Installer for patch bash 5.X (or older bash versions) with syslog module and be able to show the real username
Active syslog module in bash. Patch for show "logname" variable instead of UID in logs.
Ex: Login you on SSH with your user (mickael), You must switch to root for work (sudo -s).
With no patch you can see in log: (with sudo -s ==> root):
Sep 20 20:12:49 -bash: HISTORY: PID=1722 UID=0 cat /var/log/syslog
With these patches, you can see:(with sudo -s ==> root):
Sep 20 20:12:49 -bash: HISTORY: PID=1822 LOGIN=mickael COMMAND=cat /var/log/syslog
- Debian jessie 64bits
- Debian wheezy 32bits
- Debian wheezy 64bits
- FreeBSD 7
- FreeBSD 9
- CentOS EL6