Welcome to ComputerVision with OpenCV+Python3!
This repository contains the codes organised in chapter wise for various image and video processing applications.
- INSTALL AND CONFIGURE OPEN CV 1.1 Python and OpenCV 1.2 Install Python and OpenCV in Windows / Linux / MacOS 1.3 Getting Familiarise with Python3.6 -Spyder IDE 1.4 Test the Installed versions
- Basics of Image Processing 2.1 What is an Image? 2.2 Access and Understand Pixels 2.2.1 A Pixel and its Friendly Neighbours 2.3 Image Classification 2.3.1 BGR Image (Colour) 2.3.2 Gray Scale Image 19 2.3.3 Binary Image (Black & White) 2.4 Why BGR color space is used in OpenCV ? 2.5 Why people Convert Colour images to Gray? Goal: To create and display a black image 2.6 Pixel Values of BGR colour images Goal: To create a black, white and blue images 2.7 Read an image 2.7.1 Display an image Goal: Program to read an image and display an image 2.7.2 Save an image Goal: Program to save an image when a key ‘s’ is pressed 2.8 Resize an image Goal: Program to resize an image 2.9 Basic Image Operations Goal: Program to convert an image into gray and RGBA images Goal: To split an Image into RGB and HSV channels Goal: Program to blur, dilate, erode an image Goal: To scale an image into half, stretch, rotate
- Getting Started with Video Processing 3.1 What is a Video? 3.2 Why we need Video Processing? 3.3 Playing a video Goal: To play a video from a file 3.4 Reading and displaying the video using webcam Goal: Program to read and display the video from Webcam 3.5 Saving the camera video Goal: Program to save the camera video 3.6 Interacting with Videos Goal: Program to display webcam video and draw a circle on a mouse click
- Object Detection 4.1 What is Image Segmentation? 4.2 Why binary images are useful? 4.3 What is Thresholding? 4.4 Fixed thresholding 4.5 Adaptive thresholding Goal: Program to show threshold, binary Goal: Program to show basic binary, adaptive threshold 4.6 Contours Goal: Program to draw contours 4.7 Canny edge detection Goal: Program to detect edges using Canny filter Goal: Program to measure area and perimeter of contours 4.8 Skin Detection Goal: Program for skin detection
- Face Detection 5.1 Haarcascading 5.2 Detecting a face in an image Goal: Program to detect a Face Goal: To detect Eyes in image Goal: Program to detect Face and Eyes in a image
- Build Real world applications Challenge 1: Crop the ROI and Save the cropped image Challenge 2: Add a logo to a video Challenge 3: Adding text on videos Challenge 4: Draw a Smiley using OpenCV Challenge 5: Program to build a paint app Challenge 6: Convert Images into a Video Challenge 7: Delete the Duplicate images in a Folder Challenge 8: Build a background subtractor Challenge 9: Colour Recognition in a Image Challenge 10: Shape Recognition in a Image Challenge 11: Counting the Pipes Challenge 12: Angle Calculator Challenge 13: Object Detection Challenge 14: Face Detection in a Video Challenge 15: Building a Face Database Challenge 16: Snap a passport size photo using a webcam Challenge 17: Smile Detection Challenge 18: Add a moustache filter to a face Challenge 19: Motion Analysis of a Bouncing Ball Challenge 20: Lane Detection for Autonomous cars