5% is missing or incorrect in current GRCH38, which are hard to pinpoint because GRCH38 is made from a number of individuals
it was a back-based hierarchical project and there’s no real original sample material that we can go back to validate that initial reconstructure is correct
show here in this ideogram, look in the blue regions, which are large blocks of heterochromatin unknown
this isn’t long encough to span the super long repeats, but if you think about a human genome between the haplotypes, there’s a variant maybe every 10 kb or so that;s within the span of a HiFi read , you can link those variants together and phase haplotypes
we had one goal in mind to finish the human genome, we weren’t too focused on costs or how long it would take
💡 we just wanted to get the job donethe reason of chosing CHM13
they’re formed when a haploid sperm fertilizes an egg that has lost its genome
the sperm then spontaneously duplocates its genome resulting in essentially a fully homozygous diploid genome
so this removes the challenges of heterozygosity
we took what I affectionately call the kitchen sink approach where we just spent all the time and money that we could to collect as much data as possible
each of the horizontal black and gray bands represents a contig and I’m switching the color anytime there’s a gap
these white regions are regions are still missing from the current reference
this was obviously a three billon dollar multi-years effort
this is all of our ultra-long data run through Canu and the assembly as it is straight out of the assembler
so wonderful to see the technology advance over the last 20 years, the continued investment in the DNA sequencing technology, algorithm development and computational advances, results in this great improvement to now essentially a near complete genome
this was primarily a nanopore based assembly
this is what really gave us hope, there’s only 100 or so gaps here, what if we just put in a little extra effort and looked very closely at those gaps would be able to close them
the first one that we took a look at was the gap basically at the centromere on the chrX
one of the surprising findings from our recent ability to finish these centromeres is that there is variation within the centromeres, a little more than people expected
we’re now actually able to pinpoint the location of essentially the functional centromere
now we can assemble the whole satellite array, we can actually pinpoint the sequence that is the site of kinetochore assembly, by CENP-A ChIP-seq
which corresponds a dip in methylation, a region of hypomethylation
But both of those projects, took a year or more a very focused effort to build the nanopore assembly by kind of tiling across, validating it, annotating it
❓ Can we speed this upA graph-first approach
HiFi string graph
Homopolymer compression (CAAAAT → CAT)
back by HiFi, nanopore or 454 reads, tend to miscall homopolymer
so we simply ignore it by taking all of the homopolymers compressing down to a single base
come bach at the end of the process and expand them back out again
Read cleaning and correction
looking at pipeups of reads that are overlapping to identify single base errors
String graph from long perfect overlaps
the past string graph have been a little fuzzy or noisy that you allow some amount of error between the reads, because the sequencing reads themselves contail error
the HiFi reads are so good that after homopolymer compression
Hamiltonian walks for easy tangles
Nanopore walks for hard tangles
Use only HiFi for consensus (decompression)
about a year ago to this day, Sergey was showing me his first HiFi string graph for CHM13
there’s a few things of this graph that initially stuck out to us
most of the chromosomes are individual component
we know that some of the alpha satellite arrays are similar between different chromosomes, but we didn’t really know how similar
they are not similar encough to cause a problem when you’re doing these HiFi graph, they actually separate out into nice individual components
they have been separated on those chromosomes long encough in evolutionary time to build up encough mutations that you can distinguish them from one another
most of the structure of this graph is linear, there is not a lot of nasty tangles
color those by the chromosomes that they originate from, you get these nice kind of linear reconstructions
highlighted in gray, the location of the centromeric satellite arrays
the vast majority of the tangly parts of the genome localized to those satellite DNA arrays
these tiny arrows here marked breaks in the chromosome, where the string graph is not continuous
that is actually due to coverage dropouts in the HiFi data, which currently has a bit of a bias in GA rich sequences
if I zoom in a couple of those tangles, kind of fall out into two categories
The good
The bad
The worst of worst: acrocentric chromosomes
the centromere is positioned very close to the p arm of the chromosome
strategy to solve those tangles
one of the easiest way to show the quality of the assembly, is to map all of the reads backs to it, and show that they map uniformly across all regions of the genome
you will notice a couple of coverage anomalies, there is an increase in HiFi coverage, and a corresponding decrease in ONT
it turns out that these coverage anomalies are not assembly errors, they’re actually due to sequencing biases in both PacBio and ONT in human satellite repeats
PacBio in some cases finds it much easier to sequence human satellite 2 and 3 than nanopore, and in fact the coverage is elevated in those regions
the nanopore data has a counter effect in some case here, in human satellite 1 you can see a decrease in the nanopore coverage