- Aurelien Rousseau
- Cyril Ferlicot
Content of the archive:
- A README file to explain the project
- An Archives folder containing a jar with the back of the application and a war with the back and the front of the application. Those two archives were compiled on an OSX El Captain environment and Intellij.
- An sql folder containing a script to add some users to the database in order to be able to start the application
- An Insurance-back folder with the sources of the back
- An Insurance-front folder with the sources of the front of the application
Since this project aim to learn some Java framework we did not lose time implementing checks on the inputs of our forms or other things like checking that we do not add two time the same user... Thus it is possible to break the application if you insert wrong datas intentionnaly.
This application uses EJBs, JPA for the persistance, JAAS for the security and Servelets for the front to create a web application.
- Login: A user will be ask to log-in in order to access to a screen of the web application. This login is managed with JAAS. There is three roles in the application and each role allow to access some actions. The roles are admin, broker or insured. In order to enable the login you'll need to setup your glassfish serveur to create a realm as explain bellow in the deployement section.
- Add/Delete/List the users: This action is for the admin only. They will have the possibility to get a list of users with a button to delete them. They'll also get a button to get to a form in order to add a new user.
- Add/Delete/List the kinds of contracts: This action is for the admin only. They will have the possibility to get a list of the kinds of contracts for each categories (life, housing, car) with a button to delete them. They'll also get a button to get to a form in order to add a new kind of contract.
- Add/Delete/List contracts: This action is for the broker only. They will have the possibility to get a list of theire contracts for each categories (life, housing, car) with a button to delete one. They'll also get a button to get to a form in order to add a contract for a user.
- Insured can list their contract and their requests.
- Insured can ask to stop his contract, and can request to subscribe contracts. Broker can validate or reject the requests of the insured peoples.
We had a lot of time issues because of PEPIT . Due to the problems we were facing with our group, we had a lot of works to do to validate the module.
Also we got a lot of problem with JAAS with our main machines! As soon as we added an url pattern matching our application we got 403 errors everywhere even when the user got the right role. Checking the log the user was right, the role was right, the access was granted but we ended up on a 403 error all the time. The logs did'nt gave any clue of what happened...
During our check we found that this error might come from the name of our computer because even if we wrote "localhost:8080" in the url, JNDI used the name of our computer in order to do his lookup.
In the end we could get it work only by changing of computer with a name without secial characters as -
or .
. This problem made us lose a lot of time, thus these are the functionality we did not implemented:
- The broker doesn't have a list of insured, but the list of insured of the agency.
- There is no notification system used.
In order to deploy the application you can use directly the archives in the folder Archives.
In order to run our application you need a MySql database. You'll need to create the database and then you can execute the script in the sql folder in order to init some users.
- thomas is an ADMIN with password thomas
- john is a broker with password john
- arthur is an insured with password arthur
To run the application you'll need a glassfish server with some configurations. We'll detail everything here.
Do not forget to add the MySql drivers to your glassfish.
You first need to create a new connection pool for JDBC.
- Name: InsurancePool
- Type: DataSource
- Datasource Classname: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
- Properties
- Port: 3306
- DatabaseName: insurance (change this if yours is not insurance)
- Password: *****
- ConnectionAttributes: ;create=true
- ServerName: localhost
- User: root
Now you need a persistance unit for your JDBC. For this create a new resource.
- JNDI Name: jdbc/InsuranceDS
- Pool Name: InsurancePool
For JAAS you need a security realm:
- Realm Name: InsuranceRealm
- Class Name:
- JAAS Context: jdbcRealm
- JNDI: jdbc/InsuranceDS
- User Table: user
- User Name Column: userName
- Password Column: pswd
- Group Table: roleUser
- Group Table User Name Column: userName
- Group Name Column: roleName
To deploy the application just deploy the war inside the Archives folder.
Once the application is deployed you can just go to localhost:8080/InsuranceFront