- This is the reposatory for the data, code and results of the massive online survey of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Arabs.
- To regenerate the statstics and figures of Qunaibi et al (submitted), download the data and code files.
- Install R Markdown pakage and the list of packages on the top of the R markdown file.
- Knit the .rmk file.
- We conducted an online open survey (36,220 eligible participants, 61% males and 39% females) to evaluate vaccine hesitancy among Arabs within and out of the Arab region. Participants covered all 23 countries and territories (n=30,200 participants) and Arabs who live in 122 other countries (n=6,020 participants). Participants from outside Arab countries were clustered based on their country of residence into four clusters (North America, Europe, Turkey and other countries).
- Link to the online survey (Arabic only)
- An English translation of the survey questions can be found here
- A) Vaccine acceptance per country in the Arab region
- B) Vaccination attitudes reported by participants from the Arab countries and territories
- C) Vaccination attitudes reported by participants from countries other than Arab countries and territories
- D) Vaccination attitudes reported by participants per Arab country/territory
- E) Vaccination attitudes reported by participants from countries other than Arab countries and territories clustered by residency region.