This guide talks about how to use vscat as a command line utility (npm package). To learn about using vscat as an API (Javascript/Typescript), please check the API Guide.
yarn add vscat
yarn vscat [...options]
npm install vscat
npm run vscat [...options]
-t, --theme
: Specifies which VS Code theme to use. Accepts a supported themeId or an explicit theme path. (default: "default-high-contrast")-l, --language
: Specifies the programming language. Accepts a supported languageId or an explicit JSON textmate grammar path. (omit to automatically detect)-w, --width
: Specifies width (in columns) of rendered output. (omit to automatically detect)-h, --help
: display usage help.
Highlights a single source file.
Highlights difference between two files.
Highlights a single source file with a diagnostic range.
--from <line,column>
: Starting position of the diagnostic.--to <line,column>
: Ending position of the diagnostic.--severity <severity>
: Supports 'error', 'warning', 'info', and 'hint'. (default: "error")
Lists all themes supported by this version.
Lists all languages supported by this version.