diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 097efe0..0194fd7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -106,28 +106,74 @@
enable: true
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/json.ejs"
output: "feed.json"
- minify:
- html:
- enable: true
- exclude: # 排除 hexo-feed 用到的模板文件
- - '**/json.ejs'
- - '**/atom.ejs'
- - '**/rss.ejs'
- css:
- enable: true
- exclude:
- - '**/*.min.css'
- js:
- enable: true
- mangle:
- toplevel: true
- output:
- compress:
- exclude:
- - '**/*.min.js'
+(**Optional**)Using Gulp for cleaning Js, CSS and HTML.
+# install gulp
+npm install gulp --save-dev
+# install gulp plugins
+npm install gulp-clean-css gulp-html-minifier-terser gulp-htmlclean gulp-terser --save-dev
+Move to your hexo root dir, and create a new file named `gulp.js`,add following content.
+// Dependience
+var gulp = require('gulp');
+var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
+var htmlmin = require('gulp-html-minifier-terser');
+var htmlclean = require('gulp-htmlclean');
+var terser = require('gulp-terser');
+// Compress js
+gulp.task('compress', () =>
+ gulp.src(['./public/**/*.js', '!./public/**/*.min.js'])
+ .pipe(terser())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./public'))
+// Compress css
+gulp.task('minify-css', () => {
+ return gulp.src(['./public/**/*.css'])
+ .pipe(cleanCSS({
+ compatibility: 'ie11'
+ }))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./public'));
+// Compress html
+gulp.task('minify-html', () => {
+ return gulp.src('./public/**/*.html','!./public/**/json.ejs','!./public/**/atom.ejs','!./public/**/rss.ejs')
+ .pipe(htmlclean())
+ .pipe(htmlmin({
+ removeComments: true, // Delete html comments
+ collapseWhitespace: true, // Compress html
+ collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
+ // Ignore the value of bool type,
+ // example: ==>
+ removeEmptyAttributes: true,
+ // Delete all the space value of attribute,
+ // example: ==>
+ removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
+ // Delete the attribute type="text/javascript" in lable