- Upgraded Zephir dependency to 0.17
- Fixed bug in Vector less equal operation
- Added PHP 8.2 extension compatibility
- Added PHP 8.1 extension compatibility
- Add positive semi-definite typehinting
- No changes
- Add support for PHP 8.0 in the extension
- Drop extension support for PHP 7.2 and 7.3
- Tensors only compute floating point operations
- Remove dependency on JAMA library
- Remove previously deprecated items
- Matrix returns vector on row access
- Added Algebraic and Special function interfaces
- Remove dependency on pthreads
-2.2.2 - Compensate for PSR-4 issues
- Optimize 2D convolution operation
- Fix and optimize vector convolve 1D operation
- Implemented Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- Implemented matrix (Moore-Penrose) pseudoinverse
- Tensor objects now throw namespaced exceptions
- Optimized Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF)
- Optimize eigendecomposition for symmetric matrices
- Implemented Eigen decomposition in extension
- Optimize row echelon form (REF) of matrix
- Optimize Cholesky decomposition
- Fix memory leak in matrix inverse
- Optimize LU decomposition
- Use BLAS DGEMM for matrix multiplication
- Optimize matrix inverse
- Optimize scalar arithmetic and comparisons
- Zephir redux
- Blanket extension optimizations
- Added array arithmetic and comparison functions
- Extension now compiles directly from C source code
- Remove Zephir extension code
- Update instructions for extension compilation using PHPize
- Percentile method changed to quantile
- Fixed Vector linspace precision
- Individual Arithmetic and Comparison methods now public
- Matrix reductions have their own namespace
- Optimized Matrix structural operations
- Added argmin and argmax custom optimizers
- Added matrix/sub matrix insertion
- Matrix decomp methods now return decomp objects
- Optimized matrix statistical operations
- Optimized vector outer product
- Optimized Matrix flatten
- Cannot instantiate null/empty tensors
- Optimized random number generation
- Added benchmarks
- Matrix stacking now row or column-wise
- Changed method signature and behavior of repeat matrix
- Implemented the library as an extension using Zephir lang
- Changed namespace from Rubix\Tensor to \Tensor
- Matrix decompositions are now a separate abstraction
- Removed Dimensionality Mismatch exception
- Added inverse trigonometric methods to Trigonometric interface
- Added Array-Like interface
- Removed Column/Row exclude methods from Matrix
- Changed method signature of matrix determinant
- Added return sub matrix
- Added positive definite and semi-definite methods to Matrix
- Added is symmetric method to Matrix
- Added Statistical and Trigonometric interfaces
- Added Arithmetic and Comparable interfaces
- Added log1p and expm1 methods to the Arithmetic interface
- Added matrix full rank method
- Added generate random Poisson distribution
- Added Cholesky decomposition
- Variance now takes an optional mean argument
- Added transpose to Tensor API
- Reduced memory footprint of matmul operation
- Removed magic getters
- Added shape string method to Tensor API
- Improved error messages for matrix dimensionality mismatch
- Added clip upper and lower bounds
- Added isSquare method to Matrix
- Added vector late static binding
- Added ref using row elimination method
- Added universal comparison methods to tensor API
- Added convolve operation to Vector and Matrix
- Added Column Vector
- Implemented Eigenvalue decomposition
- Added solve system of linear equations
- Integration with 3rd party JAMA library
- Fixed variance covariance calculation
- Added percentile calculation for Vector and Matrix
- Implemented LU decomposition
- Added vector projection
- Implemented Matrix inverse
- Implemented Row Echelon and Reduced Row Echelon decomposition
- Added Matrix determinant
- Added Matrix rank
- Added Matrix/Vector products
- Implemented universal element-wise tensor operations
- Added statistical functions
- Added trigonometric functions
- Added exponential and logarithmic functions
- Added tensor factories