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Presentations, previous semesters

Dezember 9, 2019: Paper review: A General Architecture for Robotics Systems: A Perception-Based Approach to Artificial Life

December 2, 2019: Paper review: Perceptual symbol systems

November 18, 2019: Paper review: A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness

November 4, 2019: Paper review: Life Learning and Cumulative Learning

November 11, 2019: Paper review: The Construction of Reality in the Child

October 28, 2019: Paper review: A Stochastic Grammar of Images

October 21, 2019: Paper review: Consciousness, Intentionality, and Causality

October 14, 2019: Paper review: The Theory of Event Coding (TEC): A framework for perception and action planning

October 7, 2019: Paper review: The Brain's concepts: the role of the Sensory-motor system in conceptual knowledge

September 30, 2019: Paper review: Gestalt Principles

First quarter of 2019:

Utilizing ConceptNet in NARS

An intelligent plan revision system for robots based on NARS

Introspective Learning, Reasoning and Decision Making in NARS

September 9, 2018 - November 14 2018: OpenNARS Technical Tutorial (Past: AGI systems and cognitive architectures, Program Learning) OpenNARS-Technical-Tutorial

May 15, 2018: OpenNARS workshop. OpenNARS

April, 2018: Autocatalytic Endogenous Reflective Architecture

April, 2018: Sigma Cognitive Architecture Sigma

March, 2018: Architectures from the Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies research group: FARG

February 21, 2018: ACT-R: A cognitive architecture based on a production system. ACT-R

February 21, 2018: February 14, 2018: MicroPsi agent architecture: Interaction of emotion, motivation and cognition of situated agents; Psi theory of Dietrich Dörner. Principles of synthetic intelligence

February 7, 2018: LIDA: A System-level Architecture for Cognition, Emotion, and Learning LIDA Framework

January 31, 2018: Bayesian inference in AI. Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction

January 24, 2018: The state of OpenNARS and of the LazyMiner project. LazyMiner, OpenNARS

November 3, 2017: Program Learning in NARS, week 2: Log intervals, usage of declarative knowledge, working examples. Open-NARS source code, NARS-related publications

October 27, 2017: Program Learning in NARS, week 1: Temporal Induction, Anticipation, Inference Control, Projection and Eternalization. Related paper: OpenNARS

October 20, 2017: Deep Learning, week 2: CNN's, RNN's, LSTM's, inherent issues of Deep Learning.

October 6, 2017: Deep Learning, week 1: Perceptron, ANN's with multiple layers, Backpropagation, Convolution and Max-Pooling, recent developments in Deep Learning.

September 28, 2017: Reinforcement Learning, week 2: Deep Reinforcement Learning etc.

September 21, 2017: Reinforcement Learning, week 1: Bellman equation, MDPs, POMDPs, QLearning, Credit Assignment etc. Related discussion: Credit assignment in NARS

September 15, 2017: Evoluationary Programming, week 2: Stack and Grammar Based Genetic Programming, involving Types, GA on Neural Networks as in NEAT, Learned Classifier Systems etc. Related discussion: Genetic Programming Week II

September 8, 2017: Basics related to Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Programming, Evolutionary Programming, related discussions: Intelligence vs. Evolution, related repositories: UnitGP
