Notes on this data set:
This data set provides inputs for a unit commitment and/or economic dispatch study considering the existing generation in the Western Interconnection (Western Electricity Coordinating Council or WECC) circa 2020.
All inputs are generated by the open source PowerGenome data platform from public data sources. Some PowerGenome output columns are renamed or removed as redundant.
Existing generators are clustered at varying levels of resolution (in the Large, Medium, and Small versions) based on heat rate and fixed O&M cost.
There are 12 regions (see zonal ID list and map in the Input_descrptions_WECC_UC.xlsx file) and time series data provided for an entire year.
Demand profiles are based on 2012 weather year and are increased to 2020 values based on EIA Annual Energy Outlook data.
Renewables data profiles are from an open source data set available via PowerGenome under open source license from Vibrant Clean Energy, with 13-km continental United States resolution and are for weather year 2012
Technology costs are from NREL Annual Technology Baseline 2019 edition.
Transmission transfer limits from EPA IPM model.
Data is provided without warranty for accuracy.