Found a bug? Want a new feature? Don't like the docs? Please send a pull request or raise an issue.
When raising an issue, please add as much details as possible. Screenshots, video recordings, or anything else that can make it easier to reproduce the bug you are reporting.
- A new option is to create a code pen with the code that causes the bug. Fork this example and add your code there, then fork and add the new link to the issue.
Pull requests are always welcome. To speed up the review process, please ensure that your pull request have:
- A good title and description message;
- Recommended that each commit follows the commit message format #{issueId}: {commitDescriptionj}
- Tests covering the changes;
- Story (storybook) if it's a new feature;
- Green builds;
In order to send a Pull Request, you will need to setup your environment - check instructions below;
Fork and clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:leandrowd/react-responsive-carousel.git
Ensure you have the right node version:
nvm use
# ornvm install
in case the right version is not installed. Find the right version looking at the.nvmrc
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Start the dev server:
yarn start
and open the browser onhttp://localhost:1234/index.html
Run the tests:
yarn test
Format the files:
yarn format:write
# this will also run as part of the pre-commit hook. CI will fail the build if unformatted files are pushed.
Develop on storybooks (optional):
yarn storybook