Subleq+ is directly inspired by Lawrence Woodman's "Improving the Standard SUBLEQ OISC (One Instruction Set Computer) Architecture"
The parser and VM were taken from Chris Loyd and adapted for this project.
Note: There is a new, improved version available in the Subleq++ branch here:
Summary: Subleq, but with negative addresses used as indirect references.
Usage: python infile.sla [outfile.slc]
If an outfile is named, the parser will create a compiled code file that can be run by the virtual machine.
A B C ::= [B] -= [A]; if [B] <= 0, goto C (standard Subleq)
A B ::>> A B ? ::= [B] -= [A]; goto next
A ::>> A A ? ::= [A] = 0; goto next
A ! ::= print [A]; goto next
! B ::= input [B]; goto next
A A ! ::= halt
A *B *C ::>> [[B]] -= [A]; if [[B]] <= 0, goto [C]
? ::= next address
@ ::= this address
label: ::= address label, cannot be the only thing on a line
*label ::= pointer to address label, represented as a negative address
! ::= -1 used for input, output, and halting (use 0 for noecho input)
; ::= end of instruction
# ::= comment
. ::= data indicator
" or ' ::= string delimeters, must be data