MetaFactory repo for wearables smart contracts and claims. It leverages:
- Scaffold-eth
- The Sandbox Game's MultiGiveaway contract
- Manifold's base NFT structure, see
Local dev full-stack quickstart:
yarn chain
yarn start
yarn deploy
yarn remove-graph-node
yarn run-graph-node
yarn graph-codegen
yarn graph-build
yarn graph-create-local
yarn graph-deploy-local
yarn mint
Scaffold-eth provides an out-of-the-shelf stack for rapid prototyping on Ethereum, giving developers access to state-of-the-art tools to quickly learn and ship an Ethereum-based dApp. See
Scaffold-eth is not a product itself but more of a combination or stack of other great products. It allows you to quickly build and iterate over your smart contracts and frontends. It leverages:
- Hardhat for running local networks, deploying and testing smart contracts.
- React for building a frontend, using many useful pre-made components and hooks.
- Ant for your UI. But can be easily changed to Bootstrap or some other library you prefer.
- Surge for publishing your app.
- Tenderly / The Graph / Etherscan / Infura / Blocknative and more!
- Support for L2 / Sidechains like Optimism and Arbitrum.