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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

- DeepStreamSDK 7.1
- Python 3.10
- Gst-python

#Deepstream msgbroker supports sending messages to Azure(mqtt) IOThub, kafka, AMQP broker(rabbitmq), hiredis, and Eclipse mosquitto (mqtt)

 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0 libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev

 Azure Iot:
    $ sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev uuid-dev

    $ sudo apt-get install libjansson4  libjansson-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install librdkafka1

 AMQP (rabbitmq):
    Install rabbitmq-c library
    $ sudo apt-get install librabbitmq-dev
  Build dependencies with installation instructions:
    Note that for using TLS/SSL security, make sure to build libhiredis with
    SSL suport enabled by using the USE_SSL option as specified in the
    README here:

    $ git clone
    $ cd hiredis
    $ git checkout tags/v1.2.0
    $ make USE_SSL=1
    $ sudo cp libhiredis* /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/
    $ sudo ln -sf /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/ /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/
    $ sudo ldconfig

 $ sudo apt-get install libcjson-dev

 $ wget
 $ tar -xvf mosquitto-2.0.15.tar.gz
 $ cd mosquitto-2.0.15
 $ make
 $ make install

  1.Use --proto-lib or -p command line option to set the path of adaptor library.
    Adaptor library can be found at /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-<version>/lib

    kafka lib           -
    azure device client -
    AMQP lib            -
    redis lib           -
    mosquitto lib       -

  2.Use --conn-str command line option as required to set connection to backend server.
    For Azure           - Full Azure connection string
    For Kafka           - Connection string of format:  host;port;topic
    For Amqp            - Connection string of format:  host;port;username. Password to be provided in cfg_amqp.txt
    For Redis           - Connection string of format:  host;port
    For MQTT            - Connection string of format:  host;port

    Provide connection string under quotes. e.g. --conn-str="host;port;topic"

  3.Use --topic or -t command line option to provide message topic (optional).
    Kafka message adaptor also has the topic param embedded within the connection string format
    In that case, "topic" from command line should match the topic within connection string

  4.Use --schema or -s command line option to select the message schema (optional).
    Json payload to send to cloud can be generated using different message schemas.
    schema = 0; Full message schema with separate payload per object (Default)
    schema = 1; Minimal message with multiple objects in single payload.
    Refer user guide to get more details about message schema.

  5.Use --no-display to disable display.

  6.Use --cfg-file or -c command line option to set adaptor configuration file.
    This is optional if connection string has all relevent information.

    Please see the README for each adapter inside DS_PACKAGE_DIR/sources/libs/*_protocol_adaptor for details on configuration options.

    For kafka: use cfg_kafka.txt as a reference.
    This file is used to define the parition key field to be used while sending messages to the
    kafka broker. Refer Kafka Protocol Adaptor section in the DeepStream 4.0 Plugin Manual for
    more details about using this config option. The partition-key setting within the cfg_kafka.txt
    should be set based on the schema type selected using the --schema option. Set this to
    "" in case of Full message schema, and to "sensorId" in case of Minimal message schema

    For Azure , use the cfg_azure.txt as a reference. It has the following section:
        #connection_str = HostName=<my-hub>;DeviceId=<device_id>;SharedAccessKey=<my-policy-key>
        #shared_access_key = <my-policy-key>

        Azure device connection string:
        You can provide the connection_str within cfg_azure.txt of format:
        connection_str = HostName=<my-hub>;DeviceId=<device_id>;SharedAccessKey=<my-policy-key>


        optionally, you can pass in part of the required connection string with --conn-str option in format: "url;port;device-id"
        AND provide the shared_access_key within cfg_azure.txt
        shared_access_key = <my-policy-key>

    For AMQP, use cfg_amqp.txt as reference. It has the following section:
        password = guest
        hostname = localhost
        username = guest
        port = 5672
        exchange = amq.topic
        topic = topicname

        AMQP connection string:
        Provide hostname, username, password details in the cfg_amqp.txt


        optionally, you can pass in part of the required connection string with --conn-str option in format: "hostname;port;username"
        AND provide  password within cfg_amqp.txt
        password = <your_amqp_broker_password>

    For redis, use cfg_redis.txt as a reference. See the README at DS_PACKAGE_DIR/sources/libs/redis_protocol_adaptor for details on each config option.

    For MQTT, use cfg_mqtt.txt as a reference. See the README at DS_PACKAGE_DIR/sources/libs/mqtt_protocol_adaptor for details on config options
    for the protocol adaptor as well as how to configure the mosquitto broker itself accordingly. For example, how to enable authentication and TLS. 

    - DO NOT delete the line [message-broker] in cfg file. Its the section identifier used for parsing
    - For Azure & AMQP:
        If you use --conn-str commandline option as in step 2), make sure to provide password details in cfg file
        You can ignore --conn-str commandline option and provide full connection details within cfg file

  1. Enable logging:
       Go through the README to setup & enable logs for the messaging libraries(kafka, azure, amqp)
         $ cat ../../../tools/nvds_logger/README

To run:
  $ python3 -i <H264 filename> -p <Proto adaptor library> --conn-str=<Connection string> -s <0/1>

NOTE: More details about the message adapters and setup for each can be found at README inside DS_PACKAGE_DIR/sources/libs/*_protocol_adaptor

This document shall describe about the sample deepstream-test4 application.

This sample builds on top of the deepstream-test1 sample to demonstrate how to:

* Use "nvmsgconv" and "nvmsgbroker" plugins in the pipeline.
* Create NVDS_META_EVENT_MSG type of meta and attach to buffer.
* Use NVDS_META_EVENT_MSG for different types of objects e.g. vehicle, person etc.
* copy / free functions if meta data is extended through "extMsg" field have been moved out of the deepstream_test4 python app.
These copy and free functions are available for using/extending inside bindschema.cpp as event_msg_meta_copy_func() and
event_msg_meta_release_func() respectively.

"nvmsgconv" plugin uses NVDS_META_EVENT_MSG type of metadata from the buffer
and generates the "DeepStream Schema" payload in Json format. Static properties
of schema are read from configuration file in the form of key-value pair.
Check dstest4_msgconv_config.txt for reference. Generated payload is attached
as NVDS_META_PAYLOAD type metadata to the buffer.

"nvmsgbroker" plugin extracts NVDS_META_PAYLOAD type of metadata from the buffer
and sends that payload to the server using protocol adaptor APIs.

Generating custom metadata for different type of objects:
In addition to common fields provided in NvDsEventMsgMeta structure, user can
also create custom objects and attach to buffer as NVDS_META_EVENT_MSG metadata.
To do that NvDsEventMsgMeta provides "extMsg" and "extMsgSize" fields. User can
create custom structure, fill that structure and assign the pointer of that
structure as "extMsg" and set the "extMsgSize" accordingly.
If custom object contains fields that can't be simply mem copied then user should
also provide/extend the functions to copy - event_msg_meta_copy_func() and free - event_msg_meta_release_func() those objects.

Refer generate_event_msg_meta() to know how to use "extMsg" and "extMsgSize"
fields for custom objects and refer to bindschema.cpp to know how to provide copy/free functions. The deepstream_test4 app shows
how to attach that object to buffer as metadata.

NOTE: This app by default sends message for first object of every 30th frame. To
change the frequency of messages, modify the following line in source code accordingly.
if(is_first_object and not (frame_number%30)) should be changed to:
if (not (frame_number % 30))  #To get all objects of a single frame