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14. Controllers & Composites

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Controllers and Composites

Nalu mainly helps you to define three types of elements:

  • Handler (a class, without visual components see Handler)
  • Controller
  • Components

This page will show you how to build Controllers and Components.

If you are familiar with the MVP pattern: In Nalu a controller can be compared with the presenter and the component with the view of the MVP pattern.

Nalu requires to use the view delegate pattern.


A visual part in Nalu will always be a combination of a controller and a component. The Controller will load data, fire events, handle events and routes to other controllers. A Controller should never contain classes and interfaces of a widget library.

Defining a Controller

To create a controller, you have to:

  • extend AbstractComponentController<C, V, W>
    • C: type of the context
    • V: type of the view (interface) that will be injected in the controller
    • W: type of the base class of your widget library (for GWT & GXT: Widget, Elemento and Domino-UI: HTMLElement)

By extending AbstractComponentController you will have access to the allowing instances:

  • C context: instance of the application context (Singleton)
  • V view: instance of the view
  • eventBus: instance of the application wide event bus
  • router: instance of the router

To tell Nalu, that this class is a controller, you have to annotate the class with Controller. Nalu will automatically create an instance for each class annotated with @Controller in case the route of the controller gets triggered. (except in cases where the controller is cached.)

A controller requires a

  • a public, zero-argument constructor
  • annotate the controller with @Controller

Here is an example of a controller:

@Controller(route = "/shell/route01/route02/:id",
            selector = "content",
            componentInterface = IMyComponent.class,
            component = MyComponent.class)
public class DetailController
 extends AbstractComponentController<MyApplicationContext, IMyComponent, HTMLElement>
 implements IMyComponent.Controller {

 public MyController() {



Controller annotation

To let Nalu automatically create a controller the controller class (which extend AbstractComponentController) needs to be annotated with @Controller.

The @Controller annotation has four required attributes:

  • route: the route which activates the controller. A route has two parts:
    • the first part contains the path to the controller. A route starts always with a '/' and is used to separate routes
    • the second part are the parameters that will be injected in the controller. To define a parameter inside a route, use '/:parameter name'. Parameters are optional
  • selector: a selector defines an ID inside the DOM (using the element plugin) or an add-method (using the GWT-plugin) which will be called to add a widget to the DOM.
  • componentInterface: the type of the interface for your component
  • component: the type of the component

The 'componentInterface'-attribute will be used inside the controller as reference of the component interface, whereas the 'component'-attribute will be used to instantiate the component. By default, Nalu uses new to create an instance of a component. (GWT-create() will no longer be available in J2CL / GWT 3! And, to be ready for J2CL / GWT 3 Nalu has to avoid using GWT.create.).

You can assign a controller to several shells and routes. This is an example of a controller, that can be used with the shell 'logon' and 'application'. To define this, use: /[logon|application]/part01/part02/.

To assign a controller to several routes:

@Controller(route = { "/shell/route01/route02/:id",
                      "/shell/route01/route02/route03/:id" },
            selector = "content",
            componentInterface = MultiRouteComponent.class,
            component = MultiRouteComponentImpl.class)
public class MultiRouteController
    extends AbstractComponentController<MultiRouteContext, MultiRouteComponent, HTMLElement>
    implements MultiRouteComponent.Controller {

Keep in MInd, that all routes need the same number and names for the parameters.


In case a controller accepts parameters, you have to add the parameters to the route attribute. Parameters are defined by using ':parameterName' or '{parameterName}'.

To let Nalu inject a parameter from the route into the controller, you have to create a method, which accepts a String parameter and annotate the method using the @AcceptParameter("parameterName") annotation.

For example, if the controller requires an 'id', the controller class will look like this:

@Controller(route = "/shell/route01/route02/:id",
                    selector = "content",
                    componentInterface = IMyComponent.class,
                    component = MyComponent.class)
public class MyController
 extends AbstractComponentController<MyApplicationContext, IMyComponent, HTMLElement>
 implements IMylComponent.Controller {

 private long id;

 public DetailController() {

 public void setId(String id)
   throws RoutingInterceptionException {
   try { = Long.parseLong(id);
   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     // in case of an exception route to another page ...
     throw new RoutingInterceptionException(this.getClass()

Note: At the time parameters are set by Nalu, the component is not rendered! Rendering of the component will occur after all parameters are set!

Starting with version 2.6.0 Nalu will offer a possibility to add constraints to parameter. The constraints will be executed before the parameter gets injected into the controller / composite controller.

In case you would like to use constraints, first you need to define a rule:

@BlackListing({ "113", "213", "456", "987", "223", "332" })
@WhiteListing({ "111", "112", "113" })
public interface IdRule
    extends IsParameterConstraintRule {

To define a rule, you need to create an interface which extends IsParameterConstraintRule and is annotated with ParameterConstraintRule.

Several annotation can be used to add constraints to the parameter:

  • BlackListing: parameter value that do match the values of the list are not allowed
  • MaxLength: parameter value is limited to the given value. Longer parameters will cause an error.
  • NotEmpty: parameter value should not be null or empty!
  • Pattern: parameter value has to match the given pattern.
  • WhiteListing: parameter value that do match the values of the list are allowed

Once you have defined a rule, you can use the rule. To use a rule, you need to add the ParameterConstraint-annotation to the method which is annotated with AcceptParameter:

@ParameterConstraint(rule = IdRule.class,
                     illegalParameterRoute = "/app/error/parameter")
public void setId(String id)
    throws RoutingInterceptionException { = Long.parseLong(id);

Note: The illegalParameterRoute should be used with a route without parameters!

Life Cycle

A Nalu controller has a life cycle. Nalu supports the methods:

  • bind: will be called before the component is created. This method will not be called in case a controller is cached.
  • start: will be called after the component is created. This method will not be called in case a controller is cached.
  • active: will be called after the start-method. This method will be called in case a controller is created or cached.
  • mayStop: will be called before a new routing occurs. In case the method return a String and not a null value, Nalu will display the String and abort the routing.
  • unbind: will be called before a new routing occurs.
  • deactive: will be called before the stop-method. This method will be called in case a controller is created or cached.
  • stop: in case of a successful routing (not interrupted by a filter or the mayStop method) this method will be called. This method will not be called in case a controller is cached.

Every time the application gets a new route, Nalu will create a new instance of the controller (and of course of the component). In case a controller is cached Nalu will use the cached instance of the controller.

onAttach Method

Nalu will call the onAttach method, after the component is added to the DOM. This is an internal method, that should not be overwritten. Use the active-method inside the controller instead.

onDetach Method

Nalu will call the onDetach method, after the component is removed to the DOM. This is an internal method, that should not be overwritten. Use the deactive-method inside the controller instead.

bind Method (since v1.2.1)

Nalu will call the bind-method before the component is created. This is an internal method, that can be overwritten. That's a good place to do some preparing actions. The method is asynchronous. This makes it possible to do a server call before Nalu will continue. To tell Nalu to continue, call loader.continueLoading(). In case you want to interrupt the loading, just do not call loader.continueLoading() and use the router to route to another place.

unbind Method (since v2.12.0)

Nalu will call the unbind-method after the mayStop-method is called and only in case the mayStop-method did not interrupt the routing. This is an internal method, that can be overwritten. The unbind-method is asynchron - similar to the bind-method. That means Nalu has given the control to the controller. This makes it possible to do a server call before Nalu will continue. In opposite to the bind-method, it is necessary to give the control back to Nalu - even you do not want to continue!

Therefore, the method has two commands as parameter:

  • IsController.ContinueUnloadCommand: Use this command to give back the control to Nalu and tell Nalu to continue routing
  • IsController.StopUnloadCommand: Use this command to give back the control to Nalu and tell Nalu to stop routing

Note: It is very important to give the control back to Nalu. Otherwise, Nalu is in an undefined state!

This new method is perfect for validation and saving data.

Event Bus

A controller has access to the application event bus. Nalu uses the classes of the module This artifact is ready for GWT 3/J2CL and works similar like the event bus from GWT. You can add handler to the event bus and fire events. A good place to register a handler on the event bus is the bind-method or start method.

Handler Management

Nalu supports an automatic handler removing.

There are three types of handler registrations management Nalu supports:

  1. handler registrations inside a component (f.e.: ClickHandlers, etc.)
  2. handler registrations inside a ComponentController or CompositeController
  3. global handler registrations inside a ComponentController or CompositeController

Depending on the type of the handler registration you are using, the handler will be removed at different times.

Handler Registrations inside a Component

Inside a component, you can add a HandlerRegistration like this:

   this.handlerRegistrations.add(this.myWidget.addClickHandler(e -> doSomething()));

After the stop-method of the associated controller gets called, all added handler registrations will be removed. This behavior is the same for normal components and composite components.

Handler Registrations inside a ComponentController or CompositeController

Inside a ComponentController or CompositeController, you can add a HandlerRegistration like this:

                                                          e -> doSomething()));

or, in case you want to add more than one:

                                                          e -> doSomething01()),
                                                          e -> doSomething02()));

Place the adding into the active-method, because after the deactive-method of the associated controller gets called, all added handler registrations will be removed. This behavior is the same for normal components and composite components.


If you are using cached components, then the handler will only be active in case the component is visible.

Global Handler Registrations inside a ComponentController or CompositeController

Inside a ComponentController or CompositeController, you can add a HandlerRegistration like this:

                                                                e -> doSomething()));

or, in case you want to add more than one:

                                                                    e -> doSomething01()),
                                                                    e -> doSomething02()));

Place the adding into the start-method, because after the stop-method of the associated controller gets called, all added handler registrations will be removed. This behavior is the same for normal components and composite components.


**If you are using cached components, handlers need to be added inside the active-method **

Component Creation

Nalu will automatically create a component using the Java 'new'-command and inject the component into the controller. Therefore, the component needs to have a zero argument constructor.

In some cases this might be a problem.

You can tell Nalu to use a method inside the controller and create the component by your own. To do so, you have to annotate the controller with IsComponentCreator<V> and implement a createComponent-method.

public class MyController
  extends AbstractComponentController<MyContext, IMyComponent, HTMLElement>
  implements IMyComponent.Controller,
             IsComponentCreator<IMyComponent> {


  public IMyComponent createComponent() {
    return new MyComponent();

The IsComponentCreator-interface will also work with composites of Nalu!

Note: At the time Nalu calls the createComponent-method, the context is already injected.


A component represents the visual part. This is the place where the layout is created, fields are added, etc.

Defining a component

To create a component, you have to:

  • extend AbstractComponent<C, W>
    • C: type of the controller (defined as interface)
    • W: type of the base class of your widget library (for GWT & GXT: Widget, Elemento and Domino-UI: HTMLElement)

A component requires a

  • a public, zero-argument constructor
  • setting the element inside the render method using initElement(widget)

Nalu will, after a component is created, call the render method. So the application is able to create the visible parts. Once you are ready with your layout, call the initElement method and use the root element as parameter. Once, it is done, Nalu will use the element of the component and add it to the DOM.

It is possible to call the getController-method inside the render-method to obtain values from the controller.

Execution Order

The following image shows the execution order in case a new controller is created:

Execution Order


Imagine, you have a view, that looks like that:

Route Flow

Of course, it is possible to render this view inside one component. In some cases, where your controller and component will have too much code, or you want to reuse one of the composite01 component, composite02 component and composite03 component, you can extract them in separate controller and component pairs. But this would not be handled but Nalu.

Nalu offers - with the support for Composites - a feature to enable you creating such things.

Composites in Nalu are treated like controllers, but can not be used by a route. That's the different between a composite and a controller. Composites will have access to the event bus, router and context. A Composite controller behave like a normal controller. Except, that it can be only activated from a controller and not from the router!

Creating a Composite

To create a composite, you have to:

  • extend AbstractCompositeController<C, V, W>
    • C: type of the context
    • V: type of the view (interface) that will be injected in the controller
    • W: type of the base class of your widget library (for GWT & GXT: Widget, Elemento and Domino-UI: HTMLElement)

By extending AbstractCompositeController you will have access to the allowing instances:

  • C context: instance of the application context (Singleton)
  • V view: instance of the view
  • event bus: instance of the application wide event bus
  • router: instance of the router

To tell Nalu, that this class is a controller, you have to annotate the class with CompositeController. Nalu will automatically create an instance for each class annotated with @CompositeController.

A composite requires a

  • a public, zero-argument constructor
  • annotate the controller with @CompositeController

Here is an example of a composite:

@@CompositeController(componentInterface = IMyCompositeComponent.class,
                      component = MyCompositeComponent.class)
public class MyComposite
  extends AbstractCompositeController<MyApplicationContext, IMyCompositeComponent, HTMLElement>
  implements IMyCompositeComponent.Controller {

  public MyComposite() {


CompositeController annotation

To let Nalu automatically create a composite the composite class (which extend AbstractCompositeController) needs to be annotated with @CompositeController.

The @CompositeController annotation has two required attributes:

  • componentInterface: the type of the interface for your component
  • component: the type of the component

The 'componentInterface'-attribute will be used inside the composite controller as reference of the component interface, whereas the 'component'-attribute will be used to instantiate the composite component. By default, Nalu uses the new to create an instance of a component. (GWT-create() will no longer be available in J2CL / GWT 3! And, to be ready for J2CL / GWT 3 Nalu has to avoid using GWT.create).

Life Cycle

A Nalu composite controller has a life cycle similar the life cycle of a controller. Nalu supports the methods:

  • start: will be called after the component is created for a controller that is not cached.

  • activate: this will be called every time a controller gets active independent of the fact, if the controller is newly created or cached.

  • mayStop: will be called before a new routing occurs. In case the method return a String and not a null value, Nalu will display the String and abort the routing.

  • deactivate: this will be called every time a controller gets inactive independent of weather the controller is newly created or cached.

  • stop: in case of a successful routing (not interrupted by a filter or the mayStop method) this method will be called. In case the controller is cached the stop-method will not be called.

Every time the application composite is required by a controller, Nalu will create a new instance of the composite controller (and of course of the component).

onAttach Method

Nalu will call the onAttach method, after the component is added to the DOM. This is an internal method, that should not be overwritten. Use the active-method inside the controller instead.

onDetach Method

Nalu will call the onDetach method, after the component is removed to the DOM. This is an internal method, that should not be overwritten. Use the deactivate-method inside the controller instead.

Event Bus

A controller has access to the application event bus. Nalu uses the events of the module This artifact is ready for GWT 3/J2CL and works similar like the event bus from GWT. You can add handler to the event bus and fire events. A good place to register a handler on the event bus is the bind-method or start-method.

Handler Management

Nalu supports automatic handler removing.

In case the controller adds a handler to the event bus, add the HandlerRegistration to the controller handler registration list. Once the controller is stopped, all handlers will be removed from the event bus. Use the active-method to add a handler. Nalu will remove the handlers in case of a deactivation of the controller. So, in case the controller is cached the handlers will be removed and once the cached controller gets active again, the activate-method gets called again.

 public void activate() {
   // add the handler registration to the HandlerRegistrations class of this controller
   // Doing that will help that once the controller gets stops all handler registrations
   // will be removed!
                                                          e -> doSomething())));

Composite Component

A component represents the visual part. This is the place where the layout is created, fields are added, etc.

Defining a Composite Component

A composite component looks like a normal component. To create a composite component, you have to:

  • extend AbstractCompositeComponent<C, W>
    • C: type of the composite controller (defined as interface)
    • W: type of the base class of your widget library (for GWT & GXT: Widget, Elemento and Domino-UI: HTMLElement)

A composite component requires

  • a public, zero-argument constructor
  • setting the element inside the render method using initElement(widget)

Nalu will, after a composite component is created, call the render method. So the application is able to create the visible parts. Once you are ready with your layout, call the initElement method and use the root element as parameter. Once, it is done, Nalu will use the element of the component and add it to the DOM.

It is possible to call the getController-method inside the render-method to obtain values from the controller.

Adding Composites to a Controller

In order to use composite controllers in Nalu, you have to add the Composite annotation to a controller. The Composites annotation will have another Composite annotation for each composite.

Here an example of how to use composites in a controller. This example shows a controller, which uses two composites:

@Controller(route = "/shell/route01/route02/:parameter01",
            selector = "selector01",
            componentInterface = IMyComponent.class,
            component = MyComponent.class)
  @Composite(name = "composite01",
                    compositeController = MyComposite01.class,
                    selector = "composite01"),
  @Composite(name = "composite02",
                    compositeController = MyComposite02.class,
                    selector = "composite02")
public class MyCompositeUsingController
 extends AbstractComponentController<MyApplicationContext, IMyComponent, HTMLElement>
 implements IMyComponent.Controller {



Nalu will inject the instance of the created composite controllers into the controller. So, the controller can easily access the composite. To access the instance of a composite, use this statement:

 MyComposite01 instanceOfComposite01 = super.<MyComposite01>getComposite("composite01");

In some cases, especially if the selector of the composite is defined outside the DOM of the component, the composite component will not be removed if a new routing occurs. In these cases overriding the remove method of the AbstractCompositeComponent class will help. Just add in this method the code to remove the out most container by calling myOuterContainer.remove() or myOuterContainer.removeFromParent(). Nalu will call the remove method once a composite controller gets stopped.

Conditional Composite (since v1.2.2)

Starting with version 1.2.2 Nalu will support conditional composite. A conditional composite is a composite that will be inserted into the screen depending on a condition. So, it is possible to decide whether to show or not show a composite depending on the route, parameters or information stored inside the context.

A conditional composite requires a class that extends AbstractCompositeCondition. Inside this class the boolean loadComposite(String route, String... params) must be implemented. Returning true will tell Nalu to create the composite and it to the component. In case the value false is returned, Nalu will not create the composite and add it to the component.

The conditional class is another attribute of the Composite - annotation called 'condition'.

Here is an example of the usage of a conditional composite.

First, create the condition:

public class MyCompositeCondition
    extends AbstractCompositeCondition<MyApplicationContext> {

  public boolean loadComposite(String route,
                               String... params) {
    if ([condition]) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;


Use the condition inside the Composite-annotation:

@Controller(route = "/shell/route01/route02/:parameter01",
            selector = "selector01",
            componentInterface = IMyComponent.class,
            component = MyComponent.class)
  @Composite(name = "composite01",
                    compositeController = MyComposite01.class,
                    selector = "composite01"),
  @Composite(name = "composite02",
                    compositeController = MyComposite02.class,
                    selector = "composite02",
                    condition = MyCompositeCondition.class)
public class MyCompositeUsingController
 extends AbstractComponentController<MyApplicationContext, IMyComponent, HTMLElement>
 implements IMyComponent.Controller {



Now, depending on the return value of the loadComposite-method, the composite will be created and added or not.

Keep in mind: in case the condition class returns false, Nalu will not create an instance of the composite!

Starting with version 2.11.0 composites can also be used on shells.

BlockController (since v2.0.0)

Starting with v2.0.0 Nalu provides a new controller type: the BlockController.

A BlockController behaves like a normal controller, but gets created at the start of the application and will be permanent visible.

A BlockController has the following features:

  • has no route (and because of that: no history!)
  • has no selector (Nalu will ask the BlockController to append the element)
  • has no life-cycle
  • can not be cached (because it is cached by default)

Defining a BlockController

To create a BlockController, you have to:

  • extend AbstractBlockComponentController<C, V>
    • C: type of the context
    • V: type of the view (interface) that will be injected in the controller

By extending AbstractBlockComponentController you will have access to the allowing instances:

  • C context: instance of the application context (Singleton)
  • V view: instance of the view
  • event bus: instance of the application wide event bus
  • router: instance of the router

To tell Nalu, that this class is a BlockController, you have to annotate the class with @BlockController. Nalu will automatically create an instance for each class annotated with @BlockController the first time the application gets loaded. Once the controller is created, it will always be used.

A controller requires a

  • a public, zero-argument constructor
  • annotate the controller with @BlockController
  • extends AbstractBlockComponentController

Here is an example of a controller:

@BlockController(name = "fork",
                 componentInterface = IForkBlockComponent.class,
                 component = ForkBlockComponent.class)
public class ForkBlockController
    extends AbstractBlockComponentController<NaluSimpleApplicationContext, IForkBlockComponent>
    implements IForkBlockComponent.Controller {

  public ForkBlockController() {


BlockController Annotation

To let Nalu automatically create a BlockController the controller class (which extend AbstractBlockComponentController) needs to be annotated with @BlockController.

The @BlockController annotation has three required attributes:

  • name: the name used to identify the controller
  • componentInterface: the type of the interface for your component
  • component: the type of the component

and an additional, optional attribute:

  • condition: used by Nalu to hide or show the component

The 'componentInterface'-attribute will be used inside the controller as reference of the component interface, whereas the 'component'-attribute will be used to instantiate the component. By default, Nalu uses the new to create an instance of a component. (GWT-create() will no longer be available in J2CL / GWT 3! And, to be ready for J2CL / GWT 3 Nalu has to avoid using GWT.create).

You can use the IsBlocKComponentCreator-interface to create the component inside your controller.

Nalu will inject:

  • the instance of the router
  • the instance of the event bus
  • the instance of the context
  • the instance of the component

into the controller.

Life Cycle of a BlockController

A Nalu BlockController has no life cycle. The controller (and it's component) will be created at the start of the application. Once it is created, Nalu will always use this instance.

Nalu will call several methods inside the BlockController:

  • onBeforeShow: will be called before the show-method. (A good place to initialize the controller and component)
  • show: to show the component.
  • onBeforeHide: will be called before the hide-method. (A good place to clean up the controller and component)
  • hide: to hide the component.
  • append: to add the component to the DOM

It is up to the controller to show, hide and append the component..

BlockComponent Creation

Nalu will automatically create a component using the Java 'new'-command and inject the component into the controller. Therefore, the component needs to have a zero argument constructor.

In some cases this might be a problem.

You can tell Nalu to use a method inside the controller and create the component by your own. To do so, you have to annotate the controller with IsBlockComponentCreator<V> and implement a createBlockComponent-method.

@BlockController(name = "fork",
                 componentInterface = IForkBlockComponent.class,
                 component = ForkBlockComponent.class)
public class ForkBlockController
    extends AbstractBlockComponentController<NaluSimpleApplicationContext, IForkBlockComponent>
    implements IForkBlockComponent.Controller,
               IsBlockComponentCreator<IForkBlockComponent> {

  public ForkBlockController() {

  public IForkBlockComponent createBlockComponent() {
    return new ForkBlockComponent();


Note: At the time Nalu calls the createBlockComponent-method, the context is already injected.

Controlling the Block using Events

Starting with version 2.1.0 Nalu will provide events to control the visibility of a block.

To make a BlockComponent visible, just fire the ShowBlockComponentEvent by calling:


The show-method will take the name of the BlockController to show.

To make a BlockComponent invisible, just fire the HideBlockComponentEvent:


The hide-method will take the name of the BlockController to hide.

Both events accept parameters. To add a parameter to the event, use:

                                               .using("myParameter01", "myValue01")
                                               .using("myParameter02", "myValue02"));

PopUpController (since v1.2.2)

Before version 1.2.2 Nalu does not support pop-ups. Starting with version 1.2.2 Nalu gets a new controller type: PopUpController. The new controller will enable Nalu to handle pop-ups.

A PopUpController has the following features:

  • has no route (and because of that: no history!)
  • has no selector (Nalu will not add the component of a PopUpController to the shell, because it is a pop-up!)
  • has no life-cycle
  • can not be cached (because it is cached by default)
  • is triggered by an event

Defining a PopUpController

To create a pop-up Controller, you have to:

  • extend AbstractPopUpComponentController<C, V>
    • C: type of the context
    • V: type of the view (interface) that will be injected in the controller

By extending AbstractPopUpComponentController you will have access to the allowing instances:

  • C context: instance of the application context (Singleton)
  • V view: instance of the view
  • event bus: instance of the application wide event bus
  • router: instance of the router

To tell Nalu, that this class is a pop-up controller, you to annotate the class with PopUpController. Nalu will automatically create an instance for each class annotated with @PopUpController the first time it is requested. Once the controller is created, it will always be reused.

A controller requires a

  • a public, zero-argument constructor
  • annotate the controller with @PopUpController
  • extends AbstractPopUpComponentController

Here is an example of a controller:

@PopUpController(name = "PopUpEditor",
                 componentInterface = IMyComponent.class,
                 component = MyComponent.class)
public class MyPopUpController
    extends AbstractPopUpComponentController<MyContext, IMyComponent>
    implements IMyComponent.Controller,
               IsPopUpComponentCreator<IDetailComponent> {
 public MyPopUpController() {



PopUpController annotation

To let Nalu automatically create a pop-up controller the controller class (which extend AbstractPopUpComponentController) needs to be annotated with @PopUpController.

The @PopUpController annotation has three required attributes:

  • name: the name used to identify the controller
  • componentInterface: the type of the interface for your component
  • component: the type of the component

and an optional attribute:

  • alwaysRenderComponent.

The componentInterface-attribute will be used inside the controller as reference of the component interface, whereas the component-attribute will be used to instantiate the component. By default, Nalu uses the new to create an instance of a component. (GWT-create() will no longer be available in J2CL / GWT 3! And, to be ready for J2CL / GWT 3 Nalu has to avoid using GWT.create).

The optional alwaysRenderComponent-attribute tells Nalu how to handle component rendering. By default, Nalu will render the component at the moment the popup is used the first time. After that, Nalu will always reuse the element. Setting the alwaysRenderComponent-attribute to true, Nalu will render the component every time the popup is used. Nalu will call the following methods:

  • removeHandlers
  • render
  • bind

inside the component.

You can use the IsPopUpComponentCreator-interface to create the component inside your controller.

Nalu will inject:

  • the instance of the router
  • the instance of the event bus
  • the instance of the context
  • the instance of the component

into the controller.

Trigger a PopUpController

A PopUpController is not bound to a route. To trigger a PopUpController fire the ShowPopUpEvent. The ShowPopUpEvent takes the name of the pop-up (will be used to identify the pop-up inside the PopUpControllerFactory) and add the necessary parameters. The name value is mandatory whereas the parameters are optional.

The following code shows how to trigger a PopUpController in Nalu:


The code above triggers the PopUpController using the name 'PopUpEditor'.

The showPopUpEvent offers two features to pass data to the PopUpController:

Passing and retrieving Strings


The code triggers the PopUpController and adds 'id' to the event. (A parameter value must be a String)

Nalu will inject the parameters into the dataStore inside the AbstractPopUpComponentController-class. To retrieve the value use:

String id = super.dataStore.get("id");

Passing and retrieving arbitrary objects (since v2.9.0)

                                             new MyObject("withMyContent")));

The code triggers the PopUpController and adds 'id' to the event. (The parameter value can be an arbitrary object)

Nalu will inject the parameters into the dataObjectStore inside the AbstractPopUpComponentController-class. To retrieve the value use:

Object id = super.dataObjectStore.get("id"); //or cast it to your class ;)

Life Cycle

A Nalu pup-up controller has no life cycle. The controller (and it's component) will be created the first time an event is requesting this pop-up. Once it is created, Nalu will always reuse this instance.

Nalu will call three methods inside the PopUpController:

  1. bind: will be called at application start, at the time when the controller is created. At that time, the component is not created and the component-instance is null. The method is a good place to add global handler, etc. The method is asynchronous. To give the control back to Nalu, just call: finishLoadCommand.finishLoading.
  2. onBeforeShow: will be called before the show-method. (A good place to initialize the controller and component each time before it gets visible) The method is asynchronous. To give the control back to Nalu, just call: finishLoadCommand.finishLoading.
  3. show: to show the controller.

It is up to the controller to show the pop-up and hide it.

Component Creation

Nalu will automatically create a component using the Java 'new'-command and inject the component into the controller. Therefore, the component needs to have a zero argument constructor.

In some cases this might be a problem.

You can tell Nalu to use a method inside the controller and create the component by your own. To do so, you have to annotate the controller with IsPopUpComponentCreator<V> and implement a createPopUpComponent-method.

public class MyController
  extends AbstractPopUpComponentController<MyContext, IMyComponent>
  implements IMyComponent.Controller,
             IsPopUpComponentCreator<IMyComponent> {


  public IMyComponent createPopUpComponent() {
    return new MyComponent();

Note: At the time Nalu calls the createPopUpComponent-method, the context is already injected.


Similar to the route filter feature Nalu offers a ShowPopUpEvent-Filter. Any time a ShowPopUpEvent is fired all filter-methods of the popup filters are executed. In case that at least one of filters returns false, the event gets canceled. A popup filter has access to the event. So it is possible to check the name of the requested popup and can access all values.

Creating a PopUpFilter is quite easy:

public class MyPopUpFilter
    extends AbstractPopUpFilter<MyContext> {

  public IolaniEditPopUpFilter() {

  public boolean filter(ShowPopUpEvent event) {
    if ("MyDoNotShowPopUp".equals(event.getName())) {
      return false; // never show this popup
    return true; // we are happy to continue


It is possible to add a (optional) cancel handler, which gets executed in case the ShowPopUpEvent is canceled:

public class MyPopUpFilter
    extends AbstractPopUpFilter<MyContext> {

  public IolaniEditPopUpFilter() {

  public boolean filter(ShowPopUpEvent event) {
    if ("MyDoNotShowPopUp".equals(event.getName())) {
      return false; // never show this popup
    return true; // we are happy to continue

  public IsPopUpFilter.CancelHandler getCancelHandler() {
    return () -> [Do something ... ];


By using the PopUpFilter-annotation, you can register the popup filter:

@Application(context = MyContext.class,
             startRoute = MyRoutes.ROUTE_START)
@PopUpFilters(filterClasses = MyPopUpFilter.class)
public interface IolaniApplication
    extends IsApplication {

An application can have more than one popup filter.

Conditional PopUps (since v2.3.0)

Starting with version 2.3.0 Nalu will support conditional popups. A conditional popup is a popup that will be visible depending on a condition. So, it is possible to decide whether to show or not show a popup depending on information stored inside the context.

A conditional popup requires a class that extends AbstractPopUpCondition. Inside this class the boolean showPopUp(ShowPopUpEvent event)-method must be implemented. Returning true will tell Nalu to show the popup. In case the value false is returned, Nalu will not show the popup.

The conditional class is another attribute of the PopUpController - annotation called 'condition'.

Here is an example of the usage of a conditional composite.

First, create the condition:

public class MyShowPopUpCondition
    extends AbstractPopUpCondition {

  public AlwaysShowPopUp() {

  public boolean showPopUp(ShowPopUpEvent event) {
    if ([condition]) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;


Use the condition inside the PopUpController-annotation:

@PopUpController(name = "MyPopUpName",
                 componentInterface = IMyPopUpComponent.class,
                 component = MyPopUpComponent.class,
                 condition = MyPopUpCondition.class)
public class ApplicationSettingsEditController
    extends AbstractIolaniPopUpController<IMyPopUpComponent>
    implements IMyPopUpComponent.Controller {



Now, depending on the return value of the showPopUp-method, the popup will be shown or not.

Keep in mind: in case the showPopUp method of the condition returns false, Nalu had already created the popup!

Multiple Route Support

A controller in Nalu can be attached to more than one route. To define a controller for several routes, use a list of Strings for the route-attribute.

@Controller(route = { "/shell/route01/route02/:id",
                      "/shell/route01/route02/route03/:id" },
            selector = "content",
            componentInterface = MultiRouteComponent.class,
            component = MultiRouteComponentImpl.class)
public class MultiRouteController
  extends AbstractComponentController<MultiRouteContext, MultiRouteComponent, HTMLElement>
  implements MultiRouteComponent.Controller {

  private String id;

  public MultiRouteController() {
  public void setId(String s) { = (s != null) ? s : "";

Nalu will validate, that

  • all routes have the same number of parameters
  • all parameters have the same name
  • there is no duplicate route


Nalu provides a caching mechanism. This allows to store a controller/component for a route. Next the route will be used, Nalu restores the cached controller/component instead of creating a new controller and component.

To tell Nalu to cache a controller/component, use the router.storeInCache(this)-command inside the controller. Now, caching for this route is active. To stop caching, call router.removeFromCache(this).

You can also cache composites.

Since 1.3.2 there is also a possibility to cache a composite as a singleton, so different sites can share a composite with the same state. You can configure this with the attribute scope in the annotation @Composites of the controllers which contain the composites:

  @Composites({ @Composite(name = "myComposite",
                           compositeController = MyComposite.class,
                           selector = "my-composite",
                           scope = Scope.GLOBAL) })
  public class MyCompositeContainerController {

There are two kind of scopes:

  • Scope.GLOBAL to cache the composite as a singleton (share between components / sites)
  • Scope.LOCAL to cache the composite only for this component / site (default)

Reusing Controllers & Components

In case you have a controller/component pair (using a route f.e. like this: /application/person/detail/:id) and you want to page through the person data, which means, the only thing that changes is the id, you can do this by using the same route and only changing the id. Nalu will always create a new controller/component pair in case of routing.

Starting with version 2.1.0, Nalu will offer a new way to deal with this use case. Instead of always creating new components, you can tell Nalu to reuse them. To do so, just use super.setMode(Mode.REUSE);. this is the example code of a controller:

@Controller(route = "/application/person/detail/:id",
            selector = "content",
            componentInterface = IDetailComponent.class,
            component = DetailComponent.class)
public class DetailController
    extends AbstractComponentController<Context, IDetailComponent, HTMLElement>
    implements IDetailComponent.Controller,
               IsComponentCreator<IDetailComponent> {
  private long id;
  public DetailController() {
  public void start() {
  public void activate() {
    // ToDo: load data, set up component, etc.
  public void setId(String id)
      throws RoutingInterceptionException {
    try { = Long.parseLong(id);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      // ToDo: error handling 

To create a controller, that can be reused:

  • add super.setMode(Mode.REUSE); to the start-method of the controller

  • use the activate-method to load data, set up the component, etc.

With Mode set to REUSE, Nalu will compare the last executed hash with the new one. In case both hashes are not equal, Nalu will work as always, creating everything, etc.

In case the last used hash is equal to the current hash, Nalu will execute the following steps:

  • call the mayStop-method (so, the routing can be interrupted)

  • call deactivate-method to deactivate the controller/composites

  • inject the new parameter values into the controller

  • call the activate-method

Component Creation

Nalu will automatically create a component using the Java 'new'-command and inject the component into the controller. Therefore, the component needs to have a zero argument constructor.

In some cases this might be a problem.

You can tell Nalu to use a method inside the controller and create the component by your own. To do so, you have to annotate the controller with IsPopUpComponentCreator<V> and implement a createPopUpComponent-method.

public class MyController
  extends AbstractPopUpComponentController<MyContext, IMyComponent>
  implements IMyComponent.Controller,
             IsPopUpComponentCreator<IMyComponent> {


  public IMyComponent createPopUpComponent() {
    return new MyComponent();

Note: At the time Nalu calls the createPopUpComponent-method, the context is already injected.

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