Releases: Mu2e/Offline
For TutorialBacking v03_00_00
This Musing will be used for testing for the Tutorial to be held at the March 2024 collaboration meeting.
What's Changed
- added Wideband MC and calib/reco of Wideband data by @ehrlich-uva in #1163
- Trival update to force CI to rebuild. by @kutschke in #1186
- Quick fix for the crashes in g4test_03MT.fcl and transportOnly.fcl by @kutschke in #1185
- Follow TrkAna change by @brownd1978 in #1189
- Have TrackQuality follow MU2E_SEARCH_PATH for dat files by @AndrewEdmonds11 in #1188
- Change default by @brownd1978 in #1183
- chi2 clusterer and associated changes by @myucel-fnal in #1173
- also make extracted gdml by @rlcee in #1190
- follow change in g4 OpenGL libraries by @rlcee in #1192
- DIOtail by @sophiemiddleton in #1182
- More of the "shift includes" by @gaponenko in #1193
- Remove unneeded lib by @rlcee in #1194
- removal of the prolog_trigger files and clean up of the Trigger package by @gianipez in #1178
- also add current geometry by @rlcee in #1196
- Gamma conversion generator by @sdifalco in #1195
- Add cut on NDOF for stereoline fit by @brownd1978 in #1197
- Fix a typo in PTM geometry by @gaponenko in #1198
- Remove muonID for the shielding assessment by @gaponenko in #1199
- Move TrackerStatus check to digitization by @brownd1978 in #1205
- Fix KinKal test scripts by @brownd1978 in #1200
- changed CRV digi period and oincidence criteria by @ehrlich-uva in #1207
- updates in the trigger code by @gianipez in #1203
- Add ability to simulate offset wires by @bonventre in #1206
- Revert LorentzAngle redefinition for now by @bonventre in #1212
- updated photon yields of CRV sectors by @ehrlich-uva in #1209
- g4 vis macro path fixes and new processes used in Geant4 11.2 by @resnegfk in #1211
- Make straw status testing in digi making optional, default off by @brownd1978 in #1213
- dev moved by @rlcee in #1214
- Throw an exception rather than do nothing on a configuration mistake. by @gaponenko in #1217
- Bug fixes for wireoffsets by @bonventre in #1215
- New deltaFunctionGenerator module. by @gaponenko in #1219
- Update CMakeLists.txt as needed. by @eflumerf in #1221
- Add an "empty" geometry for g4study by @gaponenko in #1220
- implement TFileService access by @rlcee in #1222
- Minor tweaks to updaters by @brownd1978 in #1216
Full Changelog: v10_27_00...v10_28_00
For ExtMon studies by Andrei
Capture the current head for Andrei's studies.
What's Changed
- Initialize new class member by @rlcee in #1160
- expand clang-tidy by @rlcee in #1161
- Production target geometry fixes by @mhedges in #1164
- enabling newer versions of geant4 (v11.1.p03 and v11.2) by @resnegfk in #1166
- art v3_14_03 s128 by @rlcee in #1165
- Cleaned up prototype of a re-seeder helper class. by @kutschke in #1169
- Fix configuration for testing trigger by @brownd1978 in #1170
- Update TrkQual for python-based trainings by @AndrewEdmonds11 in #1171
- Add CMake Build System by @eflumerf in #1172
- Fix whitespace errors (removing as it is no longer useful) by @eflumerf in #1175
- fixed CMake build by @gianipez in #1176
- Add ignore rule for Spack build artifacts by @eflumerf in #1177
- create sim version of tracker alignment prodition and db tables by @rlcee in #1181
- Use "trig" qualifier to disable Geant4-related build items. by @eflumerf in #1179
Full Changelog: v10_26_00...v10_27_00
For new TrkAna
This release was made to support a new TrkAna which needs changes since the last tag.
What's Changed
- clean up rule of 3 warnings by @rlcee in #1127
- remove ConditionsService AcceleratorParams by @rlcee in #1140
- Calo TDAQ changes by @sophiemiddleton in #1122
- First version of RobustHelixMultiFinder by @bechenard in #1098
- Fix residual whitespace issues from PR 1122. by @kutschke in #1142
- Remove extra assert the refers to Mu2e driver internals by @eflumerf in #1143
- add wider p plot by @rlcee in #1145
- move constant values to GlobalConstants by @rlcee in #1146
- Adding holes and notches to remote handling room of the mu2e building by @sridhar130 in #1144
- move to p054, art v3_14_01 by @rlcee in #1148
- do not use gslcblas by @rlcee in #1147
- move OnSpillBins to GlobalConstants by @rlcee in #1149
- revert to p051 while new art memory problems are investigated by @rlcee in #1152
- remove ExtMonFNALConditions by @rlcee in #1151
- Fix memory leaks by @knoepfel in #1153
- Stereo hit linear regression fit by @brownd1978 in #1150
- Implement missing IO rule for mu2e::ComboHitCollection by @knoepfel in #1156
- revert to p051 by @rlcee in #1159
Full Changelog: v10_25_00...v10_26_00
Release for OffSpill cosmic reco reprocessing
updates needed for OffSpill cosmic track reconstruction. Also KinKal update and other changes.
Tag for cosmic production
Tag for cosmic event production
Release for tutorials
This tag moves CRVAnalysis and its associated schema to TrkAna
Update for MDC2020 reco reprocessing
Last fixes before reprocessing
MDC2020 reco reprocessing
This tag is intended for remaking the MDC2020 OnSpill, Mix, and Extracted reco samples, starting from the existing digis
TDAQ tag for testing with artdaq v3_12_05 and otsdaq v2_06_11
Requested by Eric F.
Trigger build needed for STM work
Updates to p043 to get artdaq_core_mu2e v1_09_01, which includes a new Fragment overlay class for the STM data.