direction LR
pooling --<| primitive_base
convolution --<| primitive_base
class primitive_base{<<PType>>}
primitive_base --<| primitive
primitive --o program_node
primitive --o topology
class typed_program_node {<<convolution>>}
typed_program_node --<| typed_program_node_base
class typed_program_node_base{<<PType>>}
typed_program_node_base --<| program_node
program_node --o program
class primitive_type {
program --> topology
program ..<| primitive_type : create_node()\nchoose_impl()
convolution_impl --<| typed_primitive_impl_ocl
fully_connected_impl --<| typed_primitive_impl_ocl
convolution_onednn --<| typed_primitive__onednn_impl
pooling_onednn --<| typed_primitive__onednn_impl
class typed_primitive_impl_ocl {<<PType>>}
typed_primitive_impl_ocl --<| typed_primitive_impl
class typed_primitive__onednn_impl {<<PType>>}
typed_primitive__onednn_impl --<| typed_primitive_impl
class typed_primitive_impl {<<PType>>}
typed_primitive_impl --<| primitive_impl
primitive_impl --o primitive_inst
primitive_impl --o program_node
class typed_primitive_inst {<<convolution>>}
class `typed_primitive-inst` {<<pooling>>}
typed_primitive_inst --<| typed_primitive_inst_base
`typed_primitive-inst` --<| typed_primitive_inst_base
class typed_primitive_inst_base {<<PType>>}
typed_primitive_inst_base --<| primitive_inst
primitive_inst --> program_node
primitive_inst --o network
network --> program
network ..<| primitive_type : create_instance
class primitive_type_base {<<PType>>}
primitive_type_base --<| primitive_type
primitive_type_base ..<| typed_program_node
primitive_type_base --o primitive_base: 0.1
class implementation_map {<<PType>>
get(typed_program_node<Ptype>): factory_type}
primitive_type_base ..<| implementation_map : get()
primitive_type_base ..<| typed_primitive_inst
a1 o-- a2 : Aggregation
b1 --> b2 : Association
c1 --<| c2 : Inheritance
d1 ..> d2 : Dependency
There are three levels of abstraction in the graph structures being used in the gpu plugin : topology, program, network.
The above figure presents the overall data structures.
First, the original model should be presented as a corresponding topology, which consists of primitives and their connections. It can be regarded as a simple graph structure representing the original model.
Then the topology is to be converted to a program, which consists of program_nodes corresponding to the original primitives and their connections. Here, the majority of the transformation and optimizations are performed on the program. Also, the primitive_impl is created for each program_node at this stage, which holds the selected kernels for each program_node and the required information to run the kernels, such as work group sizes and kernel arguments, etc. The final source code of the kernels is decided and compiled at this stage, too. Note that a program is common for the streams, that is, there is only one program created for all the streams.
Once the program is finalized, the network is built from the program for each stream.
A network consists of primitive instances (primitive_inst) that contain the required memory allocations for the kernels.
Finally, you can run the network using the network::execute()
A more detailed description of each component is described in the sections below.
struct primitive {
const primitive_id id;
const primitive_type* type;
padding output_padding;
std::vector<primitive_id> input;
A primitive is the primary representation of an operation in GPU plugin, which comprises a graph structure, that is, the topology. A primitive is to be created for a layer operation in the original model and holds the basic information about the operation, such as required input, output, attributes, as well as its own id (primitive_id). Here, the primitive_id is a unique string id assigned to each primitive throughout the processing.
See the APIs of the available primitives.
An example creation of a arg_max_min
cldnn::arg_max_min top_k_prim = cldnn::arg_max_min("top_k", { "input" }, arg_max_min::max, top_k, arg_max_min::y, arg_max_min::sort_by_values, false, "", padding(), data_types::f32);
In GPU plugin, the primitives are converted from OpenVINO operations.
struct topology{
std::map<primitive_id, std::shared_ptr<primitive>> _primitives;
A topology is a graph structure consisting of primitives and their connections. Here, a connection is defined by input primitives assigned to a primitive.
A simple example of creating a topology, which consists of two poolings, one concatenation of the poolings, and a reorder primitive, is as follows:
auto input0 = engine.allocate_memory({data_types::i8, format::bfyx, {1, 1, 8, 3}});
auto input1 = engine.allocate_memory({data_types::i8, format::bfyx, {1, 1, 8, 3}});
layout reorder_layout(data_types::i8, format::yxfb, {7, 2, 2, 1});
topology topology(input_layout("input0", input0->get_layout()),
input_layout("input1", input1->get_layout()),
pooling("pool0 /*primitive_id of this pooling*/", "input0 /*primitive_id of input primitive for pool0*/", pooling_mode::max, {1, 1, 2, 2}, {1, 1, 1, 1}),
pooling("pool1", "input1", pooling_mode::max, {1, 1, 2, 2}, {1, 1, 1, 1}),
{"pool0", "pool1"},
padding{{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}),
reorder("reorder", "concat", reorder_layout));
In the example above, "pool0" is the primitive_id of the first pooling, and "input0" is the primitive_id of the input primitive of it. The pooling_mode::max, {1, 1, 2, 2}, {1, 1, 1, 1}
parameters stand for other properties for pooling: primitive, pooling_mode, tensor size, stride, respectively.
Note that topology is created from ngraph representation in the GPU plugin. Manual definition of a topology shown in the snippet above is usually for the purpose of a unit test.
struct program_node {
program& myprog;
std::unique_ptr<primitive_impl> selected_impl;
layout output_layout;
std::vector<program_node*> dependencies;
std::list<program_node*> users;
std::set<primitive_id> memory_dependencies;
std::vector<fused_activation_params> fused_activations;
std::vector<fused_primitive_desc> fused_prims;
A program consists of program_nodes which are created from primitives. (link) A program_node is created by a factory for each primitive type, that is, primitive_type, which is associated to each primitive as a type (link). Note that this primitive_type is used to create primitive_inst or call choose_impl too.
A program_node holds the following information which is to be decided throughout the transformation / optimization processes in a program:
- layout: output layout of a program_node. (impl)
- dependencies: a list of program_nodes, the outputs of which are used by the current program_node as the inputs
- memory dependencies : a list of program_nodes, the live ranges of their outputs of them overlap with that of the current program_node
- fused operations: fused operations to the current program_node
- selected impl: The primitive_impl object which holds the information for the selected kernel required to run it, such as the selected kernels, work group size, etc. Also, this object has the methods to set kernel arguments for a primitive_inst and execute the kernel by enqueueing it to the command queue.
struct program {
uint32_t prog_id = 0;
engine& _engine;
std::unique_ptr<kernels_cache> _kernels_cache;
std::list<program_node*> inputs;
std::vector<program_node*> outputs;
nodes_ordering processing_order;
std::unique_ptr<pass_manager> pm;
std::map<primitive_id, std::shared_ptr<program_node>> nodes_map;
The major tasks that are done while building a program are as follows: (ref)
Init graph: Create an initial program consisting of program_nodes built from a given topology.
Optimization (Major optimizations will be dealt with from another section TBD)
- pre-optimization (link): Optimizations done before graph_compilation. Notable passes are as follows:
- prepare_primitive_fusing: decision of fusing
- reorder_inputs: decision of preferred layout / impl (ocl vs onednn) and adding reorders w.r.t the decision
- post-optimization (link) Optimizations done after graph_compilation
- post_optimize_weights: Add reorder for the weights toward preferred formats (as generic nodes)
- propagate_constants: Transfer and reorder original weight data to the generic_nodes created at post_optimize_weights. Note that the constant propagation is doing a weight reorder by running the actual network (w/ is_internal = true). To this end, a temporal program is created/built/run within this pass.
- post_optimize_weights: Add reorder for the weights toward preferred formats (as generic nodes)
- pre-optimization (link): Optimizations done before graph_compilation. Notable passes are as follows:
Kernel selection and graph compilations (link): Select best kernel for the program_node and create the impl (that is, primitive_impl), and collect the kernel source code strings to the kernels_cache.
Kernel compilation (link): JIT compilation of the collected kernels. Currently 9 kernels are combined as a batch and compiled at a time. Also the batches are compiled in parallel. See here.
class primitive_inst {
program_node const& _node;
std::unique_ptr<primitive_impl> _impl;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _deps;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _exec_deps;
memory::ptr _output;
std::vector<memory::cptr> _intermediates_memory;
event::ptr execute(const std::vector<event::ptr>& events);
memory::ptr allocate_output();
Once all processing at a program level has been finished, a network is to be built from the program. The primitive_inst is the basic component comprising a network. While each primitive_inst object is still associated with the corresponding program_node, it holds the required memory objects, such as output memory objects and intermediate memory objects that are to be used by that node. A brief description of the two kinds of memory allocated for a primitive_inst is as follows:
- output memory: An output memory of a primitive_inst is allocated at the creation of each primitive_inst (impl), unless its output is reusing the input memory or the node is a mutable data to be used as a second output. The general output tensors are allocated by the memory pool, so that the memory could be reused by other nodes when it is not needed. Note that constants data is not reusable and should retain its own memory so that it could be shared by multiple streams. A more detailed description of the memory pool will be given in the dedicated section (TBD).
- intermediate memory (impl): Some kernels require intermediate memories in addition to the input/output memories such as detection_output. The allocation happens after all primitive_insts are finished (link), since it needs to be processed in a processing_order to use the predecessors' allocation information while the creation of primitive_inst is done in an order sorted by memory_size.
struct network {
program::ptr _program;
stream::ptr _stream;
std::unique_ptr<memory_pool> _memory_pool;
std::map<primitive_id, std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _primitives;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _inputs;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _outputs;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _exec_order;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<primitive_inst>> _data_outputs;
std::unordered_map<primitive_id, event::ptr> _events;
output_chains_map _output_chains;
std::map<primitive_id, network_output> execute(const std::vector<event::ptr>& dependencies = {});
void set_arguments();
void allocate_primitives();
When a network is built, the comprising primitives are allocated and dependencies among them are set (link).
The major processes, done while a network is executed, are as follows (impl):
set arguments of the primitives (that is, set the kernel_args required for running the kernels such as input/output memory address)
execute primitives: Execute each primitive, that is, enqueue the kernels to the context queue.