This project and its associated scripts are copyrighted by ProgrammeurGentil and Xulungu.
Permission for Use:
- The scripts in this project may not be used, copied, modified, or distributed without explicit written permission from the author (ProgrammeurGentil and Xulungu).
- Any permitted use of these scripts must include proper attribution to the author.
Attribution Requirements:
- If you receive permission to use these scripts, you must credit the author in any public or private use, modifications, or distributions. Attribution must include the author's name (ProgrammeurGentil and Xulungu) and, if applicable, a link to the original GitHub repository.
Commercial Use:
- Commercial use of the scripts is strictly prohibited unless separately authorized by the author.
Disclaimer of Warranty:
- The scripts are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. The author is not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of these scripts.
- Any unauthorized use of the scripts will result in immediate termination of all granted permissions.
For any questions or permission requests, please contact [email protected] and/or [email protected] .