A list of awesome papers and cool resources on Computer Networks.
- SenseFi: A Library and Benchmark on Deep-Learning-Empowered WiFi Human Sensing | [Github]
A comprehensive benchmarking for deep learning models in WiFi sensing.
*Highly Recommended as a Tutorial with Codes
Papers are ordered by theme and inside each theme by publication date (submission date for arXiv papers).
WiFi CSI sensing methods have enabled many applications, which can be divided into three categories:
- Learning-based methods learn the mapping functions from CSI data to the corresponding labels by machine learning and deep learning.
- Modeling-based methods are based on physical theories like the Fresnel Zone model, or statistical models like the Rician fading model.
- Hybrid methods derive the strengths from learning-based and modeling-based methods.
- WiFi Sensing with Channel State Information: A Survey ACM Computing Surveys (2019)
- Device-Free WiFi Human Sensing: From Pattern-Based to Model-Based Approaches IEEE Communications Magazine (2017)
- From RSSI to CSI: Indoor Localization via Channel Response ACM Computing Surveys (2013)
- WiFi-enabled occupancy monitoring in smart buildings with a Self-Adaptive mechanism Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing (2023)
- A Machine Learning Approach to Passive Human Motion Detection Using WiFi Measurements From Commodity IoT Devices IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023)
- Intelligent Wi-Fi Based Child Presence Detection System IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (2022)
- Machine Learning empowered Occupancy Sensing for Smart Buildings IEEE ICML Climate Change Workshop (2019)
- FreeDetector: Device-Free Occupancy Detection with Commodity WiFi IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON Workshops) (2017)
- CSI-based location-independent Human Activity Recognition with parallel convolutional networks Computer Communications (2023)
- CSI-Based Location-Independent Human Activity Recognition Using Feature Fusion IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022)
- Wi-Fi-Based Location-Independent Human Activity Recognition with Attention Mechanism Enhanced Method Electronics (2022)
- Multimodal CSI-based Human Activity Recognition using GANs IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- Two-Stream Convolution Augmented Transformer for Human Activity Recognition | [Github] AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (2021)
- Improving WiFi-based Human Activity Recognition with Adaptive Initial State via One-shot Learning IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (2021)
- Data Augmentation and Dense-LSTM for Human Activity Recognition Using WiFi Signal IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- DeepSeg: Deep-Learning-Based Activity Segmentation Framework for Activity Recognition Using WiFi | [Github] IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- Robust CSI-based Human Activity Recognition using Roaming Generator IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) (2020)
- CsiGAN: Robust Channel State Information-Based Activity Recognition With GANs | [Github] IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2019)
- BeSense: Leveraging WiFi Channel Data and Computational Intelligence for Behavior Analysis IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (2019)
- WiFi CSI Based Passive Human Activity Recognition Using Attention Based BLSTM IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2019)
- Deep Learning Networks for Human Activity Recognition with CSI Correlation Feature Extraction IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2019)
- Device-free Occupancy Sensing Platform using WiFi-enabled IoT Devices for Smart Homes IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2018)
- DeepSense: Device-Free Human Activity Recognition via Autoencoder Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2018)
- CareFi: Sedentary Behavior Monitoring System via Commodity WiFi Infrastructures IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2018)
- Towards Occupant Activity Driven Smart Buildings via WiFi-enabled IoT Devices and Deep Learning Energy and Building (2018)
- Poster:WiFi-based Device-free Human Activity Recognition via Automatic Representation Learning Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing, MOBICOM-17 (2017)
- Understanding and Modeling of WiFi Signal Based Human Activity Recognition Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing (MOBICOM) (2017)