The Barracuda App Server's resource files. See the build directory for build instructions.
- jquery.js - Jquery and a few additional libs assembled by
- smq.js
- sha1.js - optionally used by form authenticator
- spark-md5.min.js optionally used by form authenticator
- .certificate
- cacert.shark - Used by function ba.sharkclient; assembled by
- .lua
- http.lua - Module HTTP
- httpm.lua - Module HTTPM
- jsonrpc.lua - JSON-RPC Server
- JSONS.lua - JSON Stream Parser Module
- jwt.lua - JSON Web Token (JWT) Module
- mqttc.lua - MQTT 5 Client
- mqtt3c.lua - MQTT 3.1.1 Client
- soap.lua and basoap.lua - Module SOAP
- socket.lua - Standard Lua socket portability module
- wfs.lua - Web File Server - server side
- xml2table.lua - callback table for xparser (xml parser)
- xmlrpc.lua - Module XML-RPC
- modbus
- client.lua - Modbus Client
- json
- jrpc.js - JSON-RPC JS Client
- tracelogger - TraceLogger
- index.html - client implementation
- SMQ - directory with SMQ server side code, including broker
- wfm - directory with Web File Server - client side
- OPC-UA - directory with the OPC-UA Client and Server Lua code.
sparkplug - MQTT Sparkplug Library
- sparkplug.lua - The library
- sparkplug_b.proto - Sparkplug protobuf definition
mako - The Mako Server's Lua implementation
- .config - the Mako Server's core logic
- .openports - Logic for opening the server's listening ports
- noapp.shtml - sent to browser when no apps are loaded
- .certificate - Default certificate used by Mako Server
- MakoServer.key
- MakoServer.pem
- .lua
- asyncresp.lua
- loadconf.lua
- log.lua
- noapp.lua
- rwfile.lua
- seed.lua
- sqlutil.lua
xedge - Xedge's client and server code
- .config -- Xedge standalone
- .preload -- Xedge for Mako Server
- index.html
- .certificate
- device_RSA_2048.key
- device_RSA_2048.pem
- .lua
- 404.html
- intro.html
- ms-sso.lua
- rwfile.lua
- xedge.lua
- assets
- tree.css
- tree.js
- xedge.css
- xedge.js
- login
- index.lsp
- private
- command.lsp
- templates
- Various templates
# Creates rtl/.certificate/cacert.shark from curl's cacert.pem
SharkSSLParseCAList -b cacert.shark cacert.pem
rm -f cacert.pem
# Shell script for fetching the latest jquery, tablesorter, and cookie
# plugin. These 3 files are concatenated together and put
# in core/jquery.js
export JQVER=3.7.0
function abort() {
echo "Oops"
sleep 5
exit 1
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
wget$JQVER.min.js || abort
wget || abort
wget --no-check-certificate || abort
wget || abort
wget || abort
mkdir out
echo "//cat: jquery + jquery.cookie + jquery.tablesorter + jqModal" >a.js
cat a.js >x.js
cat jquery-$JQVER.min.js >> x.js
echo "" >> x.js
cat out/jquery.cookie.js >> x.js
echo "" >> x.js
cat jquery.tablesorter.min.js >> x.js
echo "" >> x.js
cat out/jqModal.js >> x.js
echo "" >> x.js
cat out/jqdnr.js >> x.js
cp x.js ../core/jquery.js
rm *.js
cd ..
rm -rf tmp