Docker-compose is used to run multiple containers in a cluster that are dependent on each other. It is an alternative to Docker Swarm and Kubernetes but generally used for preferably small clusters.
All the containers to be used are defined together in a configuration file called docker-compose.yaml
YAML - Yet Another Markup Language
Example: Docker-Compose.yaml file
build: .
- redis
- "3000"
- "8000"
image: redis:alpine
- /var/redis/data:/data
Explanation: Here we launch a NodeJS web application connected to Redis database.
- Format is
- value
First container called web is defined and uses a Dockerfile of NodeJS in the build path . (current folder)
Dockerfile for NodeJS application
FROM ocelotuproar/alpine-node:5.7.1-onbuild
links keyword is used to link one container in the yaml to another, it can be anything but it must be defined as a container name in the same file.
Second container is of key-value database called Redis
It is defined using Redis image from DockerHub
Volume is mapped from the linked Node.JS container to the current container.
- Launch the cluster
$ docker-compose up -d # for detached mode
- Check the state of containers in the cluster
$ docker-compose ps
- Check logs of the cluster
$ docker-compose logs
- Scale up/down a specific cluster of the container
$ docker-compose scale [container-name]=replicals [container-name]=replicas ...
- Stop all the containers of the cluster
$ docker-compose stop
- Remove all containers of the cluster
$ docker-compose rm