url_handler - opens your urls with whatever program you have configured for it
url_handler [OPTIONS] URIs...
command | url_handler [OPTIONS] (read URIs from stdin)
url_handler [OPTION] (will read from the clipboard)
url_handler is a utility that takes one or more URI and open the coresponding resource with the program you have configured it to use, in the ways I would have wanted xdg-open to work. Taking some inspiration from plan 9's plumber, the data given to the url_handler does not strictly have to a URI, with the right regex it should be possible to use strings like page(X) to open the man page of page in section X or more or less whatever you can imagine.
-loglevel {none|warning|error|debug} Log verbosity. Default to none
-help Print the usage and exit.
-version Print the version and exit.
url_handler follows the XDG_BASE_DIRECTORY specification so configuration files should be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, see url_handler(5) for more on that.
Maintained and developped by Nicolai Dagestad [email protected]. The upstream sources are at https://sr.ht/~nicolai_dagestad/url_handler. Bug reports and patches are welcome and should be sent to the mailing list at ~nicolai_dagestad/[email protected]