- level-of-details toolkit(LTK)
- Convert osgb lod tree to Bentley ContextCapture 3mx tree.
osgbTo3mx.exe --input <DIR> --output <DIR>
-i, --input, [required], input dir path
-o, --output, [required], output dir path
osgbTo3mx.exe -i E:\Data\Test -o E:\Data\Test_3mx
- Convert point cloud in ply/las/laz/xyz format to osgb/3mx lod tree, so that the point cloud could be loaded instantly.
This program could handle extremely large point cloud as ply/las/laz/xyz file is streaming to the convertor.
pointcloudToLod.exe --input <FILE> --output <DIR>
-i, --input, [required], input file path, <ply/las/laz/xyz>
-o, --output, [required], output dir path
-m, --mode, [optional, default=3mx], output mode, <3mx/osgb>
-r, --lodRatio, [optional, default=1.0], use <1.0 value if original pointcloud is very sparse, use >1.0 value if original pointcloud is very dense
-t, --tileSize, [optional, default=1000000], max number of point in one tile
-n, --nodeSize, [optional, default=5000], max number of point in one node
-d, --depth, [optional, default=99], max lod tree depth
-p, --pointSize, [optional, default=10.0], point size
-c, --colorMode, [optional, default=iHeightBlend], [las/lsz format only] <rgb/iGrey/iBlueWhiteRed/iHeightBlend>, iGrey/iBlueWhiteRed/iHeightBlend use intensity from las/laz
pointcloudToLod.exe -m 3mx -i E:\Data\test.las -o E:\Data\Test_3mx
pointcloudToLod.exe -m osgb -i E:\Data\test.las -o E:\Data\Test_osgb
- Convert mesh in obj format to osgb/3mx lod tree, so that the mesh could be loaded instantly.
This program only support obj format mesh with group info, each group will be a tile in the lod tree.