#Contributing to Hospitality
Firstly, thanks for taking the time to contribute to Hospitality!
#Licensing To make use of your contribution, your permission needs to be granted for that use. The simplest way you can grant the required permissions to the project, is to make your contributions under the CC0 license ([https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode]). By doing so, you release your work into the public domain, and waive copyright over your contribution. This permits anyone the use of your contribution as part of their project, royalty free.
Alternatively, you can license your contribution separately to the maintainer of the Hospitality mod, Orion, as an irrevocable, royalty free, sublicensable, license to reproduce and share your contribution, or derivative work. Note that in the absence of any indication to the contrary, your submissions to the project are taken to be public domain/CC0 licensed.
#Style Guidelines Coming soon!
#Opening a New Issue Notes for bug reports and feature requests will be added. Thanks for your interest!