functions ---> a block of reusable code place ( ) after the function name to invoke it
return ----> statement used to end a function and send results back to the caller
--------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------
def display_invoice(username, amount, due_date): <------ here we use positional arguments if we change position of arguments the value changes accordingly
print(f"Hello {username}")
print(f"Your bill of ${amount:.2f} is due: {due_date}")
display_invoice("BroCode", 42.50, "01/02")
display_invoice("JoeSchmo", 100.99, "02/03")
--------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------
def create_name(first, last):
first = first.capitalize()
last = last.capitalize()
return first + " " + last
full_name = create_name("spongebob", "squarepants")