We welcome contributions from everyone, SABs students and staff or those wanting to highlight the software contributions of the SABs students.
The easiest way is to go to https://github.com/SABS-R3/software-outputs/blob/main/README.md and click on the "pen" icon in the upper right corner. Make the changes to the file and follow the instructions to create a pull request.
The general structure of each project entry can follow the structure below, but feel free to customize if your project doesn't fit:
* <Project Name with link> - <1-2 sentence description of the project>
- <Publication badges: links to papers describing or using the software>
- <Metadata badges: describes things like programming language, scientific field or topic>
- <Students: images linking to webpages or github profiles of the students involved>
- <Any other status badges: e.g. CI, documentation status etc>
Feel free to use https://shields.io/ to generate any badges you need.