The following addons have been modified to suit RealUI and should not be updated:
- alDamageMeter
- Aurora
- BugSack
- cargBags_Nivaya
- EasyMail
- GridManaBars
- SharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia
- Find your "World of Warcraft" folder
- Create a new folder called "UIBackup"
- Move the "Interface" and "WTF" folders (located in your "World of Warcraft" folder) to the "UIBackup" folder
- Go to the downloaded "" file, and open the "RealUI 7# r#" folder
- Copy the "Interface" folder into your "World of Warcraft" folder
- Once you've logged in, the Installation procedure will begin.
Note: Layout can be changed at any time by using the Layout Button at the bottom right area of the screen.
Other options can be changed in the RealUI Options window (/realui).
To access the RealUI options window, click the small icon at the bottom left of the screen.
Find a bug? Please use my Github Issue tracker.