diff --git a/2023/CU_Pit_config.js b/2023/CU_Pit_config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daddca160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023/CU_Pit_config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+var config_data = `
+ "title": "Scouting PASS 2023",
+ "page_title": "Charged Up",
+ "pitConfig": "true",
+ "prematch": [
+ { "name": "Team Number",
+ "code": "t",
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ { "name": "Width",
+ "code": "wid",
+ "type": "number",
+ "defaultValue": "0"
+ },
+ { "name": "Weight",
+ "code": "wei",
+ "type": "number",
+ "defaultValue": "0"
+ },
+ { "name": "Drivetrain",
+ "code": "drv",
+ "type": "radio",
+ "choices": {
+ "s": "Swerve
+ "w": "West Coast/Tank
+ "b": "Butterfly/Grashopper
+ "m": "Mechanum
+ "o": "Other"
+ },
+ "defaultValue": "o"
+ },
+ { "name": "Other Drivetrain",
+ "code": "odt",
+ "type": "text",
+ "size": 20,
+ "maxSize": 50
+ },
+ { "name": "Swerve Ratio",
+ "code": "sr",
+ "type": "radio",
+ "choices": {
+ "1": "L1
+ "2": "L2
+ "3": "L3
+ "4": "L4
+ "x": "Not Swerve"
+ },
+ "defaultValue":"x"
+ },
+ { "name": "Drivetrain Motor",
+ "code": "mot",
+ "type": "radio",
+ "choices": {
+ "n": "Neo
+ "f": "Falcon
+ "c": "CIM
+ "x": "Other
+ },
+ "defaultValue":"x"
+ },
+ { "name": "Floor pickup Cones",
+ "code": "fco",
+ "type": "bool"
+ },
+ { "name": "Floor pickup Cubes",
+ "code": "fcu",
+ "type": "bool"
+ },
+ { "name": "Cross Charging Station",
+ "code": "ccs",
+ "type": "bool"
+ },
+ { "name": "Autos",
+ "code": "aut",
+ "type": "text",
+ "size": 20,
+ "maxSize": 250
+ }
+ ],
+ "auton": [
+ ],
+ "teleop": [
+ ],
+ "endgame": [
+ ],
+ "postmatch": [
+ ]
diff --git a/Excel/2023 Excel Skeleton.xlsm b/Excel/2023 Excel Skeleton.xlsm
index cf1d3d3f9..4e005810b 100644
Binary files a/Excel/2023 Excel Skeleton.xlsm and b/Excel/2023 Excel Skeleton.xlsm differ
diff --git a/Excel/QRReader.bas b/Excel/QRReader.bas
index 1d4e546ed..32e7d5231 100644
--- a/Excel/QRReader.bas
+++ b/Excel/QRReader.bas
@@ -1,23 +1,51 @@
Attribute VB_Name = "QRReader"
-Sub process1QRCodeInput()
+Sub Save1QR()
saveData (getInput())
+ ActiveWorkbook.Save
End Sub
-Sub process6QRCodeInput()
+Sub processHardCodedData()
+ saveData ("s=fudd;e=2022carv;l=qm;m=2;r=r2;t=2451;as=[35];asg=[3,4];acc=1;acs=1;am=1;ad=e;tct=[8.3,7.3,6.7,7.1,5.5,5.8,5.4];tsg=[5,6,7,8,9,1,2];tfc=0;wf=0;wd=0;who=;lnk=1;fpu=b;dt=9.9;fs=e;dn=2;ds=v;ls=5;dr=x;sd=1;sr=5;die=0;tip=0;dc=0;all=1;co=PWNAGE")
+ ActiveWorkbook.Save
+End Sub
+Sub processQRCodeInput()
saveData (getInput())
saveData (getInput())
saveData (getInput())
saveData (getInput())
saveData (getInput())
saveData (getInput())
+ ActiveWorkbook.Save
+End Sub
+Sub Save1PitQR()
+ savePitData (getInput())
+ ActiveWorkbook.Save
End Sub
Public Function getInput()
- getInput = InputBox("Scan QR Code", "Match Scouting Input")
+ getInput = InputBox("Scan QR Code", "2023 Match Scouting Input")
End Function
+'Public Function Scaner()
+' Dim addIn As COMAddIn
+' Dim automationObject As Object
+' Set addIn = Application.COMAddIns("QRReader")
+' Set automationObject = addIn.Object
+' Dim out As String
+' out = automationObject.Scaner
+' Scaner = out
+'End Function
+Sub test()
+ saveData ("s=fudd;e=2022carv;l=qm;m=2;r=r2;t=2451;as=[35];asg=[3,4];acc=1;acs=1;am=1;ad=e;tct=[8.3,7.3,6.7,7.1,5.5,5.8,5.4];tsg=[5,6,7,8,9,1,2];tfc=0;wf=0;wd=0;who=;lnk=1;fpu=b;dt=9.9;fs=e;dn=2;ds=v;ls=5;dr=x;sd=1;sr=5;die=0;tip=0;dc=0;all=1;co=PWNAGE")
+End Sub
-Sub testSaveData()
- saveData ("s=fff;e=1234;l=qm;m=1234;r=r1;t=1234;as=;ae=Y;al=2;ao=2;ai=1;aa=Y;at=N;ax=Y;lp=2;op=1;ip=3;rc=pass;f=0;pc=pass;ss=;c=pass;b=N;ca=x;cb=x;cs=slow;p=N;ds=x;dr=x;pl=x;tr=N;wd=N;if=N;d=N;to=N;be=N;cf=N")
+Sub dbm(inp As String)
+ Dim r
+ r = MsgBox(inp, vbDefaultButton1 + vbInformation, "Debug", "help.hlp", 1000)
End Sub
Public Function ArrayLen(arr As Variant) As Integer
@@ -41,22 +69,51 @@ Sub saveData(inp As String)
' Set up map
' Fields for every year
- mapper.Add "s", "scouter"
- mapper.Add "e", "eventCode"
- mapper.Add "l", "matchLevel"
- mapper.Add "m", "matchNumber"
- mapper.Add "r", "robot"
- mapper.Add "t", "teamNumber"
- ' Additional custom mapping
- 'mapper.Add "f", "fouls"
- 'mapper.Add "c", "climb"
- 'mapper.Add "dr", "defenseRating"
- 'mapper.Add "d", "died"
- 'mapper.Add "to", "tippedOver"
- 'mapper.Add "cf", "cardFouls"
- 'mapper.Add "co", "comments"
+ mapper.add "s", "scouter"
+ mapper.add "e", "eventCode"
+ mapper.add "l", "matchLevel"
+ mapper.add "m", "matchNumber"
+ mapper.add "r", "robot"
+ mapper.add "t", "teamNumber"
+ ' 2023 Fields
+ ' Auto
+ mapper.add "as", "autoStartingLocation"
+ mapper.add "asg", "autoScoredGrid"
+ mapper.add "acc", "autoCrossedCable"
+ mapper.add "acs", "autoCrossedChargingStation"
+ mapper.add "am", "autoMobility"
+ mapper.add "ad", "autoDocked"
+ ' Teleop
+ mapper.add "tct", "cycleTimes"
+ mapper.add "tsg", "scoredGrid"
+ mapper.add "tfc", "feedCount"
+ mapper.add "wf", "wasFed"
+ mapper.add "wd", "wasDefended"
+ mapper.add "who", "whoDefended"
+ mapper.add "lnk", "smartLinks"
+ mapper.add "fpu", "floorPickUp"
+ mapper.add "dt", "dockingTime"
+ mapper.add "fs", "finalState"
+ mapper.add "dn", "numOfRobotsDocked"
+ 'Endgame
+ mapper.add "ds", "driverSkill"
+ mapper.add "ls", "linksScored"
+ mapper.add "dr", "defenseRating"
+ mapper.add "sd", "swerveDrive"
+ mapper.add "sr", "speedRating"
+ mapper.add "die", "diedOrTipped"
+ mapper.add "tip", "tippy"
+ mapper.add "dc", "droppedCones"
+ mapper.add "all", "goodPartner"
+ mapper.add "co", "comments"
+ If inp = "Camera" Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
If inp = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
@@ -77,7 +134,7 @@ Sub saveData(inp As String)
If mapper.Exists(key) Then
key = mapper(key)
End If
- data.Add key, value
+ data.add key, value
tableexists = False
@@ -88,7 +145,7 @@ Sub saveData(inp As String)
'Loop through each sheet and table in the workbook
For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each tbl In sht.ListObjects
- If tbl.Name = tableName Then
+ If tbl.name = tableName Then
tableexists = True
Set table = tbl
Set ws = sht
@@ -100,7 +157,7 @@ Sub saveData(inp As String)
'Set table = ws.ListObjects(tableName)
Dim tablerange As Range
- ws.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("A1:AO1"), , xlYes).Name = tableName
+ ws.ListObjects.add(xlSrcRange, Range("A1:CZ1"), , xlYes).name = tableName
i = 0
Set table = ws.ListObjects(tableName)
For Each key In data.Keys
@@ -111,10 +168,283 @@ Sub saveData(inp As String)
Dim newrow As ListRow
- Set newrow = table.ListRows.Add
+ Set newrow = table.ListRows.add
+ For Each str In data.Keys
+ ' Specific data manipulation
+ If str = "autoStartingLocation" Then
+ data(str) = stripShootingLocation(data(str))
+ End If
+ newrow.Range(table.ListColumns(str).Index) = data(str)
+ Next
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub savePitData(inp As String)
+ Dim fields
+ Dim par
+ Dim value
+ Dim key
+ Dim table As ListObject
+ Dim ws As Worksheet
+ Set ws = ActiveSheet
+ Dim mapper
+ Set mapper = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
+ Dim data
+ Set data = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
+ Dim tableName As String
+ tableName = "PitData"
+ ' Set up map
+ mapper.add "t", "teamNumber"
+ mapper.add "wid", "width"
+ mapper.add "wei", "weight"
+ mapper.add "drv", "drivetrain"
+ mapper.add "odt", "otherDrivetrain"
+ mapper.add "sr", "swerveRatio"
+ mapper.add "mot", "drivetrainMotor"
+ mapper.add "fco", "floorPickUpCones"
+ mapper.add "fcu", "floorPickUpCubes"
+ mapper.add "ccs", "crossCS"
+ mapper.add "aut", "autos"
+ If inp = "Camera" Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ If inp = "" Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ ' MsgBox (inp)
+ fields = Split(inp, ";")
+ If ArrayLen(fields) > 0 Then
+ Dim i As Integer
+ Dim str
+ i = 0
+ For Each str In fields
+ par = Split(str, "=")
+ key = par(0)
+ value = par(1)
+ If mapper.Exists(key) Then
+ key = mapper(key)
+ End If
+ data.add key, value
+ Next
+ tableexists = False
+ Dim tbl As ListObject
+ Dim sht As Worksheet
+ 'Loop through each sheet and table in the workbook
+ For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
+ For Each tbl In sht.ListObjects
+ If tbl.name = tableName Then
+ tableexists = True
+ Set table = tbl
+ Set ws = sht
+ End If
+ Next tbl
+ Next sht
+ If tableexists Then
+ ' Set table = ws.ListObjects(tableName)
+ Else
+ Dim tablerange As Range
+ ws.ListObjects.add(xlSrcRange, Range("A1:CZ1"), , xlYes).name = tableName
+ i = 0
+ Set table = ws.ListObjects(tableName)
+ For Each key In data.Keys
+ table.Range(i + 1) = key
+ i = i + 1
+ Next
+ End If
+ Dim newrow As ListRow
+ Set newrow = table.ListRows.add
For Each str In data.Keys
newrow.Range(table.ListColumns(str).Index) = data(str)
End If
End Sub
+Public Function stripShootingLocation(str As Variant)
+ If str <> "" Then
+ stripShootingLocation = Mid(str, 2, Len(str) - 2)
+ Else
+ stripShootingLocation = ""
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function countGrid(ByRef myCell As Range, ByVal countType As Integer) As Integer
+ Dim myArrStr As String
+ Dim myArr() As String
+ Dim highNumArr() As String
+ highNumArr = Split("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9", ",")
+ Dim medNumArr() As String
+ medNumArr = Split("10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18", ",")
+ Dim lowNumArr() As String
+ lowNumArr = Split("19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36", ",")
+ Dim coneNumArr() As String
+ coneNumArr = Split("1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27", ",")
+ Dim cubeNumArr() As String
+ cubeNumArr = Split("2,5,8,11,14,17,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36", ",")
+ Dim totalGamePieces As Integer
+ Dim highGamePieces As Integer
+ Dim medGamePieces As Integer
+ Dim lowGamePieces As Integer
+ Dim coneCount As Integer
+ Dim cubeCount As Integer
+ totalGamePieces = 0
+ highGamePieces = 0
+ medGamePieces = 0
+ lowGamePieces = 0
+ coneCount = 0
+ cubeCount = 0
+ If (myCell.Cells.count > 1) Then
+ MsgBox ("Pass in only 1 Cell")
+ countGrid = -1
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If Mid(myCell, 1, 1) = "[" And Mid(myCell, Len(myCell), 1) = "]" Then
+ myArrStr = Mid(myCell, 2, Len(myCell) - 2)
+ Else
+ MsgBox ("Cell not formatted correctly")
+ countGrid = -1
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ myArr = Split(myArrStr, ",")
+ Dim item As Variant
+ For Each item In myArr
+ totalGamePieces = totalGamePieces + 1
+ If Not IsError(Application.match(item, highNumArr, 0)) Then
+ highGamePieces = highGamePieces + 1
+ End If
+ If Not IsError(Application.match(item, medNumArr, 0)) Then
+ medGamePieces = medGamePieces + 1
+ End If
+ If Not IsError(Application.match(item, lowNumArr, 0)) Then
+ lowGamePieces = lowGamePieces + 1
+ End If
+ If Not IsError(Application.match(item, coneNumArr, 0)) Then
+ coneCount = coneCount + 1
+ End If
+ If Not IsError(Application.match(item, cubeNumArr, 0)) Then
+ cubeCount = cubeCount + 1
+ End If
+ Next item
+ If countType = 1 Then
+ ' Total game pieces
+ countGrid = totalGamePieces
+ ElseIf countType = 2 Then
+ ' High game pieces
+ countGrid = highGamePieces
+ ElseIf countType = 3 Then
+ ' Med game pieces
+ countGrid = medGamePieces
+ ElseIf countType = 4 Then
+ ' Low game pieces
+ countGrid = lowGamePieces
+ ElseIf countType = 5 Then
+ ' Cones
+ countGrid = coneCount
+ ElseIf countType = 6 Then
+ ' Cubes
+ countGrid = cubeCount
+ Else
+ ' Unsupported countType
+ MsgBox ("Unrecognized countType")
+ countGrid = -1
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function getTotalCount(ByRef myCell As Range) As Integer
+ getTotalCount = countGrid(myCell, 1)
+End Function
+Private Function getHighCount(ByRef myCell As Range) As Integer
+ getHighCount = countGrid(myCell, 2)
+End Function
+Private Function getMedCount(ByRef myCell As Range) As Integer
+ getMedCount = countGrid(myCell, 3)
+End Function
+Private Function getLowCount(ByRef myCell As Range) As Integer
+ getLowCount = countGrid(myCell, 4)
+End Function
+Private Function getConeCount(ByRef myCell As Range) As Integer
+ getConeCount = countGrid(myCell, 5)
+End Function
+Private Function getCubeCount(ByRef myCell As Range) As Integer
+ getCubeCount = countGrid(myCell, 6)
+End Function
+Private Function getAvgCycleTime(ByRef myCell As Range) As Double
+ Dim myArrStr As String
+ Dim myArr() As String
+ If (myCell.Cells.count > 1) Then
+ MsgBox ("Pass in only 1 Cell")
+ getAvgCycleTime = -1
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If Mid(myCell, 1, 1) = "[" And Mid(myCell, Len(myCell), 1) = "]" Then
+ myArrStr = Mid(myCell, 2, Len(myCell) - 2)
+ Else
+ MsgBox ("Cell not formatted correctly")
+ getAvgCycleTime = -1
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ myArr = Split(myArrStr, ",")
+ Dim total As Double
+ Dim count As Integer
+ total = 0
+ count = 0
+ Dim item As Variant
+ For Each item In myArr
+ Dim numStr As String
+ Dim num As Double
+ num = WorksheetFunction.Sum(0 & item)
+ total = total + num
+ count = count + 1
+ Next item
+ If count = 0 Then
+ getAvgCycleTime = 0
+ Else
+ getAvgCycleTime = total / count
+ End If
+End Function
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e14c82056..65a6f2142 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#### A scouting system for FIRST FRC competitions developed by [PWNAGE - Team #2451](https://pwnagerobotics.org).
-Live Demo . Getting Started . FAQ
+Live Demo . Pit Scouting . Getting Started . FAQ
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