Quick and dirty idea/code to launch .js with java 8 and Avatar.js lib
Not yet finished, reason:
running with Java/Avatar.js is launching like java -Djava.library.path=lib -jar lib/avatar-js.jar helloWorld.js
- libs maybe missing or in other folder,
- embedding not released binaries in Eclipse plugin seems bad idea (also there are native lib for every OS)
- would require searching for project root (Node can actually run from any folder)
Read at <>
Read also built-in F1 and Online Help
- http://www.infoq.com/articles/nashorn
- https://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/entry/project_avatar_is_open_source
- https://avatar.java.net/
- http://blog.jonasbandi.net/2014/03/running-nodejs-applications-on-jvm-with.html
- http://strongloop.com/strongblog/how-to-run-node-js-on-the-jvm-with-avatar-js-and-loopback/
- https://github.com/DJCordhose/NashornSandbox
Depends on .ui
and .common
Import-Package: org.nodeclipse.debug.launch
in MANIFEST.MF is for org.nodeclipse.debug.launch.LaunchConfigurationEnvironmentTab
org.nodeclipse.debug.util is for in org.nodeclipse.phantomjs.launch.LaunchConfigurationDelegate
TODO copy that Class or make .debug module general (not Node.js related)