Version 1.5.0
- Numbers are stored in little endian
- Streaming mode is not covered
- Single bytes are marked by
in the diagrams, bits by┬
- The end of ranges as array indices are exclusive. That means
is indexed by[1;3)
and will return an array of size 2:a[1], a[2]
- 0x01: Compressed if set
- 0x02: Header length 9 if set, else 3
- 0x0c: Compression level (2 bits)
- 0x10: Streaming buffer = 100 000
- 0x20: Streaming buffer = 1 000 000
- 0x30: Streaming buffer > 1 000 000
- 0x40: Always set
The compressed size includes the header size.
Used if the data size is less than 216.
│Flags║ Comp size ║ Dec size │
│Flags║ Comp size ║ Dec size │
The source size has to fullfill 0 < size < (u32::MAX - 400),
the destination buffer should be source.length + 400
bytes long.
- Initialize
control: u32 = 1 << 31
- Initialize
control_pos: usize = header.length
- Initialize
dest_pos = header.length + 4
- Initialize
lits: u32 = 0
hashtable: [u32; 4096]
hash_counter: [bool; 4096]
(could be a bit vector)cachetable: [u32; 4096]
- While
source_pos < source.length - 10
- If the least significant bit of
is set- Check if the compression is too inefficient:
source_pos > 3 * (source.length / 4) && dest_pos > source_pos - (source_pos / 32)
- Return source data with the uncompressed flag set in the header
- Write the control word:
dest[control_pos .. +4] = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Reserve next position:
control_pos = dest_pos; dest_pos += 4
- Reset control word to
1 << 31
- Check if the compression is too inefficient:
- Read next 3 byte:
next = source[source_pos .. +3]
- Compute hash and get hash- and cachetable values
hash = hash(next) offset = hashtable[hash] cache = cachetable[hash] counter = hash_counter[hash] cachetable[hash] = next hashtable[hash] = source_pos
- If
cache == next && counter && (source_pos - offset >= 3 || source_pos == offset + 1 && lits >= 3 && source_pos > 3 && is_eq(source[source_pos - 3 .. source_pos + 3]))
- We found a match, so write a reference
control = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Compute match length:
matchlen = 3
remainder = minimum(source.length - 4 - source_pos, 0xff)
- While
source[offset + matchlen] == source[source_pos + matchlen] && matchlen < remainder
- If
matchlen < 18
- Write short reference (see Decompression Level 1)
- Else
- Write long reference
- Skip match:
source_pos += matchlen
lits = 0
- Else, no match was found
lits++ hash_counter[hash] = true
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
control >>= 1
- If the least significant bit of
- Copy the rest: While
source_pos < source.length
- If the least significant bit of
is set- Write the control word:
dest[control_pos .. +4] = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Reserve next position:
control_pos = dest_pos; dest_pos += 4
- Reset control word to
1 << 31
- Write the control word:
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
control >>= 1
- If the least significant bit of
- Shift
control >>= 1
until the least significant bit is 1 - Write the control word:
dest[control_pos .. +4] = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Write the header
- Initialize
control: u32 = 1 << 31
- Initialize
control_pos: usize = header.length
- Initialize
dest_pos = header.length + 4
hashtable: [[u32; 4096]; 16]
(or less than 16)hash_counter: [u8; 4096]
- While
source_pos < source.length - 10
- If the least significant bit of
is set- Check if the compression is too inefficient:
source_pos > 3 * (source.length / 4) && dest_pos > source_pos - (source_pos / 32)
- Return source data with the uncompressed flag set in the header
- Write the control word:
dest[control_pos .. +4] = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Reserve next position:
control_pos = dest_pos; dest_pos += 4
- Reset control word to
1 << 31
- Check if the compression is too inefficient:
- Read next 3 byte:
next = source[source_pos .. +3]
remainder = minimum(source.length - 4 - source_pos, 0xff)
counter = hash_counter[hash(next)]
matchlen = 0; offset = 0; best = 0
- For each
index, hasht
&&index < counter
o = hasht[hash]
- If
source[o .. +3] == next && o < source_pos - 2
- Compute match length:
m = 3
- While
source[o + m] == source[source_pos + m] && m < remainder
- Pick the best match: If
m > matchlen || (m == matchlen && o > offset)
offset = o matchlen = m best = index
- Compute match length:
hashtable[counter % hashtable.length][hash] = source_pos
hash_counter[hash] = counter + 1
- If a match was found:
matchlen >= 3 && source_pos - offset < 0x1ffff
- Compute relative offset:
offset = source_pos - offset
- Update hash table: For
u = 1; u < matchlen; u++
next = source[source_pos + u .. +3]
hash = hash(next) counter = hash_counter[hash] hash_counter[hash]++ hashtable[counter % hashtable.length][hash] = source_pos + u
- Skip match:
source_pos += matchlen
control = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Write a reference with the matching possibility (see Decompress Level 3)
- Compute relative offset:
- Else, no match was found
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
control >>= 1
- If the least significant bit of
- Copy the rest: While
source_pos < source.length
- If the least significant bit of
is set- Write the control word:
dest[control_pos .. +4] = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Reserve next position:
control_pos = dest_pos; dest_pos += 4
- Reset control word to
1 << 31
- Write the control word:
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
control >>= 1
- If the least significant bit of
- Shift
control >>= 1
until the least significant bit is 1 - Write the control word:
dest[control_pos .. +4] = (control >> 1) | (1 << 31)
- Write the header
If the compressed flag is not set, just return the input without header.
- Initialize
control: u32 = 1
- Initialize
next_hashed = 0
hashtable: [u32; 4096]
- If
control == 1
- Read
- Read
- If the least significant bit of
is set, a reference to previous data is followingcontrol >>= 1
- Read next 1-3 bytes, according to the following schema:
matchlen = matchle + 2 hash = hash1 | (hash2 << 4) ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─╥─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐ │ hash1│matchle║ hash2 │ └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─╨─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ hash = hash1 | (hash2 << 4) ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─╥─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─╥─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐ │ hash1│0 0 0 0║ hash2 ║ matchlen │ └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─╨─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─╨─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘
offset = hashtable[hash]
- The offset is an absolute position in the destination buffer,
bytes should be copied from there. update_hashtable(start = next_hashed, end = dest.length() + 1 - matchlen)
next_hashed = dest.length()
- Else if the least significant bit of
is not set and we are writing the last 10 bytes (dest_pos >= dest.length - 10
)- If
control == 1
- Skip 4 bytes from the source
control >>= 1
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
- Repeat until the end of the buffer is reached, then return the result
- If
- Else, we write one byte
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
control >>= 1
end = dest.length() - 2
update_hashtable(start = next_hashed, end)
next_hashed = max(next_hashed, end)
- Repeat, starting at the first if
hash(value) = ((value >> 12) ^ value) & 0xfff
update_hashtable(start, end)
for i in [start;end)
value = dest[i .. i + 3]
hashtable[hash(value)] = i
- Initialize
control: u32 = 1
- If
control == 1
- Read
- Read
- If the least significant bit of
is set, a reference to previous data is followingcontrol >>= 1
- Read next 1-4 bytes, according to the following schema:
matchlen = 3
│ offset │0 0│
matchlen = 3
offset = offset1 | (offset2 << 6)
│ offset1 │0 1║ offset2 │
matchlen = 3 + matchle
offset = off | (offset2 << 2)
│off│matchle│1 0║ offset2 │
matchlen = 2 + matchle
offset = o | (offset2 << 1) | (offset3 << 9)
│o│ matchle 1 1║ offset2 ║ offset3 │
matchlen = 3 + (m | (matchlen1 << 1))
offset = o | (offset2 << 1) | (offset3 << 9)
│m│0 0 0 0 0 1 1║o│ matchlen1 ║ offset2 ║ offset3 │
The offset is relative to the current position in the destination buffer, matchlen
bytes should be copied from there.
- Else if the least significant bit of
is not set and we are writing the last 10 bytes (dest_pos >= dest.length - 10
)- If
control == 1
- Skip 4 bytes from the source
control >>= 1
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
- Repeat until the end of the buffer is reached, then return the result
- If
- Else, we write one byte
- Read one byte from the source buffer and write it into the destination buffer
control >>= 1
- Repeat, starting at the first if