- Download the lava sources:
git clone https://github.com/lavanet/lava.git
- Build the lava docker image locally
# to build from the current checked-out code:
LAVA_BINARY=all make docker-build
# to build a specific lava version
LAVA_BUILD_OPTIONS="release" LAVA_VERSION=0.4.3 make docker-build
The result would be a docker image names lava
tagged with the version.
For example the output of docker images
after the above:
lava 0.4.3 bc3a85c7623f 2 hours ago 256MB
lava latest bc3a85c7623f 2 hours ago 256MB
lava 0.4.3-a5e1202-dirty 5ff644084c3d 2 hours ago 257MB
Run Lava Node
Review the settings in
(sections "common setup" and "common runtime"). The default settings are usually suitable for all deployments. -
Use the following the commands to create/start/stop/destroy the node:
# operate in docker/ directory:
cd docker/
# to start the node:
docker-compose --profile node --env-file env -f docker-compose.yml up
# to stop/restart the node:
docker-compose --profile node --env-file env -f docker-compose.yml stop
docker-compose --profile node --env-file env -f docker-compose.yml start
# to destroy the node:
docker-compose --profile node --env-file env -f docker-compose.yml down
From the root path run:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.state-sync.yml up -d
To test the setup run:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:26657 --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "status", "params": []}'
and expect to see the lastest block.
You can run change the version of lavad
LAVAD_VERSION=v2.0.1 docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.state-sync.yml up -d
For lavad
image with cosmovisor support run:
LAVAD_VERSION=v2.0.1 docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.state-sync.cosmovisor.yml up -d
Name | Description |
LAVAD_VERSION | The Lavad version to use |
CHAIN_ID | The chain id |
KEYRING_BACKEND | The keyring backend |
MONIKER | The moniker for the init command |
STATE_SYNC_RPC_1 | The RPC node to sync on |
GENESIS_ADDRESS | The genesis.json URL |
ADDRBOOK_ADDRESS | The addrbook.json URL |
NUM_BLOCKS | The number of blocks to sync on from behind the latest block |
To clean the lava node setup including volumes run:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.state-sync.yml down -v