There are several tools to help you assess the potential impacts of hazards. To quickly view these tools, click a Hazard Icon on the map.
Upon clicking any hazard icon, a hazard tooltip appears. The tooltip provides quick links to Products, Info, Layers, and Area Brief.
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Note: You may also access these features by clicking a hazard in the hazard list:
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The Products link provides access to a variety of reports, custom maps, analyses, and other information shared by multiple agencies about the hazard. Below is an example of product types:
Situational Awareness Products (for specialized maps, analyses, modeled impact assessments)
Situation Reports (for detailed agency updates of the situation on the ground)
Damage and Needs Assessments (for response and recovery planning)
Reference Maps (for response and recovery planning)
By default, products listed and grouped by category and organized into subfolders by the organization who authored the products.
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You can adjust the display of the products list by clicking on the Settings icon. You will find several options including the ability to sort products by time period and name.
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The Info link contains the latest advisory information issued by authoritative agencies along with potential impact information provided by PDC's All Hazards Impact Model.
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Click the More Information button to see Hazard Brief---a summary report detailing potential impacts.
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Hazard Brief summarizes potential impact estimates for vulnerable groups, buildings and infrastructure, and more.
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The Layers link allows you to view default hazard layers and explore other pertinent layers to help you assess the severity and potential impacts of a hazard.
For example, the Ash Cloud 6 Hours layer shown on the map below details the spread of volcanic ash in Reventador, Ecuador, after an eruption. This information quickly highlights where at risk populations and at risk infrastructure, such as airports, are located.
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The Information icon for the layer provides the authenticated source of the data.
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The Area Brief link provides access to a detailed situational awareness report which includes the overall exposure of populations to the hazard, critical infrastructure, meteorological observations, risk and vulnerability, and more.