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Basics on Docker on Ubuntu virtual machine using Vagrant

1. Launch Ubunut VM via Vagrant on command line

$ vagrant up

2. Up a vagran box on vagrant

$ vagrant ssh

3. Install docker on the virtual machine

$ sudo apt install

4. Pull the most basic Linux image: Alpine

$ docker pull alpine

5. Run Alpine container

$ docker run alpine

Run command only exectues container which destroys itself after executing all its tasks.

6. Go inside container terminal using Interactive mode

$ docker run -it alpine 
  • -i: Interactive
  • -t: Terminal

7. Send a running container in detached mode: Running but not interacted with

ctrl + p + s

To stop an up and running container

  • Find the container name or ID by using docker ps
$ docker stop <container name>

After stop command, container is destroyed and it moves into exit state. All the exited containers can be seen through docker ps -a command.

8. Restart the exited container in up and running state

$ docker start container-id 

9. Execute linux command in container using alpine shell

$ docker run -it alpine /bin/sh

10. Delete containers: remove exited containers from memory so that they are inaccessible after docker ps -a

$ docker rm container id

11. Delete Docker images in local repository

  • Command to see all the local Docker Images
$ docker images
  • Delete Docker Images:
$ docker rmi <image name>

-> docker run -it -d alpine \bin\sh (run in background) -> docker run -it alpine \bin\sh (get terminal) (to execute detached image that is up -> Either by CTRL + P + Q or by opening it in detached mode -d) -> docker exec -it containter-name \bin\sh -> docker exec -it cont-name ls

ctrl+p+q -> move back to parent os terminal without exiting and stopping container

start vs exec vs attach