This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within two funding sources. First, the work was supported through a project with the reference LARSyS - FCT Project 2022.04485.PTDC hosted by IST. Second, funding was also provided under the Research & Development Strategic Plan - 2013/2015 - with the reference number UID/EEA/50009/2013 and the grant number PD/BD/150629/2020 for a PhD funding program.
We would like to thank participants, as well as clinical institutions, for the generous time spent and clinical expertise. Specifically, we would like to thank Dr. Clara Aleluia and her radiology team of Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE (HFF) for valuable insights and collaboration within this work. From Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil E.P.E. (IPO-Lisboa), we would like to thank the medical imaging teams of Dr. José Carlos Marques and Dr. José Venâncio. From Instituto Português de Oncologia de Coimbra Francisco Gentil E.P.E. (IPO-Coimbra), we would like to thank the radiology department director and all team of Dr. Idílio Gomes. Moreover, we would like to provide our acknowledgements to Dr. Emília Vieira and Dr. Cátia Pedro from Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte E.P.E. (CHULN) and specifically Hospital de Santa Maria (HSM). We also want to thank all teams of the radiology department of Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo, EPE (HB) for participation. A great thank to Dr. Cristina Ribeiro da Fonseca who, among others, is giving us crucial directions. From Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental (CHLO), we would like to convey Dr. Zacharoula Sidiropoulou and Dr. Tiago Saldanha for their participation, as well as networking with their medical teams. Next, we would like to acknowledge the collaboration with Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, EPE (CHTMAD) thanks to Dr. João Maria Abrantes and his team. In addition, it is important to also acknowledge the efforts made by Dr. Duarte Freitas from Madeira Medical Center (MMC), as well as Dr. Mariana Correia from Champalimaud Foundation (CF) and Dr. Zita Seabra from Hospital Vila Franca de Xira (HVFX), who among others provided great feedback for our work. We would like to extend our gratitude to all clinicians and clinical institutions who generously contributed their time and expertise in the assessment of our research efforts.
We would like to thank Catarina Barata, Hugo Lencastre, Nádia Mourão, João Bernardo, Madalena Pedreira, Pedro Diogo, Mauro Machado, and Miguel Bastos for their development, support, feedback, and opinions. Additionally, we are grateful for the invaluable assistance provided by our colleagues from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University. Specifically, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. John Zimmerman from the HCII. The invaluable comments, feedback and discussions across this research have played a crucial role in its success. Similarly, we would like to thanks Prof. Adam Perer from the DIG Lab for the opportunity of being part of a great team. Thanks for the collaboration and the hard work of both. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Venkatesh Sivaraman, Katelyn Morrison, Angel (Alex) Cabrera from the HCII @ CMU, and Nari Johnson from the ML @ CMU, for their valuable insights and suggestions. We are indebted to those who gave their time and expertise to evaluate our work. Not forgetting the great support of Prof. Dominik Moritz during this path. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals for their contributions to this work, such as Frank Elavsky, Conrad Borchers, Franklin (Mingzhe) Li, Neeta Khanuja, William Epperson. We would also like to acknowledge the support of these PhD students, who gave us significant insights to this research work. Their dedication and comments have not gone unnoticed and are greatly appreciated. Thank you to the following faculty members, such as Jeffrey Bigham, Patrick Carrignton, Ken Holstein, Brad Mayers, Ken Koedinger, and Vicent Aleven for their opinions and appreciations of the work. Last but not least, thank you Qianou (Christina) Ma, Yunzhi Li, and Sanika Moharana for the companionship.
A special thanks to Chris Hafey, the propelling person of CornerstoneJS, who also developed the cornerstoneDemo. Not forgetting the three supporters of the CornerstoneJS library, Aloïs Dreyfus, Danny Brown and Erik Ziegler. We also would like to give a special thanks to Erik Ziegler who support several issues during this path.