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Technical Documentation for NERC-logging-improvements

Setting up OpenShift Clusters


  1. log in: oc login --server=<OPENSHIFT_API_URL> --token=<YOUR_TOKEN>
  2. set active project: oc project <PROJECT_NAME>

or create project: oc new-project <PROJECT_NAME>

  1. oc apply -k cluster-scope/base/ wait for odf/loki operators to init before continuing

Configure Storage in Clusters


  1. oc apply -k odf/ GUI: may need to create storagecluster on GUI interface. need to find how to set this up in CLI Admin > Installed Operators > 'Create StorageSystem'
  2. Backing storage Deployment type = Full deployment > Backing strorage type = Use an existing StorageClass > StorageClass = gp2 > Click Next
  3. Capacity and nodes Select at least 3 nodes > Click Next
  4. Security and network Click Next
  5. Review and create Click Create StorageSystem If you get an Error 404:Page Not Found, ignore it Wait for ocs-storagecluster to finish init. ~5-10 minutes

Add loki to cluster storage

oc apply -k loki/base/backingstores/ oc apply -k loki/base/bucketclasses/ oc apply -k loki/base/storageclasses/ oc apply -k loki/base/objectbucketclaims/ oc apply -k loki/base/lokistacks/

wait for all to finish init. ~1-2 minutes

Add Storage secrets

ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc -n openshift-logging get secrets/logging-objectbucketclaim -o jsonpath={.data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} | base64 -d)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc -n openshift-logging get secrets/logging-objectbucketclaim -o jsonpath={.data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} | base64 -d)
BUCKET_NAME=$(oc -n openshift-logging get configmap/logging-objectbucketclaim -o jsonpath={.data.BUCKET_NAME})
BUCKET_HOST=$(oc -n openshift-logging get configmap/logging-objectbucketclaim -o jsonpath={.data.BUCKET_HOST})

oc -n openshift-logging create secret generic thanos-object-storage \
    --from-literal="access_key_id=${ACCESS_KEY_ID}" \
    --from-literal="access_key_secret=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" \
    --from-literal="bucketnames=${BUCKET_NAME}" \

# wait for all to finish init. ~10 minutes

Add logging

oc apply -k logging/

oc -n openshift-logging create secret generic lokistack-gateway-bearer-token   --from-literal=token="$(oc -n openshift-logging get secret logcollector-token --template='{{.data.token | base64decode}}')"    --from-literal=ca-bundle.crt="$(oc -n openshift-logging get configmap openshift-service-ca.crt --template='{{index .data "service-ca.crt"}}')"

Enable logging on openshift console

GUI: Openshift console > Installed Operators > Red Hat OpenShift Logging > console plugin > enable console plugin. Will need to wait for console to signal a reload. Takes a while

Create a Ceph user with read-only RBAC on source Cluster

ive not used these commands. commands may not be entirly correct. found on stackoverflow CLI: oc exec -it <CEPH_POD_NAME> -- radosgw-admin user create --uid="sourceuser" --display-name="Source User"

Create a Ceph user with write-only RBAC on destination Cluster

ive not used these commands. commands may not be entirly correct. found on stackoverflow CLI: oc exec -it <CEPH_POD_NAME> -- radosgw-admin user create --uid="destinationuser" --display-name="Destination User"

Configure s3cmd

CLI: on source cluster s3cmd --configure

  • S3 Endpoint: (Endpoint of Cluster A's Ceph RGW)
  • Access Key: (Access key of "sourceuser" created above)
  • Secret Key: (Secret key of "sourceuser" created above)

Make note of the .s3cfg file which is generated. This will be used to configure s3cmd on other containers or pods.

exit # To exit from the pod

Store s3cmd configuration for future use

oc create configmap s3cmd-config --from-file=$HOME/.s3cfg

Create s3cmd runner pod to perform the syncs using the saved configuration

oc run s3cmd-runner --image=alpine --restart=OnFailure -- sh -c "apk add --no-cache s3cmd && s3cmd sync s3://source-bucket/ s3://destination-bucket/ --config /config/.s3cfg" oc set volume pod/s3cmd-runner --add -m /config --configmap-name=s3cmd-config

Create a shell script for the s3cmd sync command

echo '#!/bin/sh s3cmd sync s3://source-bucket/ s3://destination-bucket/ --config /config/.s3cfg' >

Deploy this script within a config map in OpenShift

oc create configmap s3cmd-script

Define a CronJob to run the script at regular intervals (for example, every day at midnight)

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: s3cmd-sync-cron
  schedule: "0 0 * * *"
          - name: s3cmd
            image: alpine
            command: ["/bin/sh", "/script/"]
            - name: config
              mountPath: /config
            - name: script
              mountPath: /script
          - name: config
              name: s3cmd-config
          - name: script
              name: s3cmd-script
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Monitoring and Validations

Use oc logs to validate CronJob logs


Periodically compare the source and destination buckets' contents to ensure integrity

s3cmd ls s3://source-bucket/ s3cmd ls s3://destination-bucket/

Define policies or automation scripts to delete older logs from the source bucket after they've been confirmed to exist in the destination bucket. This can be done using s3cmd as well with specific date filters and other options.