Contains code for the primary rapidroute website
Imports data from various spreadsheets and dynmap into the RapidRoute database
Contains typings for the RapidRoute database and other shared types
Contains the base ESLint config for the RapidRoute project, extended by other packages
Pulls data from the MRT wiki for import into the RapidRoute database. Not yet in use.
If you're using the VSCode ESLint extension, you may need to add the following to .vscode/settings.json
"eslint.workingDirectories": [
You can run the following command to update this file automatically
touch .vscode/settings.json && echo '{\n "eslint.workingDirectories": [\n "packages/rapidroute",\n "packages/database-importer",\n "packages/wiki-scraper",\n "packages/database-types"]\n}' > .vscode/settings.json
You can enable automatic tasks with the Tasks: Manage Automatic Tasks in Folder
command in VSCode. If enabled, this will automatically run the dev server for the package you're working on when you open this folder in VSCode.