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File metadata and controls

86 lines (69 loc) · 3.52 KB


The deploy command allows you to deploy Kubernetes-based resources onto your current context, including:

$ actoolkit deploy -h
usage: actoolkit deploy [-h] {acp,chart} ...

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

    acp        deploy ACP (Astra Control Provisioner)
    chart      deploy a Helm chart


The deploy acp command allows you to install Astra Control Provisioner. Additional documentation upcoming.


The deploy chart command allows you to deploy a helm chart with the following syntax:

actoolkit deploy chart <appname> <chartname> -n/--namespace <namespacename> \
    -f/--values <values.yaml> --set <value1> --set <value2>

This command will carry out the following operations on your current kubeconfig context:

  1. Installs the bitnami, gitlab, and cloudbees helm repositories if they're not already installed
  2. Updates all the helm repositories (the three listed in step 1, and any user-defined repos)
  3. Checks to ensure that <namespacename> does not currently exist on the Kubernetes cluster
  4. Creates the <namespacename> namespace on the Kubernetes cluster
  5. Sets the kubeconfig context to utilize the <namespacename>
  6. Runs a helm install command deploying <chartname> with the name of <appname>
    1. Optionally specify any number of values files with -f/--values
    2. Optionally specify any number of individual values with --set
  7. Waits for Astra Control to discover the newly deployed <namespacename>
  8. Has Astra Control manage the newly discovered <appname>
  9. Creates a basic protection policy for the newly managed <appname>

Sample output:

$ actoolkit deploy cloudbees-core cloudbees/cloudbees-core \
    -n cloudbees-core -f values.yaml \
    --set \
    --set ingress-nginx.Enabled=true
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "gitlab" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "jfrog" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "cloudbees" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
namespace/cloudbees-core created
Context "gke_astracontroltoolkitdev_us-east1-b_useast1-cluster" modified.
NAME: cloudbees-core
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri May 27 15:25:00 2022
NAMESPACE: cloudbees-core
STATUS: deployed
1. Once Operations Center is up and running, get your initial admin user password by running:
  kubectl rollout status sts cjoc --namespace cloudbees-core
  kubectl exec cjoc-0 --namespace cloudbees-core -- cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
2. Visit

3. Login with the password from step 1.

For more information on running CloudBees Core on Kubernetes, visit:
Waiting for Astra to discover the namespace.. Namespace discovered!
Managing app: cloudbees-core. Success!
Setting hourly protection policy on 855d7fb2-5a7f-494f-ab0b-aea35344ad86
Setting daily protection policy on 855d7fb2-5a7f-494f-ab0b-aea35344ad86
Setting weekly protection policy on 855d7fb2-5a7f-494f-ab0b-aea35344ad86
Setting monthly protection policy on 855d7fb2-5a7f-494f-ab0b-aea35344ad86