- Permanent Storage
- Inter container communication by common storage
❖ Create a volume that would be stored permanently on parent OS but controlled by Docker engine
$ docker volume create --name [volume name]
$ docker volume ls
❖ Run docker container and mount the volume by synchronizing it with a directory in the container.
$ docker run -it -v [volume name]:[Absolute path of sync folder] [image name] bash
- If path of the sync folder specified does not exists, creates on container launch.
- Docker Volumes are stored at /var/lib/Docker/volumes
❖ Make changes in the synchronized folder of the container
$ cd [sync folder]
$ echo “Hello World” >> test.txt
$ exit
Note: To give root permissions in Docker and Vagrant, use $ sudo -s
❖ Inspecting the default mounted volume:
$ docker inspect [Container name or container ID]
Note: Until container attached deleted, cannot delete volume
Note: Volume data is stored at /var/lib/docker/volumes/[volumename]/_data/{}
❖ Display all docker volumes.
$ docker volume ls
❖ Remove docker volume by name or ID
$ docker volume rm [volume name or volume ID]
❖ Delete all the Docker volumes
$ docker volume prune