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Running the experiments

Preparing the environment


  1. TemporalEMF is based on EMF 2.13 and Eclipse Oxygen, and as such, requires Java 8 or higher.

  2. The experiments have been designed to be executed in an unnatended way using Ant.

  3. It is necessary to have a separate installation of HBase (see, that can be used as the persistence storage.

NOTE: The experiments have been executed under Linux. Shell scripts are only provided in their bash variant.

Preparing the environment

First, it is necessary to clone the current repository to get all the sources:

shell$ git clone
shell$ cd temporal-emf-benchmarks/plugins

Second, it is necessary to download TemporalEMF with all its dependencies. Although a full eclipse installation is not required, the easiest way to do get a working TemporalEMF installation is to use the script. This will download and install Eclipse Oxygen with TemporalEMF in an unattended way in the current working dir:

shell$ ./
Checking previous installations...
Getting installation package...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Configuring (this may take a while, please be patient)...
Installing 2.13.0.v20170609-0928.
Operation completed in 90690 ms.
Configurations finished

Third, the simulation parameters and configuration can be set in the file:

sim.vmargs=-Xmx2g -Duser.language=en

Update the file according to your system and preferences, where:

  • eclipse.home is the directory where the full eclipse installation can be found.
  • sim.vmargs contains the VM parameters. Here it is important to the the proper file, in order to get the runtime data.
  • env.hbase.server should contain the IP (and port if a non-standard port is used) of the HBase server.
  • env.tll.memory.period period, in milliseconds, between log entries with the memory usage.
  • env.tll.iterations.period period, in milliseconds, between log entries with the iteration being executed.

Running the experiments

Once the environment has been set up, the experiments can be executed using ant from within the plugins/edu.uoc.som.tll.simulation directory. The basic build tasks and dependencies configuration are found in the build.manual.xml file. The tasks related with the experiments are found in the run-experiments.xml build file.

The task gen.instances allows to create the test instances for different model simulations, logging levels, and processing times, see run-experiments.xml for more details.

E.g., to generate the instances from 20 to 320 iterations, with a processing time of 0 and 5 ms, and for TemporalEMF and StandardEMF the following gen.instances task can be used:

<target name="gen.instances">
  <mkdir dir="${instances.dir}" />
  <for list="00020,00040,00080,00160,00320" param="iterations">
      <for list="00,05" param="delay">
          <for list="fullhistory,nohistory" param="variant">
              <xmltask source="test-instances/singlearea-@{variant}.xmi" dest="${instances.dir}/singlearea-@{variant}-@{delay}-@{iterations}.xmi">
                <attr path="//component" attr="processingTime" value="@{delay}" />
                <attr path="//simconfig" attr="iterations" value="@{iterations}" />

The generation can be triggered as shown below. The instances will be generated inside the benchmark-instances directory.

shell$ ant -f build.manual.xml gen.instances

The simulation can be executed in several ways:

  1. Running all experiments from ant (sim.xmi and sim.temf target also exist):
shell$ ant -f build.manual.xml sim
  1. Model by model, from ant, by creating/updating the specific ant target (See the sim.xmi.middle in run-experiments.xml for an example). E.g.:
shell$ ant -f build.manual.xml sim.xmi.middle


<target depends="build" name="sim.xmi.middle">
  <antcall target="sim.xmi.file">
    <param name="file" value="test-instances/IAFPlantMultiArea_middle.xmi"/>
  1. Model by model, directly from the shell (useful to do additional tasks -- such as changing dirs, keeping logs or notify via e-mail -- within an additional shell script):
shell$ ant -f build.manual.xml build sim.xmi.file.cli -Dinput.file=benchmark-instances/singlearea-fullhistory-00-00020.xmi

For each simulation, a directory matching the input model name will be created with all the logs colleted during the execution of the experiment.