To run the Service Insights application on your local machine you will need to set up a local 'ServiceInsightsDB' database.
Podman is a free and open source tool for developing, managing, and running containers. This guide uses Podman to run a containerised instance of Microsoft Azure SQL Edge.
- Install Podman Desktop or Podman CLI
- Install Azure Data Studio
- Set up local settings
Ensure Podman is installed
podman -v
Ensure that the Podman virtual machine is running
podman machine start
Run the container
podman run --name azuresqledge -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=1' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=YOUR_PASSWORD' -p 1433:1433 -d
Replace YOUR_PASSWORD with a password of your choice. It must comply with the SQL Server password complexity policy.
Verify that the container is running
podman container list -a
Connect to the database server in Azure Data Studio
- Server: localhost
- User name: SA
Create the database by running the query found in
in Azure Data Studio -
Create the database tables by running the query found in
in Azure Data Studio -
Update the ServiceInsightsDbConnectionString environment variables found in the
files, replacing YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING withServer=localhost,1433;Database=ServiceInsightsDB;User Id=SA;Password=YOUR_PASSWORD;TrustServerCertificate=True
Remember to also replace YOUR_PASSWORD in the connection string with the password you set in step 3.
Going forward, to start up your Podman container you will just need to start the Podman virtual machine and start your container.
podman machine start
podman container start azuresqledge
If the Podman container stops shortly after starting then try:
Checking that your MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD complies with the password complexity policy
Restarting the Podman virtual machine
podman machine stop podman machine start
Recreating the Podman container
Allocating extra resources to the Podman virtual machine
Completely uninstalling Docker if it is installed
Reinstalling Podman
If you cannot connect to the ‘localhost’ server, either update your hosts file to map the ‘localhost’ hostname to the IP address ‘’, or use ‘’ as the server name instead of ‘localhost’.