Example 4. Extract various levels from various fields from ERA monthly mean data
#! /usr/bin/env convsh
# Convsh script getuvw.tcl
# Extract various levels from various fields in ERA monthly mean,
# pressure level GRIB files, where the ERA data is contained in directory
# /work/n02/n02/jwc/data on Archer, and write out as a netCDF file.
# Write out netCDF file
set outformat netcdf
# Automatically work out input file type
set filetype 0
# Convert omega, u and v to netCDF
# (use Xconv on one file to get field numbers)
set fieldlist "2 5 6"
# Extract omega (2) on pressure levels 300 mb 500 mb and 700 mb.
# (use Xconv on one file to get level numbers)
set levellist1 "8 10 12"
# Extract u and v (5 and 6) on pressure levels 200 mb 925 mb and 1000 mb.
set levellist2 "6 15 16"
# Era data is contained in /work/n02/n02/jwc/data directory
set dir /work/n02/n02/jwc/data
# Read in each of the ERA monthly mean, pressure level files and
# write omega, u and v fields to the output file, on specified levels
foreach infile [glob $dir/era-20c_plev_1.125x1.125_*.grib] {
# Replace input file extension with .nc and append uvw_ to input
# file name to get output filename
set outfile "uvw_[file tail [file rootname $infile].nc]"
# Read input file
readfile $filetype $infile
# Set the output level dimensions for the output fields
setdim 3 "2" $levellist1
setdim 3 "5 6" $levellist2
# Write out omega, u and v fields to a netCDF file
writefile $outformat $outfile $fieldlist
# Remove input file information from Convsh's memory