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+# xml-locales
+This repository created to work with localization files in xml and simplified usual jobs like as add, update or remove strings in several XML files.
+## Core package - 📦xml-locales
+This is core package to work with localization files in xml.
+## CLI - 💻@xml-locales/cli
+This is cli tool to work with localization files in xml.
+> This packages, which works with XML files, has one root node named `resources`. This root node has child nodes named `string`. For example:
+> ```xml
+> value1
+> value2
+## Packages
+| Package | version |
+| ------- | -------- |
+| 📦[xml-locales](https://github.com/Pisyukaev/xml-locales/tree/master/packages/xml-locales) | [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/xml-locales.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/xml-locales) |
+| 💻[@xml-locales/cli](https://github.com/Pisyukaev/xml-locales/tree/master/packages/cli) | [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@xml-locales/cli.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@xml-locales/cli) |
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+# @xml-locales/cli
+This is cli tool to work with localization files in xml.
+## Installation
+npm install -g @xml-locales/cli
+yarn global add @xml-locales/cli
+pnpm add -g @xml-locales/cli
+> This package, which works with XML files, has one root node named `resources`. This root node has child nodes named `string`. For example:
+> ```xml
+> value1
+> value2
+### Or use without
+npx @xml-locales/cli [...args]
+## Commands
+### Add Command
+The `add` command is used to add a new key-value pair to the XML localization file or files from directory.
+xml-locales add --path path/to/file_or_directory --key newKey --value newValue
+| Flag | Alias | Default | Description |
+| `--path`| `-p` | `process.cwd()` | The path to the XML localization file or directory where the key-value pair will be added. |
+| `--key` | `-k` | None | The new key to be added. |
+| `--value`| `-v` | None | The value to be associated with the new key. |
+### Remove Command
+The `remove` command is used to remove a key-value pair from the XML localization file or files from directory.
+xml-locales remove --path path/to/file_or_directory --key keyToRemove --value valueToRemove
+| Flag | Alias | Default | Description |
+| `--path`| `-p` | `process.cwd()` | The path to the XML localization file or directory where the key-value pair will be removed. |
+| `--key` | `-k` | None | Removed string by the key. |
+| `--value`| `-v` | None | Or removed string by the value. |
+### Update Command
+The `update` command is used to update a key-value pair in the XML localization file or files from directory.
+xml-locales update --path path/to/file_or_directory --oldValue oldValue --newValue newValue
+| Flag | Alias | Default | Description |
+| `--path` | `-p` | `process.cwd()` | The path to the XML localization file or directory where the key-value pair will be updated. |
+| `--oldValue` | `-o` | None | The old key or value to be updated. |
+| `--newValue`| `-n` | None | The new key or value to replace the old one. |
+### Sort Command
+The `sort` command is used to sort the keys in the XML localization file or directory in ascending or descending order.
+xml-locales sort --path path/to/file_or_directory --direction asc_or_desc
+| Flag | Alias | Default | Description |
+| `--path` | `-p` | `process.cwd()` | The path to the XML localization file or directory where the keys will be sorted. |
+| `--direction` | `-d` | 'asc' | The sort direction. Can be 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order. |
+## Packages
+| Package | version |
+| ------- | -------- |
+| 📦[xml-locales](https://github.com/Pisyukaev/xml-locales/tree/master/packages/xml-locales) | [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/xml-locales.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/xml-locales) |
+| 💻[@xml-locales/cli](https://github.com/Pisyukaev/xml-locales/tree/master/packages/cli) | [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@xml-locales/cli.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@xml-locales/cli) |
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+# xml-locales
+This is core package to work with localization files in xml.
+## Installation
+npm install xml-locales
+yarn add xml-locales
+pnpm add xml-locales
+> This package, which works with XML files, has one root node named `resources`. This root node has child nodes named `string`. For example:
+> ```xml
+> value1
+> value2
+## Properties
+| Args | Type | Required | Description |
+| `xmlData` | `string` \| `Buffer` \| `XmlJsonData` | `false` | Data of the xml document |
+| `xmlOptions` | `object` | `false` | It represents the options for the XML parser.
+### xmlOptions
+The `xmlOptions` is used to customize the behavior of the XML parser and builder in the `XmlLocales` class.
+| Prop | Type | Required | Description |
+| `parserOptions` | `X2jOptionsOptional` | `false` | Options to customize how the XML data is parsed. See below for details. For more information, see [here](https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/blob/master/docs/v4/2.XMLparseOptions.md) |
+| `builderOptions`| `XmlBuilderOptionsOptional` | `false` | Options to customize how the XML data is built. See below for details. For more information, see [here](https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/blob/master/docs/v4/3.XMLBuilder.md) |
+| `formateOptions`| `XMLFormatterOptions` | `false` | Options to customize the formatting of the XML data. See below for details. For more information, see [here](https://github.com/chrisbottin/xml-formatter#options) |
+### Default Parser Options (X2jOptionsOptional)
+| Option | Value |
+| `trimValues` | `false` |
+| `ignoreDeclaration` | `true` |
+| `attributeNamePrefix` | `'key_'` |
+| `alwaysCreateTextNode`| `true` |
+| `ignoreAttributes` | `false` |
+### Default Builder Options (XmlBuilderOptionsOptional)
+| Option | Value |
+| `ignoreAttributes` | `false` |
+| `attributeNamePrefix` | `'key_'` |
+| `processEntities` | `false` |
+### Default Formatter Options (XMLFormatterOptions)
+| Option | Value |
+| `collapseContent`| `true` |
+| `indentation` | `' '` |
+## Usage
+import {XmlLocales} from 'xml-locales'
+const xmlData = `
+ value1
+ value2
+const xmlLocales = new XmlLocales(xmlData)
+const jsonData = xmlLocales.add({key: 'newKey', value: 'newValue'}).toXML()
+ value1
+ value2
+ newValue
+### Update key/value
+import {XmlLocales} from 'xml-locales'
+const xmlData = `
+ value1
+ value2
+const xmlLocales = new XmlLocales(xmlData)
+const jsonData = xmlLocales.add({key: 'newKey', value: 'newValue'})
+.update({oldValue: 'key1', newValue: 'firstKey'})
+.update({oldValue: 'value2', newValue: 'secondValue'})
+ value1
+ secondValue
+### Delete by key/value
+import {XmlLocales} from 'xml-locales'
+const xmlData = `
+ value1
+ value2
+const xmlLocales = new XmlLocales(xmlData)
+const jsonData = xmlLocales.add({key: 'newKey', value: 'newValue'})
+### XML and JSON
+import {XmlLocales} from 'xml-locales'
+const xmlData = `
+ value1
+ value2
+const xmlLocales = new XmlLocales(xmlData)
+const xmlString = xmlLocales.toXML()
+const jsonXml = xmlLocales.toJSON()
+console.log(xmlString) // output XML
+console.log(jsonXml) // output JSON
+Output XML:
+ newValue2
+ newValue
+ value2
+ value1
+ ```
+Output JSON:
+ resources: {
+ string: [
+ {
+ key_name: 'key1',
+ '#text': 'value1'
+ },
+ {
+ key_name: 'key2',
+ '#text': 'value2'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### Chaining
+import {XmlLocales} from 'xml-locales'
+const xmlData = `
+ value1
+ value2
+const xmlLocales = new XmlLocales(xmlData)
+const jsonData = xmlLocales.add({key: 'newKey', value: 'newValue'})
+.add({key: 'newKey2', value: 'newValue2'})
+.update({oldValue: 'key1', newValue: 'firstKey'})
+ newValue2
+ newValue
+ value2
+ value1
+## Packages
+| Package | version |
+| ------- | -------- |
+| 📦[xml-locales](https://github.com/Pisyukaev/xml-locales/tree/master/packages/xml-locales) | [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/xml-locales.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/xml-locales) |
+| 💻[@xml-locales/cli](https://github.com/Pisyukaev/xml-locales/tree/master/packages/cli) | [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@xml-locales/cli.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@xml-locales/cli) |