Wraps dogstatsd to provide environment based event scoping (prefixing) and timers.
// Assume `process.env.MONITOR_PREFIX === 'myProject'`, then all events
// triggered via monitor dog will be prefixed with `myProject.`.
var monitor = require('monitor-dog');
// Trigger an increment (`myProject.requests`)
// Trigger an increment with additional parameters
monitor.increment('requests', 1, ['env:prod', 'host': '']);
// Trigger an increment with tags as object
monitor.increment('requests', 1, {env: 'prod', host: ''});
// Trigger a gauge event (`myProject.404s`)
// Time requests...
var timer = monitor.timer('request.time');
request('http://example.com', function(req, res) {
// Triggers a histogram event to `myProject.request.time`
Creating specialized periodic interval monitors (similar to the sockets monitor) is fairly straight-forward. Here's an example of how it is done:
var monitor = require('monitor-dog');
var IntervalMonitor = require('monitor-dog/lib/interval-monitor');
var util = require('util');
* 1. Subclass the IntervalMonitor class
function MyCustomMonitor = function(monitor, prefix, interval) {
IntervalMonitor.call(this, monitor, prefix, interval);
util.inherits(MyCustomMonitor, IntervalMonitor);
* 2. Define your run function to periodically monitor what you wish
MyCustomMonitor.prototype.run = function() {
// ... Perform custom periodic reporting here using this.monitor
// 3. Instantiate and start your new interval monitor!
(new MyCustomMonitor(monitor)).start();
These methods behave exactly as you would expect on a regular dogstatsd Client.
Creates and returns new timer with the given name
. Optional boolean
can be provided to start the timer at a later date using the
// Create the timer
var sumTimer = monitor.timer('sum.time');
// Perform a computation
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
sum += i;
// Call .stop() to send a histogram event named 'sum.time'
// with the recorded duration...
var requestTimer = monitor.timer('request.time');
request('/some/endpoint', function (err, res) {
var delayedTime = monitor.timer('delayed.timer', false);
// ... Do some other stuff ...
// ... Do some more stuff ...
Automatically track number of open & pending sockets and open files.
// start monitoring once you start web server
// default interval defined by `process.env.MONITOR_INTERVAL`
// stop monitoring before stopping web server
Capture stream events: open
, data
, error
, end
monitor.captureStreamEvents('some-name', yourStream);