studio: stop using deprecated context (f523613)
- sui-studio: stop using old withContext utility (8935e03)
- sui-studio: copy UXDEF static file (9b52ad0)
- sui-studio: move test page to workbench, only way to use it in browser (0c8bade)
- sui-studio: remove Test Page (e2bac50)
- sui-studio: remove test page for sui-studio build (706eeb0)
- sui-studio: stop using deprecated parameter of sui-bundler (d41de16)
- sui-studio: upgrade test page import from workbench dev (af7a2c9)
- sui-studio: improve performance by using preval instead bundling (36bb012)
- sui-studio: fix eternal loop in API pages because wront useEffect (b395f2b)
- sui-studio: add dependencies a reuse vendor (aafaded)
- sui-studio: better way of getting global object (8ce0e52)
- sui-studio: fetch instead bundling (067a281)
- sui-studio: fetch static files instead bundling them (5fc0dce)
- sui-studio: import from codeMirror only what's needed (cd5daa9)
- sui-studio: merge root to index to simplify (2375240)
- sui-studio: minor tweaks to styles (fc4711e)
- sui-studio: remove event object not needed (d486ada)
- sui-studio: remove not used clean modules command (61ea6df)
- sui-studio: remove not used parameter (cfbcf8f)
- sui-studio: remove require.ensure and old require.context (891d30a)
- sui-studio: remove terminal banner and fs.realpath dependencies not needed (9668525)
- sui-studio: stop using pipe as it's not needed (3eebb37)
- sui-studio: upgrade dependencies. Mostly sui-bundler major. (4a85be1)
- sui-studio: upgrade raw-loader to latest version (e801f94)
- sui-studio: use copyStaticFiles to avoid raw-loader for static files (b3a6d5d)
- sui-studio: use fetch static instead bundling (9042d5a)
- sui-studio: use major for new sui-studio (c647caa)
- sui-studio: use new dev styling (c1fd37a)
- sui-studio: Stop supporting jsx file extensions
- sui-studio: check for the test folder (472d621)
- sui-studio: change studio build option for before build command (7802d34)
- sui-studio: upgrade readme (900ca74)
- sui-studio: create a config (89f966c)
- sui-studio: make studio build work with only changed components (b65c732)
- sui-studio: update readme (19d47da)
- sui-studio: bump version (555396c)
- sui-studio: bump version (bfed547)
- sui-studio: fix tests (0368706)
- sui-studio: fix environment target (7e745d4)
- sui-studio: fix the target (3ab5648)
- sui-studio: import route (c1a2d25)
- sui-studio: capital letters (6964b79)
- sui-studio: fix sui-studio build bundle (5f94962)
- sui-studio: fix sui-test versioning (8bc56d2)
- sui-studio: removes debugger (1ebd14b)
- sui-studio: typo (5c0ce53)
- sui-studio: typo (ab1dfbd)
- sui-studio: add BASE_DIR to test-runtime (8c6853f)
- sui-studio: add bulk testing (86fd038)
- sui-studio: tryRequire replacements (1e44286)
- sui-studio: add assets folder to .npmignore (4d3ad33)
- sui-studio: add cli components testing (3b91933)
- sui-studio: refacto patcher to works with more than one component in CI (7622582)
- sui-studio: add scroll to the tests section (ec981f4)
- sui-studio: stop having super large windows when errors are long (aa6e790)
- sui-studio: improve sui-studio generate documentation (cadf8fe)
- sui-studio: removed comment (fd3e8ac)
- sui-studio: remove caret of sui-react-router to stay on beta (f56f6e5)
- sui-studio: use correct beta for router (be5ac83)
- sui-studio: provide the displayName to the tested components (147121c)
- sui-studio: rollback studio version (e54cfd4)
- Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #813 from SUI-Components/feat/move-studio-to-new-sui-react-router"" (bc3fa74), closes #813
- sui-studio: revert using sui-react-router (1056af1)
- sui-studio: stop using IndexRedirect (a450f23)
- sui-studio: modify studio styling (fa62724)
- sui-studio: use new router for studio (df93be5)
- sui-studio: use sui-react-router (c283861)
- sui-studio: use sui-react-router latest beta and adapt routes (1276d25)
- sui-studio: new major react testing library (ed9d145)
- sui-studio: New major o react-testing-library
- sui-studio: ensure react-router is installed for verticales using different version (fb78bb9)
- sui-react-router: use same classnames as other packages to avoid duplicates (9394a02)
- sui-studio: add mocha global to test url redirects (676d8f6)
- sui-studio: adds userEvent from testingLibrary (de3387a)
- sui-studio: fix Style children array proptype (1b72bf4)
- sui-studio: add new global variable (1c15769)
- sui-studio: adds optimizely and utag_data globals to avoid Mocha global warnings (585fa8c)
- sui-studio: mod styles sorting in workbench Raw view (c31458f)
- sui-studio: use new @s-ui/theme pkg (9988742)
- sui-studio: bump version (c063291)
- sui-studio: bump version (94296bd)
- sui-studio: fix alternative ways to use context in dev / start / build mode (da442fc)
- sui-studio: hois demo component to use static props (8578904)
- sui-studio: patcher-mocha is not transpiled (2016d40)
- sui-studio: sui-studio test breaks if we does not use patcher-mocha and describe.context (e0782f7)
- sui-studio: Prefer just libraries instead lodash and others (6b7cbe5)
- sui-studio: add patcher to mocha to allow switch contexts (11b112a)
- sui-studio: avoid remove test folder after phoenix (e4166fc)
- sui-studio: add additional line to test template to avoid linter issues (bcbd6f9)
- sui-studio: add additional line to test template to avoid linter issues (f73351e)
- sui-studio: remove unwanted extra line (bb5aaf2)
- sui-studio: add temporal button to studio dev to show / hide the tests (546fe93)
- sui-studio: create postinstall task to crear all components tests folders and files (3ec4d35)
- sui-studio: fix typo (3a953fd)
- sui-studio: remove wrapper promise (86ef5af)
- sui-studio: force release with themes working (21d0960)
- sui-studio: remove deprecated css-content-loader (26507a3)
- sui-studio: remove sui-deploy funcitonality from studio (98a6a51)
- sui-studio: fix parse and evaluate Experimental test flag (b0ce89f)
- sui-studio: use EXPERIMENTA_TEST_DEV in dev mode (b24a994)
- sui-studio: fix missing test and remove not needed code (d29e170)
- sui-studio: fix styles for test (5ffa517)
- sui-studio: correct usage of pascal-case package (456f236)
- sui-studio: add importComponent and importTest props (4b44ef3)
- sui-studio: avoid listing wrong themes when name is colliding (2817ab1)
- sui-studio: avoid weird loading flash (60f33bb)
- sui-studio: move setFailures state inside main useEffect (5c9b1d0)
- sui-studio: needed dependency (a3c36a4)
- sui-studio: remove not needed line (7327750)
- sui-studio: --experimental-test flag to avoid major version (c477e89)
- sui-studio: add EXPERIMENTAL_TEST flag (e342cc2)
- sui-studio: add a friendly way to open the iframe (d100a90)
- sui-studio: add experimental test to build and start (37260ee)
- sui-studio: add markdown to be loaded asyn (01d1d37)
- sui-studio: add new tab for render component test (6a487ab)
- sui-studio: add styles to tests and demo (e65077b)
- sui-studio: add testing to the dev mode (9a888a9)
- sui-studio: apply context to the component (1748b5e)
- sui-studio: better error handling (375603d)
- sui-studio: better font-weight for props (c5e3bfd)
- sui-studio: bump dependencies (1109e6f)
- sui-studio: center tablet and mobile if test are not displayed (36e6ced)
- sui-studio: dont show events if they are not needed (7bfd376)
- sui-studio: force refactor default test (b74be08)
- sui-studio: generate the test file with a relative url (f233056)
- sui-studio: gerenate te test file when create a new component (344912a)
- sui-studio: load markdown css locally (4cde006)
- sui-studio: more look as a mobile device (79159c4)
- sui-studio: more minimalist look n feel (88b9b85)
- sui-studio: move component to function (34db4f8)
- sui-studio: move from class to function and some refactor (02f526d)
- sui-studio: move Raw to function and remove not needed code and states (4bf27bc)
- sui-studio: move to function Style component (aca0de4)
- sui-studio: remove babel transformation for now (6be5821)
- sui-studio: separate dev dependencies (5b8927d)
- sui-studio: simplify props documentation (9ea385d)
- sui-studio: upgrade dependencies (ad57dd4)
- sui-studio: fix api blank page by updating dependencies (ea020ed)
- sui-studio: generating linter correct function names (7292fb1)
- sui-studio: Add new route for UX definitions (c9dd5f2)
- sui-studio: Add constants file to reuse some (5ef776f)
- sui-studio: Add custom snarkdown with table compatibility (b1e172c)
- sui-studio: Add UX Definition tab (5d25acd)
- sui-studio: Generate function instead class component (efdf5dd)
- sui-studio: Move API to function (a92ae9d)
- sui-studio: Move class to function (b4e2152)
- sui-studio: Move classes to function (1420335)
- sui-studio: Move classes to functions (d8a4a8b)
- sui-studio: Move to function (609dd6a)
- sui-studio: Show UX definition button only when needed (cc1e3b8)
- sui-studio: Use constants (11d0dbb)
- sui-studio: hoist static props in react components (163dab8)
- sui-studio: fixed messed linting (771408c)
- sui-studio: adds a mobile device representation just to make it look cooler (7cde325)
- sui-studio: remove gone tests components (1a1346b)
- sui-studio: remove event buttons for store dispatch events (833a2cb)
- sui-studio: remove React Redux Domain Connector (eb0ae33)
- sui-studio: remove redux connector dependencies (3d7446f)
- sui-studio: React Redux Domain Connector is not compatible anymore with the studio
- sui-studio: fix sui-studio generate command by avodigin sui-js (54201a0)
- sui-studio: move sui-mono as dependency (8659ddd)
- sui-studio: avoid installing not needed dependencies and use devDependencies for some (73e7fb6)
- sui-studio: use latest sui-bundler on studio (04aec4e)
- sui-studio: add supported for exported React.memo components in catalogue (535fd25)
- sui-studio: support React.memo exported components in development mode (27f4ae5)
- sui-studio: remove react hot loader from studio (a9aa163)
- sui-studio: add overflow: auto to the body (a686dd3)
- sui-studio: create Raw canvas (33e8ac3)
- sui-studio: improve canvas styles (810a8c6)
- sui-studio: remove the playground live edit (68d5cc0)
- sui-studio: render component inside iFrames and Device selector (e44ea03)
- sui-studio: preserve selects values after reload the pages (4a4a915)
- sui-studio: fix problems with react-hot-loader when linking studio because missing alias in con (c64d3a0)
- sui-studio: add context provider to demo components in the gallery (4836c88)
- sui-studio: add context to the demo components (3e66e28)
- sui-studio: add Provider context to playground (f66c60e)
- sui-studio: apply sui-react-context package (c895e50)
- sui-studio: legacy and new context API works together (a955a33)
- sui-studio: new beta version (7d46299)
- sui-studio: use new sui-bundler (5e17274)
- sui-studio: use new sui-bundler version (7f6627d)
- sui-studio: As we're using babel 7 in new sui-bundler, things could be broken
- sui-studio: Using new sui-bundler might break some component and some changes might be needed
- sui-studio: remove all about compliant in sui-studio as not longer necessary (2ea6397)
- sui-studio: generate kebab case package name (953e411)
- sui-studio: generate components without linter errors nor warnings (248b686)
- sui-studio: fix required proptypes (2b6a757)
- sui-studio: add deprecated warning in sui-studio start command (5e62055)
- sui-studio: bump version (14b8030)
- sui-studio: warning in dev mode (e986a82)
- sui-studio: sort alphabetically props on docs (e3a1f70)
- sui-studio: avoid waringns in loop (7345b67)
- sui-studio: fix lint template errors (66a9a59)
- sui-studio: fix warnings generate by the When component (f739978)
- sui-studio: unescape path separator in regex to avoid error importing demo page. (5809e1d)
- sui-studio: allow create Entry Point to make a demo page (64e9979)
- sui-studio: avoid compile error when there is not themes folder (f216afd)
- sui-studio: preserve the resolver extesion config (e10b6fd)
- sui-studio: bump beta version (f15dc76)
- sui-studio: contextify working component (9a3bee3)
- sui-studio: create dev command (d27de0a)
- sui-studio: create LinkLoader to be used in the --link-all flag (fbe7f0d)
- sui-studio: first commit (6b69575)
- sui-studio: improve workbench UI (673ef5d)
- sui-studio: use version 3 of sui-bundler (881698c)
- sui-studio: avoid importing not needed files on node_modules and improve bundle time (e6d3534)
- sui-studio: add require(path) where needed (295bd9b)
- sui-studio: make paths to work in windows (b6bd8fe)
- sui-studio: move ReactDocGen to API component naming (f82edfc)
- sui-studio: use new tryRequire file to rule them all (9464a70)
- sui-studio: async loading of snarkdown as a chunk (893ecef)
- sui-studio: rollback import context as it's causing to import wrong files (e9247ca)
- sui-studio: use new @s-ui/bundler to make it work (6a98a34)
- sui-studio: add head and body elements to index.html (8fc11e5)
- sui-studio: fix sui-studio to work with latest webpack version (8081687)
- sui-studio: get the context from export default instead module.exports (832590f)
- sui-studio: remove not used libraries, update codeMirror and load theme (04b481a)
- sui-studio: remove not used right now module.hot (0df0d1e)
- sui-studio: remove routes feature (862fdda)
- sui-studio: remove undefined events for playground and sort code (ea2358f)
- sui-studio: use new dynamic import and remove old require.context (8b881f3)
- sui-studio: Removed routes support for playground
- sui-studio: Now context.js of studios should export default instead using module.exports
- sui-studio: name chunk for reactdocgen (425ed27)
- sui-studio: load chunk of React Doc Gen only when needed (e191517)
- sui-studio: fix released package version for studio (79bd317)
- sui-studio: fix wrong releasse for sui-studio (2abb541)
- Revert "release(sui-studio): v4.42.0" (9803f8b)
- sui-studio: add babel-polyfill from cdn as well (a2a9de1)
- sui-studio: use babel-polyfill instead @s-ui/polyfill for supporting IE11 (13ae558)
- sui-studio: preloadd babel-polyfill (f9cdab5)
- sui-studio: use babel-standalone from cdn instead as package dependency (2c2dc9d)
- sui-studio: improve the separation if the tags are in more than one line (827d91b)
- sui-studio: create neww variables for new layout (4920565)
- sui-studio: remove old dependencies and add new ones needed (2ce8572)
- sui-studio: tell the user that a prop has a defaultValue but not a propType and fix key (e410bd9)
- sui-studio: use React components instead Markdown for Api page with new layout (a00a0bf)
- sui-studio: use snarkdown instead showdown and remove react-render-html dependency (0ac37c7)
- sui-component-peer-dependencies: force new release (dc6f400)
- sui-studio: apply fullscreen mode (4306a36)
- sui-studio: reject when error loading playground (fd46db4)
- sui-studio: exported data accesible from playground (301ff7d)
- sui-studio: fix linting error with new import when generating a component (d497261)
- sui-studio: use a stable version of peer-deps (7c97193)
- sui-studio: use PropTypes in the component generator (2ce0b62)
- sui-studio: fix indentatio in generate command (ed87db0), closes #114
- sui-studio: generate deps without "latest" (1bca514)
- sui-studio: generate repository and homepage fields in package.json (7ddcc79)
- sui-studio: improve README template for generate command (ff0f314)
- sui-studio: fix studio not working in IE browsers (e352c36)
- sui-studio: migrate to @s-ui/react-domain-connector (bfdb226)
- sui-studio: dumb commit to force release (bf7a60e)
- sui-studio: Move package from @schibstedspain scope to @s-ui org (5fa329c)
- sui-studio: fix: grouped logs break when an error happens (a8adfb8)
- sui-studio: log errors in fetching of styles (029dd8f)
- sui-studio: register run-parallel in the main bin file (b7bac46)
- sui-studio: command sui-studio run-parallel (3dbba2d)
- sui-studio: mark and search by compliant (c28f6dd)
- sui-studio: enforce displayName for all components (8638d01)
- sui-studio: fix lint error for trailing spaces (4245067)
- sui-studio: make compatible with @schibstedspain/sui-react-domain-connector (90f82f1)
- sui-studio: fix: SPA links don't work in deployments (cfa7662)
- sui-studio: hotfix 🚑 : NOW_TOKEN variable reference in js syntax instead of shell (469378e)
- sui-studio: add alias set to now deploys (3c82722), closes #92
- sui-studio: add deploy command using now.sh service (2927bc0), closes #92
- sui-studio: add detailed props description in documentation (94c120a), closes #29
- sui-studio: add table support to mardown views (cf7596c)
- sui-studio: build: create 200.html for PWA (e68d772)
- sui-studio: using V2 of the sui-bundler (c18bb16)
- sui-studio: disabling on the fly loaded style (acf766a)
- sui-studio: easier disabling, link update (ada8bc6)
- sui-studio: search for component.js just in case (8b2b78e), closes #76
- sui-studio: pass domain to playground (3844647)
- sui-studio: perform a npm install after generating a component and check it doesn't already ex (1dce5ae)
- sui-studio: update fse-extra dependency with Promise support (d38a4ef)
- sui-studio: fix linter error unnecesary escape character (ae6e1af)
- sui-studio: less noise on the console by correctly collapsing messages for styles (7455dfd)
- sui-studio: show a warning when developer is not adding a context.js but using context in a co (490c6de)
- sui-studio: log demo errors on console too (f1e1d3d)
- sui-studio: don't deprecate link command, only mention link-all (13840f9)
- sui-studio: update from origin repo (62f5ff1)
- sui-studio: take config from config:sui-studio instead of config:suistudio (26476d9)
- sui-studio: update generate (1041659)
- sui-studio: migrate to sui-bundler (1abc9a3)
- sui-studio: update from origin repo (5b5f1be), closes #62 #63
- sui-studio: add peer dependencies to sui-studio (907f846)
- sui-studio: fix run-all for complex commands (848da14)
- sui-studio: make sui-studio local package (7af7c90)
- sui-studio: remove unsued npm co script (e63ab7e)
- sui-studio: add commit command to sui-studio (d5839b8)
- sui-studio: change bin name from suistudio to sui-studio for consistency with all CLIs (2b4d0d6)
- sui-studio: migrate from https://github.com/SUI-Components/SUIStudio (531e5ea)
- sui-studio: API is now named sui-studio instead of suistudio