This directory contains a system/integration test that runs locally and aims to test the essential functionality of the full PIXL system.
Given a DICOM image in an Orthanc instance (mocked vendor neutral archive, VNA)
When a message containing the patient and study identifier is added to the queue and the consumers started.
Then the DICOM study exists in the "anon" PIXL Orthanc instance.
Set up your .secrets.env
Make sure your python virtual environment has been set up, PIXL installed correctly, and the virtual environment activated.
Or to do all the setup but not run any tests:
./ setup
You can then develop and run tests repeatedly with pytest
or through your IDE.
But you are responsible for knowing
when to re-run the setup if something it depends on has changed.
Currently, the postgres container doesn't get properly set/reset by the tests so you may have
to re-run setup if you want to re-run certain tests.
Run the following to teardown:
./ teardown
For CI, there is also another subcommand to run pytest, reporting coverage
./ coverage
We provide a pytest
plugin with shared functionality for PIXL system
and unit tests. This includes an ftp_server
fixture to spin up a lightweight FTP server,
to mock the FTP server used by the Data Safe Haven.
contains the docker compose configuration for the system test.
contains bash and Python scripts to check the individual components of the system test.
provides 2 mock DICOM images used to populate the mock VNA and a JSON file of slice varying parameters from a 3D MRI sequence../resources/omop
contains mock public and private Parquet files used to populate the message queues and extract the radiology reports./resources/omop-dicomweb
contains the same mock public and private Parquet files as above but configured to upload to a DICOMweb server
contains the Orthanc configuration files for the mock VNA.
contains the Orthanc configuration files for the mock DICOMweb server.