This file contains a simplified list of all commands in CelticCE, sorted by category. For a more complete documentation, see the official CelticCE docs.
- ReadLine (0)
- ReplaceLine (1)
- InsertLine (2)
- SpecialChars (3)
- CreateVar (4)
- ArcUnarcVar (5)
- DeleteVar (6)
- DeleteLine (7)
- VarStatus (8)
- BufSprite (9)
- BufSpriteSelect (10)
- ExecArcPrgm (11)
- DispColor (12)
- DispText (13)
- ExecHex (14)
- FillRect (15)
- FillScreen (16)
- DrawLine (17)
- SetPixel (18)
- GetPixel (19)
- PixelTestColor (20)
- PutSprite (21)
- GetStringWidth (54)
- TransSprite (55)
- ScaleSprite (56)
- ScaleTSprite (57)
- ShiftScreen (58)
- RGBto565 (59)
- DrawRect (60)
- DrawCircle (61)
- FillCircle (62)
- DrawArc (63)
- DispTransText (64)
- ChkRect (65)
- PutChar (66)
- PutTransChar (67)
- HorizLine (68)
- VertLine (69)
- GetMode (22)
- RenameVar (23)
- LockPrgm (24)
- HidePrgm (25)
- PrgmToStr (26)
- GetPrgmType (27)
- GetBatteryStatus (28)
- SetBrightness (29)
- SearchFile (52)
- CheckGC (53)
- RunAsmPrgm (70)
- LineToOffset (71)
- OffsetToLine (72)
- GetKey (73)
- TurnCalcOff (74)
- BackupString (75)
- RestoreString (76)
- BackupReal (77)
- RestoreReal (78)
- SetParseLine (79)
- SetParseByte (80)
- SwapFileType (81)
- ResetScreen (82)
- GetListElem (30)
- GetArgType (31)
- ChkStats (32)
- FindProg (33)
- UngroupFile (34)
- GetGroup (35)
- ExtGroup (36)
- GroupMem (37)
- BinRead (38)
- BinWrite (39)
- BinDelete (40)
- HexToBin (41)
- BinToHex (42)
- GraphCopy (43)
- Edit1Byte (44)
- ErrorHandle (45)
- StringRead (46)
- HexToDec (47)
- DecToHex (48)
- EditWord (49)
- BitOperate (50)
- GetProgList (51)