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TypeScript library for syncing ResilientDB data via WebSocket and HTTP with seamless reconnection.


resilient-node-cache is a library for establishing and managing real-time synchronization between ResilientDB and MongoDB using WebSocket and HTTP. It includes automatic reconnection, batching, and concurrency management for high-performance syncing.


  • Real-time sync between ResilientDB and MongoDB
  • Handles WebSocket and HTTP requests with auto-reconnection
  • Configurable synchronization intervals and batch processing
  • Provides MongoDB querying for ResilientDB transaction data


To use the library, install it via npm:

npm install resilient-node-cache


MongoDB Configuration

The library uses MongoDB to store ResilientDB data. Configure it by specifying:

  • uri: MongoDB connection string
  • dbName: Database name in MongoDB
  • collectionName: Collection name in MongoDB where ResilientDB data is stored

ResilientDB Configuration

For ResilientDB configuration, specify:

  • baseUrl: The base URL for ResilientDB, e.g., resilientdb://localhost:18000
  • httpSecure: Use HTTPS if set to true
  • wsSecure: Use WSS if set to true
  • reconnectInterval: Reconnection interval in milliseconds (optional)
  • fetchInterval: Fetch interval in milliseconds for periodic syncs (optional)


1. Syncing Data from ResilientDB to MongoDB

Create a sync script to initialize and start the data synchronization from ResilientDB to MongoDB.

// sync.js

const { WebSocketMongoSync } = require('resilient-node-cache');

const mongoConfig = {
  uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
  dbName: 'myDatabase',
  collectionName: 'myCollection',

const resilientDBConfig = {
  baseUrl: 'resilientdb://',
  httpSecure: true,
  wsSecure: true,

const sync = new WebSocketMongoSync(mongoConfig, resilientDBConfig);

sync.on('connected', () => {
  console.log('WebSocket connected.');

sync.on('data', (newBlocks) => {
  console.log('Received new blocks:', newBlocks);

sync.on('error', (error) => {
  console.error('Error:', error);

sync.on('closed', () => {
  console.log('Connection closed.');

(async () => {
  try {
    await sync.initialize();
    console.log('Synchronization initialized.');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error during sync initialization:', error);

This script will:

  • Initialize the connection to MongoDB and ResilientDB
  • Continuously sync new blocks received from ResilientDB to MongoDB

2. Fetching Transactions by Public Key

After syncing, you can retrieve that data from MongoDB depending on your use case. Here’s a sample script to retrieve all transactions associated with a specified public key:

// fetchTransactionsWithPublicKey.js

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

const mongoConfig = {
  uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
  dbName: 'myDatabase',
  collectionName: 'myCollection',

// The publicKey for which to fetch transactions
const targetPublicKey = "8LUKr81SmkdDhuBNAHfH9C8G5m6Cye2mpUggVu61USbD";

(async () => {
  const client = new MongoClient(mongoConfig.uri);

  try {
    await client.connect();
    const db = client.db(mongoConfig.dbName);
    const collection = db.collection(mongoConfig.collectionName);

    console.log('Connected to MongoDB for fetching transactions.');

    // Create an index on transactions.value.inputs.owners_before for optimized querying
    const indexName = await collection.createIndex({ "transactions.value.inputs.owners_before": 1 });
    console.log(`Index created: ${indexName} on transactions.value.inputs.owners_before`);

    // Define aggregation pipeline to fetch all transactions for the specified publicKey in owners_before
    const pipeline = [
      { $unwind: "$transactions" },
      { $unwind: "$transactions.value.inputs" },
        $match: { 
          "transactions.value.inputs.owners_before": targetPublicKey 
      { $sort: { "": -1 } },
      { $project: { transaction: "$transactions", _id: 0 } }

    const cursor = collection.aggregate(pipeline);
    const transactions = await cursor.toArray();

    if (transactions.length > 0) {
      console.log('Transactions with the specified publicKey in owners_before:', 
                  JSON.stringify(transactions, null, 2));
    } else {
      console.log(`No transactions found for publicKey: ${targetPublicKey}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching transactions:', error);
  } finally {
    await client.close();

API Documentation

Class WebSocketMongoSync

  • constructor(mongoConfig: MongoConfig, resilientDBConfig: ResilientDBConfig):

    • Initializes the sync object with MongoDB and ResilientDB configurations.
  • initialize(): Connects to MongoDB, fetches initial blocks, starts periodic fetching, and opens the WebSocket connection to ResilientDB.

  • close(): Closes the MongoDB and WebSocket connections, stopping the periodic fetching.

MongoDB Collection Structure

Each document in the MongoDB collection corresponds to a ResilientDB block, containing:

  • id: Block identifier
  • createdAt: Timestamp for block creation
  • transactions: Array of transactions in the block, with details for each transaction’s inputs, outputs, and asset metadata


This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Enjoy using resilient-node-cache to seamlessly synchronize your ResilientDB data to MongoDB with real-time updates and efficient querying!