Authenticate the ID or business registration card with the result of the Document API response.
To use the CLOVA eKYC Verify API, create an instance through Invoke url
and Secrect Key
let option = NcpEkycApiManager.Option(idCardInvokeUrl: "",
idCardSecretKey: "")
let apiManager = NcpEkycApiManager(option: option)
To perform Verify API, you need to create a NcpEkycApiManager
instance and call its verify()
func verify(document: Document,
additionalHeader: [String: Any] = [:],
additionalParameter: [String: Any] = [:],
networkTimeoutMs: TimeInterval = 10000,
completion: @escaping (Result<VerifyResult, ApiError>) -> Void)
The following is a code example that uses the detection result:
apiManager.verify(document: document, completion: { (result) in
The VerifyResult
object returned from the verify()