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Convsh commands

Below is a list of convsh extensions to the tcl scripting language. Some commands have the argument fieldlist, this is a list of numbers which represents a subset of the fields which convsh has stored in memory. These fields will be stored in the same order as they are in xconv, therefore the easiest way to work out the field numbers is to run xconv on one file, before applying a convsh script to a large number of files. Remember field numbering starts at 0. A field number of -1 is shorthand for specifying all field numbers convsh currently has stored in memory.

Clears away all internal information about previous input files. This command must be used if a separate output file is needed for every input file.
copyfields fieldlist
Make a copy of all the fields in fieldlist. These additional fields will be appended to the list of fields convsh has stored in memory. The command will return the field numbers of the newly created fields. For example if the original fields are (a,b,c,d,e) mapped on to field numbers (0,1,2,3,4), after the command copyfields "1 3", the new fields will be (a,b,c,d,e,b,d) mapped on to field numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6). The command will return "5 6".
delfields fieldlist
Delete all the fields in fieldlist. Note the field numbers will be changed by this command. For example if the original fields are (a,b,c,d,e) mapped on to field numbers (0,1,2,3,4), after the command delfields "1 3", the new fields will be (a,c,e) mapped on to field numbers (0,1,2).
delm2 fieldlist
Compute the inverse Laplacian of the spectral harmonic coefficients in fieldlist
edit_grid fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist change the values of the x and y dimensions but not the number of rows or columns. The new x,y dimensions values are set by running either the setgrid or settrunc command.
extendglobatt attribute value
Extend global attribute attribute with value.
extrap fieldlist minnbr
For each of the fields in fieldlist extrapolate over missing data using nearest neighbour filling. The value of minnbr selects the minimum number of nearest neighbours used and should be a value between 1 and 4.
get_cal fieldlist

For each of the fields in fieldlist get the calendar type. The command return a list of integers where the integer value represents a calendar type

1 : Gregorian calendar
2 : 360 day calendar
14 : Julian calendar
15 : No leap year calendar
get_description fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the description string. For netCDF files the description string will be taken from the source attribute, if that doesn't exist then it will be taken from the comments attribute.
get_gridtype fieldlist

For each of the fields in fieldlist get the grid type. The command return a list of integers where the integer value represents a grid type

0 : Gaussian latitude/longitude grid
1 : Regular latitude/longitude grid
2 : Reduced Gaussian latitude/longitude grid
3 : Spectral harmonic coefficients
4 : Polar stereographic grid
5 : Space view perspective or orthographic grid
6 : Mercator projection grid
7 : Gnomonic projection grid
8 : Plane polar grid
9 : Plane Cartesian grid
10 : Staggered latitude/longitude grid
11 : Reduced regular latitude/longitude grid
get_longname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the long name string. For netCDF files the long name string will be taken from the long_name attribute, if that doesn't exist then it will be taken from the title attribute, if that doesn't exist then it will be taken from the standard_name attribute.
get_mdi fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the missing data indicator value.
get_shortname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the short name string. For netCDF files the short name string will be taken from the variable name.
get_standardname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the standard name string. For netCDF files the standard name string will be taken from the standard_name attribute.
get_tlongname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the time dimension long name string.
get_tname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the time dimension name string.
get_tstandardname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the time dimension standard name string.
get_tunit fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the time dimension unit string.
get_unit fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the unit string. For netCDF files the unit string will be taken from the units attribute.
get_xlongname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the x dimension long name string.
get_xname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the x dimension name string.
get_xstandardname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the x dimension standard name string.
get_xunit fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the x dimension unit string.
get_ylongname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the y dimension long name string.
get_yname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the y dimension name string.
get_ystandardname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the y dimension standard name string.
get_yunit fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the y dimension unit string.
get_zlongname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the z dimension long name string.
get_zname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the z dimension name string.
get_zstandardname fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the z dimension standard name string.
get_zunit fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist get the z dimension unit string.
getdimatt attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 ...

The command returns a list where each element is the dimension attribute state for the corresponding attribute argument. The dimension attribute state can have one of the following values

att_use : This attribute will be used for all relevant dimensions
att_nouse : This attribute will not be used for any dimensions
att_cond : This attribute will be used only when there is data available or when the attribute value is different from the assumed default value.
getglobatt attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 ...

The command returns a list where each element is the global attribute state for the corresponding attribute argument. The global attribute state can have one of the following values

att_use : This global attribute will be used
att_nouse : This global attribute will not be used
getvaratt attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 ...

The command returns a list where each element is the variable attribute state for the corresponding attribute argument. The variable attribute state can have one of the following values

att_use : This attribute will be used for all variables
att_nouse : This attribute will not be used for any variables
att_cond : This attribute will be used only when there is data available or when the attribute value is different from the assumed default value.
interp_grid fieldlist
Interpolate data, for fields in fieldlist, from one grid to another. The initial grid will either be the grid the data was read in on, or the grid from a previous interp_grid or spec_trans command. If a new grid is not defined using setgrid or settrunc, the new grid will be the same as the initial grid.
list_fields [fieldtitle]
List all of the fields currently active in convsh. The output format is the same as in the main xconv window. The fieldtitle argument is optional, it can have three values short, long and both. short uses the short form of the field title, long uses the long form and both uses both. If fieldtitle is not given the long form of the field title is used.
meridonal_mean fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist calculate the meridonal mean.
readfile filetype filename

Read into convsh the file given by filename, the file type is given by the filetype argument. If filetype has the value 0 convsh will try to automatically determine the file type, this will usually work but if it fails the actual file type can be given. The various values of filetype for different input file types are given below:

0 : Automatic
1 : UM format (32 bit IEEE)
2 : PP format (32 bit IEEE)
3 : GRIB format (Unblocked)
4 : GRIB format (Cray blocked)
7 : NetCDF format
8 : Grads format
34 : PP format (64 bit Real 32 bit Integer IEEE)
65 : UM format (64 bit IEEE)
66 : PP format (64 bit IEEE)
165 : UM format (64 bit Cray)
166 : PP format (Cray blocked 64 bit Cray)
167 : PP format (Cray blocked 64 bit IEEE)
201 : UM format (32 bit IEEE byte swapped)
202 : PP format (32 bit IEEE byte swapped)
265 : UM format (64 bit IEEE byte swapped)
266 : PP format (64 bit IEEE byte swapped)
Reset transformation/interpolation variables to their default values. See the individual commands for the default values.
set_cal fieldlist calendar

For each of the fields in fieldlist set the calendar type. The value of calendar can be one of these strings "GREGORIAN", "gregorian", "360", "JULIAN", "julian", "NOLEAP" or "noleap" or it can be an integer value which represents a calendar type

1 : Gregorian calendar
2 : 360 day calendar
14 : Julian calendar
15 : No leap year calendar
set_description fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the description string. For netCDF files the description string will be written out as the source attribute, if selected.
set_longname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the long name string. For netCDF files the long name string will be twritten out as the long_name or the title attribute, if selected.
set_mdi fieldlist newmdi
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the missing data indicator value. This command can be used to correct the missing data indicator if it does not match the actual missing data values.
set_shortname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the short name string. For netCDF files the short name string will be written out as the short_name attribute or the name attribute, if selected. It will also be used for the variable name.
set_standardname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the standard name string. For netCDF files the standard name string will be written out as the standard_name attribute, if selected.
set_tlongname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the time dimension long name string.
set_tname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the time dimension name string.
set_tstandardname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the time dimension standard name string.
set_tunit fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the time dimension unit string.
set_unit fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the unit string. For netCDF files the unit string will be written out as the units attribute, if selected.
set_xlongname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the x dimension long name string.
set_xname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the x dimension name string.
set_xstandardname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the x dimension standard name string.
set_xunit fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the x dimension unit string.
set_ylongname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the y dimension long name string.
set_yname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the y dimension name string.
set_ystandardname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the y dimension standard name string.
set_yunit fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the y dimension unit string.
set_zlongname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the z dimension long name string.
set_zname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the z dimension name string.
set_zstandardname fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the z dimension standard name string.
set_zunit fieldlist name
For each of the fields in fieldlist set the z dimension unit string.
setdim dim fieldlist dimlist
Choose the values given by dimlist for the dimension given by dim, for the fields in fieldlist. The value of dim should be one of 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to the x, y, z and time dimensions. Currently convsh only allows dimension sub-sampling for the z and time dimensions, therefore dim should be either 3 or 4. As an example suppose field number 2 has the following levels (1000,900,800,500,200,100) defined and only levels (1000,500,100) were needed, then the following should be used: setdim 3 2 "0 3 5".
setdimatt attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 ... state

Set the state of netCDF dimension attributes. There is a special attribute all which will set all attributes to a particular state. This can be useful to set a default attribute state, not used for example, then just select the particular attributes you wish to include. Some attributes apply to all dimensions others only to a particular dimension. The values available for state are

att_use : This attribute will be used for all relevant dimensions
att_nouse : This attribute will not be used for any dimensions
att_cond : This attribute will be used only when there is data available or when the attribute value is different from the assumed default value.
setglobatt attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 ... state

Set the state of netCDF global attributes. There is a special attribute all which will set all attributes to a particular state. This can be useful to set a default attribute state, not used for example, then just select the particular attributes you wish to include. The history attribute is set internally by convsh and therefore can't be turned off. The values available for state are

att_use : This global attribute will be used
att_nouse : This global attribute will not be used
setgrid dim n v0 dv
Defines the new grid for the interp_grid, spec_trans or edit_grid commands. The argument dim should have the value 1 if a new x grid is being defined and the value 2 if a new y grid is being defined. The argument n gives the number of points on the new grid. The argument v0 gives the first value of the new grid. The argument dv gives the grid length of the new grid, dv should be negative if the grid values are decreasing.
setgridtype gridtype
Sets the new grid type for the interp_grid or spec_trans commands, gridtype has the value regular for a regular grid and the value gaussian for a Gaussian grid. If setgridtype is not used interp_grid will interpolate to a regular grid and spec_trans will transform to a Gaussian grid.
setinterp interp
Defines the interpolation method for interp_grid, interp is either bilinear for bilinear interpolation or area_weighted for area weighted interpolation. The default type of interpolation is bilinear.
setlsm lsm
Defines whether the input data to interp_grid is a land/sea mask, lsm is true if the data is a land/sea mask, false otherwise. The default value of lsm is false.
setmiss miss
Defines whether the input data to interp_grid contains missing data values, miss is true if the data contains missing data values, false otherwise. The default value of miss is false.
setpole pole
Defines whether interp_grid will average polar data values, if pole is true then polar data will be averaged, otherwise it will not. The default value of pole is false.
setprecip precip1 precip2
Defines whether interp_grid will use a precipitation cutoff, if precip1 is true then a precipitation cutoff value of precip2 will be used, otherwise no precipitation cutoff is used. The precipitation cutoff is implemented in two steps, firstly any output field value less than precip2 will be set to zero. Secondly, for each output grid point, the nearest input field grid point is determined, if the value of precipitation at this latter point in the input data field is less than precip2, then the precipitation at the output grid point is set to zero. The default value of precip1 is false.
setrotpole xpole ypole
If interp_grid is interpolating to a grid with a rotated pole, setrotpole should be used to set the new north pole longitude to xpole and the new north pole latitude to ypole. By default xpole has the value 0.0 and ypole has the value 90.0 i.e. an unrotated grid.
settrunc nspec
Defines the output truncation for spec_trunc. The command will also set up the equivalent Gaussian grid for T nspec truncation, which can be used by the interp_grid, spec_trans and edit_grid commands.
setvaratt attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 ... state

Set the state of netCDF variable attributes. There is a special attribute all which will set all attributes to a particular state. This can be useful to set a default attribute state, not used for example, then just select the particular attributes you wish to include. The values available for state are

att_use : This attribute will be used for all variables
att_nouse : This attribute will not be used for any variables
att_cond : This attribute will be used only when there is data available or when the attribute value is different from the assumed default value.
spec_trans fieldlist
Transform spectral data onto a grid, for fields in fieldlist. The initial spectral coefficients will either come from the input data or from a previous spec_trunc command. If a grid is not defined using setgrid or settrunc, then the equivalent Gaussian grid for the input spectral truncation will be used.
spec_trunc fieldlist
Truncate spectral data, for fields in fieldlist, by chopping off the small wavelength coefficients. The initial spectral coefficients will either come from the input data or from a previous spec_trunc command. The output truncation is defined using settrunc.
writefile filetype filename fieldlist
Write out the fields in fieldlist to file filename of type filetype. The argument filetype can be one of netcdf or grads.
writeglobatt attribute value
write value into the global attribute attribute
zonal_mean fieldlist
For each of the fields in fieldlist calculate the zonal mean.